


Why would Trump want to buy Greenland?

It started as an idea and ended up in an international spat. What prompted US President Trump to want to to buy Greenland? And was it Denmark's to sell?


The world's biggest island has been thrust into the spotlight after US President Donald Trump offered to buy it and had his offer roundly rebuffed. Actually, this isn't the first time a US president has tried to buy the icy Arctic home of Inuit people. What does Greenland have that the US would want? And from whom could the US buy it?

Where's Greenland?

It's a 1.7-million-square-kilometre island in the Atlantic and Arctic oceans that is 80 per cent covered by ice. (Australia is 7.7 million square kilometres and is not an island; it is a continental land mass.) Greenland's capital, Nuuk, on the south-west coast, is about 1400 kilometres from Reykjavik in Iceland; 2500 kilometres from Montreal in Canada; and 3500 kilometres from Copenhagen in Denmark. It forms 80 per cent of the Arctic territories, which are the areas of land and sea inside the Arctic circle belonging to one of eight nations. Its name, which is at odds with its actual appearance, comes from the Viking Erik the Red, who wanted to attract settlers to it in the 10th century, according to the Danish Museum.

The town of Ilulissat with icebergs looming at the mouth of its fjord in July.

The town of Ilulissat with icebergs looming at the mouth of its fjord in July.Credit: Getty

Who lives there?

About 56,000 people, mainly Inuits, the indigenous people. They mostly live on the west coast in towns and hamlets or remote settlements where life revolves around fishing and hunting seals and whales. Schools teach the official language of West Greenlandic, or Kalaallisut, as well as Danish and English. The seat of government is in Nuuk, where roughly a third of Greenlanders live and which has the island's tallest building, an eight-storey office tower above a mall. Its proximity to the north pole means that from the end of May until the end of July the sun does not set, which is known as the midnight sun. At times during winter, the sun doesn't appear at all, but it's not completely dark, according to the official tourism website: "When the sun has set (or if it never rose), the snow reflects the moonlight in the winter time, and the northern lights in the dark skies produce another form of brightness to the evening."


Greenland's premier, Kim Kielsen.

Greenland's premier, Kim Kielsen.Credit: AP

Who would Trump be buying Greenland from?

Any agreement to purchase Greenland – no matter who made it – would have to be agreed upon by Greenlanders, Associate Professor Felicity Jensz, from the University of Münster, has told The Conversation.

Greenland was a solely Danish colony from the end of the Napoleonic wars in 1815 until 1953, when it was made an autonomous territory of the realm, and it eventually gained home rule in 1979. It has its own government and parliament, the Inatsisartut, with 31 members. Its premier since 2014, policeman turned politician Kim Kielsen, is from the left-leaning Siumut party. A referendum vote in 2008 led to greater self-government; its people became distinct, under international law, within the Danish realm. Greenland's relationship with Denmark remains complex. Its economy is based on fishing and related industries but local governments receive half of the island's budget in direct subsidies from Denmark, and Denmark still handles Greenland's foreign affairs and defence matters.


Why would Trump want it?

It's not for the midnight sun and the polar bears. As he has often said, Trump likes a deal – especially one that is, as he has called it,  "essentially, a large real estate deal" – and anywhere in the Arctic is hot property right now.

There are a few reasons for this. Arctic ice is melting due to climate change and scientists regard Greenland as the canary in the coal mine. It has seen one of its biggest ice melts on record this European summer, which has contributed to a global rise in sea levels. The more the ice melts, the more potential there is for oil and other mineral wealth to become more accessible. Several Arctic nations, not just the United States, are racing to stake as strong a claim as they can to Arctic lands, hoping they will yield future riches.

Greenland removed a 25-year-old ban on uranium mining in 2013 – uranium is often found mixed with other rare-earth metals used for smartphones and weapons systems. A southern Greenland mine could be the largest rare-earth metals deposit outside China, which currently accounts for more than 90 per cent of global production. Australian company Greenland Minerals and Energy is seeking to mine for rare-earth minerals at its Kvanefjeld project.

The melting of the ice also means that shipping routes are opening up around the top of the globe, which has huge implications for military operations as well as cargo vessels, which will have a shortcut between Asia and Europe, and even tourist cruises – and this is leading to geopolitical tension over who has control of various stretches of northern sea.

Nuuk, Greenland's capital.

