

This was published 5 years ago

'Folau clause' could still 'gag' religious Australians, bishop warns

By Judith Ireland

Anglican Bishop Dr Michael Stead has raised concerns the so-called "Folau clause" in the federal government's religious discrimination bill will act as a "gag" on devout employees.

The Bishop of South Sydney also said it was "disappointing" a major legal review of whether religious schools could expel gay students had been delayed until the end of 2020, after the bill is due to pass Parliament.

The government's planned religious discrimination laws include new provisions for big companies who want to place restrictions on employees' behaviour outside of work.

The government's planned religious discrimination laws include new provisions for big companies who want to place restrictions on employees' behaviour outside of work. Credit: Louise Kennerley

Under the draft laws released by Attorney-General Christian Porter on Thursday, companies with turnover of at least $50 million a year would have to prove that the sacking of staff for expressing controversial religious views outside work hours was necessary to "avoid unjustifiable financial hardship on the business".


The bill follows Rugby Australia's sacking of star player Israel Folau in May over a social media post that said homosexuals, among others, were destined for hell unless they repented their sins.

Bishop Stead on Friday said it was difficult to know how courts would interpret "significant financial hardship".


"On one level it looks good," he said. "But I can see that it can be interpreted another way.

"I worry this would be used as a gag [and] have a chilling effect on preventing religious expression."


Patrick Parkinson, a spokesperson for Christian legal think tank Freedom for Faith, said he was generally positive about the draft religious discrimination bill, but added "the devil's always in the details".

Professor Parkinson questioned the focus on companies with turnover of at least $50 million, given this involved only a fraction of Australian businesses. "Where does than leave the under-$50 million businesses? Do we really want employers having the right to control us 24/7, when they only pay us for 37 hours a week?" he asked.


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 93 per cent of businesses have turnover below $2 million a year.

A spokesperson for Mr Folau, who is challenging his sacking, said he had no comment on the proposed bill.

Coalition MPs are so far broadly supportive of the draft bill, which would make it unlawful to discriminate against Australians on the basis of their religion. NSW Nationals MP Patrick Conaghan, who was a practising lawyer before entering Parliament, said he was "more than comfortable" with the draft.

Conservative Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells remains an outspoken critic of the bill, however, arguing a religious freedom act is needed to adequately protect people of faith.

The draft religious discrimination act allows religious schools to have discretion to employ staff of a particular faith. But it does not deal with the contentious issue of whether religious schools should continue to have the right to expel students or fire staff members because of their sexuality.

The Coalition referred this matter to the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) before the federal election, and a highly anticipated discussion paper was due to be released next week, before a final report in April 2020. On Thursday, as it released the draft bill, the government amended the terms of reference for the ALRC inquiry. An initial paper will not be released until early 2020, with a final report not due until December next year.

The ALRC said this was so it could "take into account" the consultation around the religious discrimination bill and any amendments.

Bishop Stead said the deferral was "quite disappointing" as it meant his church's "single biggest concern" was not addressed.


"This does not address the interaction with other anti-discrimination laws ... This bill is going to pass in a vacuum."

Labor MPs will do their own consultation before deciding their position. High-profile Catholic frontbencher Kristina Keneally on Friday said she was yet to read the bill.

Some religious groups, including the Australian National Imams Council and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, were critical on Friday of the small window for consultation before the bill is due to be introduced to Parliament in October.

"The government spoke with a large range of stakeholders on a general principles before releasing the draft. But the consultation on draft legislation obviously starts now that the draft is available," Mr Porter said.

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