

This was published 5 years ago

The 'compassionate conservatism' driving Scott Morrison's welfare agenda

By Rob Harris

Ben Morton, a Liberal MP known to have the ear of the prime minister, spelt out his case for "compassionate conservatism" in his first speech to federal Parliament.

In 2016, the former bus driver described how while he was at secondary school his parents had taken full-time care of his young nieces because of their mother's drug addiction.

Ben Morton spelt out his case for "compassionate conservatism" in his first speech to Federal Parliament.

Ben Morton spelt out his case for "compassionate conservatism" in his first speech to Federal Parliament.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

He outlined his view on why he believed governments could "make lives better".

"My nieces' mother and her friends would laugh at my parents as if they were mugs. Their attitude was: 'Why would you work for money when the government gives it out for free?'," he told the House.

He said he knew their views were not representative of the vast majority of people on welfare. And his parents were no mugs, he said.

"They were decent, hardworking Australians. They expected their taxes to be invested in making Australia even better, not simply redistributed to those who will not apply their own effort to improve their own lives."

Morton, the Prime Minister's assistant minister, enjoys a long personal friendship with his boss dating back to before either was in Parliament, and spent much of the election campaign by his side.

Understanding Morton's life experience goes some way to explaining why the Morrison government is determined to push ahead with a contentious trial to drug test new welfare recipients.


And despite twice being rejected by Parliament, failed trials abroad and a chorus of criticism from medical and welfare groups, Labor and the Greens, Prime Minister Scott Morrison believes in it too.

Labor's social services spokeswoman Linda Burney said the demonisation of welfare recipients was "a tried and true method" of the government.

"Drug testing of people on Newstart and drug testing of people on Youth Allowance is ineffective. It is expensive. And the money needs to be spent on frontline services, not demonising people on welfare," she said.

The Prime Minister told The Sun-Herald and Sunday Age this week: "Being on drugs stops you getting a job. It's that simple."

"Losing all your money to gambling means you can't put food on your table for your kids.

"This is just looking at a real situation and being honest about it."

Scott Morrison

Scott MorrisonCredit: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Morrison first used the term "compassionate conservatism" to describe his views to reforming Australia's welfare system during his brief, nine-month stint as social services minister five years ago.

He says he is determined for trials of the cashless debit card to succeed, with community support, and won't shake from his view the best form of welfare remains a job.


Welfare groups have continued to lash the government over its support of the program, which was initially supported by Labor when it began in March 2016.

Around 15,000 Australians are now on the card, with the University of South Australia expected to return its evaluation of the program towards the end of the year.

Mr Morrison believes it has been a success "on each and every occasion" it has been introduced.

Those opposed believe it has significant shortcomings and causes increased hardship for some individuals and families.

"I think it's commending itself for wider application," Mr Morrison said. "The key to its success in these communities has been that the communities themselves have been the ones that have decided to proceed with it."

The program's critics, such as St Vincent de Paul, says the implementation has been "extremely costly", with estimates equated to over $10,000 per person participating in the trial.


The government acknowledges the up-front cost establishing the system and technology, but argues it will drop as the program expands.

The measure, first floated by mining magnate Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest in 2014, is designed to limit an unemployed and youth allowance recipient's spending on alcohol, drugs and gambling.

Mr Morrison said it was important to remember the program had started with calls from communities in remote Australia, leading to about 2300 people in the East Kimberley and in 900 in Ceduna, in remote South Australia having 80 per cent of their welfare payments paid onto a cashless debit card.

It has since been rolled out to WA's Goldfields and earlier this year for people under 36 in the Queensland regional towns of Bundaberg and Hervey Bay, the first sites which have a minority Indigenous population.

The trial caused divisions and resentment from many within the community but its supporters within the Coalition are buoyed with recent employment figures which show youth unemployment in the Queensland region has dropped from 19.8 per cent in January to 18.5 per cent in August, with the number of people in the region on welfare falling at double the national rate.

"I think it would be a mistake not to appreciate how important that has been in its success," Mr Morrison said.

"And that is true for Indigenous communities as much as it is for you know, more diverse communities.

"If you're in a situation where you're income-dependent on welfare, you're already in a tough spot, we don't think we should make it harder for people by exposing them to those other vulnerabilities."

Mr Morrison said critics of the program misconceive what welfare is about.


"Welfare is about helping people to become self-sufficient, in my view, where you're able to do that," he said. "And where you're not, to make sure you're providing that support to be able to deliver, you know, a good life. And that's hard to do when you're completely income-dependent on the government."

He said government programs would continue to target Australians "trapped in a welfare net", and wants to sharpen his goal of getting Australians under 24 into work or training and further combat ageist attitudes from business towards employing workers over 55.

He points to stores such as Bunnings, which are leading the way in combating ageism in the workplace, and said more than 100,000 jobs had been created for older Australians.

He said his observations of welfare was that it can "either work like a trampoline, where you bounce up, or it works like a snare, and it keeps you all tangled".

He said the latter was what had been seen far too often.

'Helping a lot of people'

The phrase "compassionate conservatism" was first used by United States President George W. Bush and picked up by former British PM David Cameron and former New Zealand prime minister John Key.

Those who have used it have often been subject to ridicule by their opponents.

Tony Blair once said: "The only difference between compassionate conservatism and conservatism is that under compassionate conservatism they tell you they're not going to help you but they're really sorry about it."

As Prime Minister, Mr Morrison has stubbornly resisted calls, some from within his own ranks, to increase the Newstart benefit beyond the rate of inflation. Treasury estimates increases would cost the budget $12.5 billion over four years and $39 billion over a decade based on a $75-a-week rise.

But Mr Morrison said we would not be helping anyone "if I splurge".

He said the priority of his government was not to overburden the $191 billion welfare system, amid predictions of a $9 billion increase in the age pension alone.

"I'm helping a lot of people if I'm careful about it, and if it's well targeted, and I invest in getting a better understanding of what the needs are and what people have to overcome, in order to become more self-reliant."

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