Nuuk, Greenland's capital.Credit: Getty

Another factor behind Greenland's attractiveness to the States may be the arrival on the scene of China. The Danish government was reported to have blocked local plans for China to finance and build a series of airports in Greenland as recently as November.

Subsequent reports quote a US politician, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton,  as saying the Chinese government last year tried to get approval from the local government of Greenland to allow Beijing to build three military bases there.

"But efforts by Trump administration and some in Congress convinced Denmark to weigh in at the last minute and block the deal," reported Arkansas news website Talk Business & Politics.


The site reported that Senator Cotton had proposed the idea to Trump and met with the Danish ambassador about the possibility of a sale. “I told the president, you should buy it as well,” Cotton said, adding, “He’s (Trump) heard that from me and from some other people as well.”

The United States has a long association with Greenland. Under a 1951 deal, Denmark allowed the US to build rent-free bases and radar stations there. The US Air Force currently maintains only one base in northern Greenland at Thule, 1200 kilometres south of the North Pole. Former military airfields in Narsarsuaq, Kulusuk and Kangerlussuaq have become civilian airports. The Thule base, built in 1952, was originally designed as a refuelling base for long-range bombing missions. It has been a ballistic missile early-warning and space surveillance site since 1961.


In May, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States would re-establish a permanent diplomatic presence in Greenland as soon as possible.

Trump said the idea of buying Greenland had been discussed in his administration because of the strategic benefits and its natural resources. He also suggested that the territory was a financial burden to Denmark. "A lot of things can be done," he said. "It's hurting Denmark very badly, because they're losing almost $700 million a year carrying it. So they carry it at a great loss."

US military men unload food supplies in Thule c 1965.

US military men unload food supplies in Thule c 1965.Credit: Getty

Is this a new idea?

No. During World War II, the United States set up facilities on Greenland from 1941. Denmark was occupied by Germany. In post-war 1946, Washington offered Denmark $US100 million in gold bars for Greenland, after flirting with the idea of swapping land in Alaska for strategic parts of Greenland. (The United States bought Alaska from Russia in 1867.) Denmark turned down the offer. Time magazine, reporting in 1947, noted the strategic appeal of Greenland to the US military back then:

"Greenland’s 800,000 square miles make it the world’s largest island and stationary aircraft carrier. It would be as valuable as Alaska during the next few years, before bombers with a 10,000-mile range are in general use. It would be invaluable, in either conventional or push-button war, as an advance radar outpost. It would be a forward position for future rocket-launching sites. In peace or war it is the weather factory for north-west Europe, whose storms must be recorded as near the source as possible."

Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen speaks to the press after President Trump cancelled his state visit.

Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen speaks to the press after President Trump cancelled his state visit. Credit: AFP

How has Trump's idea sparked an international row?

Trump's idea, openly floated with reporters, raised eyebrows in Europe and the United States and triggered a swift response.

“We are open for business but we’re not for sale,” said Greenland’s foreign minister, Ane Lone Bagger.

“It must be an April Fool’s Day joke ... but totally out of season!” former prime minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen tweeted.

But the last straw for Trump came when the Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, a centre-left social democrat, called the idea "absurd".

Trump used one of his go-to descriptors for the Prime Minister's comment – "nasty". "I thought that the prime minister's statement ... was nasty," he said. "I thought it was an inappropriate statement. All she had to do is say: 'No, we wouldn’t be interested' ... She's not talking to me. She's talking to the United States of America. You don’t talk to the United States that way, at least under me."

He cancelled a planned trip to Denmark on September 2-3, scuppering preparations for a state banquet at the royal palace, where he had been invited by Queen Margrethe II.

Danes voiced disbelief, and the palace expressed surprise, at Trump's decision to forgo the trip. Frederiksen  was "annoyed and surprised" and said she learned of Trump's decision with regret, given Denmark's strong relations with Washington. She said Greenland's premier, Kim Kielsen, had ruled out selling off the territory and "I obviously agree with him."

Trump has since told reporters that he will go to Denmark another time. "Greenland was just an idea, just a thought. But I think when they say it was 'absurd' and it was said in a very nasty, very sarcastic way, I said, 'We'll make it some other time.' We'll go to Denmark – I love Denmark. I've been to Denmark. And, frankly, we'll do it another time. Respect has to be shown to the United States."

The village of Kulusuk, August 15.

The village of Kulusuk, August 15.Credit: AP

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