

This was published 5 years ago

From the Archives, 1990: Victoria sells debt-laden State Bank

By Robyn Dixon

First published in The Age on August 27, 1990

State Bank sold in $2b deal

Inquiry set up into losses by Tricontinental

The State Government yesterday agreed to sell the State Bank of Victoria to the Commonwealth Bank for $1.6 billion. It also set up an inquiry into the $2.7 billion losses of the bank's failed merchant arm, Tricontinental.

The death is announced.... The Premier, Joan Kirner, and the federal Treasurer, Mr Keating, disclose the State Bank's sale at yesterday's news conference.

The death is announced.... The Premier, Joan Kirner, and the federal Treasurer, Mr Keating, disclose the State Bank's sale at yesterday's news conference.Credit: The Age Archives

The Federal Government will sell about 30 per cent of the Commonwealth Bank to finance the purchase The deal will make the Commonwealth Bank the largest domestic bank in Australia.

The sale, announced yesterday by the Premier, Mrs Kirner, and the federal Treasurer, Mr Keating includes a tax-compensation deal for Victoria, taking its total value to $2 billion.

Even with all proceeds of the sale used to pay the huge Tricontinental debt, the State Government still has to sell assets worth $700 million to cover it.

The Tricontinental debts wiped out the entire $1.6 billion capital base of the State Bank, the fifth-largest in the country.

Mrs Kirner described Tricontinental as "an unmitigated disaster" and said details of the Inquiry into the merchant bank's dealings would be revealed next week.


If the State Government had decided against the sale, the cost of servicing the Tricontinental debt would have been $140 million to this year's budget, rising to $400 million in 1993-94.

"This decision means that in 12 months' time we will have removed the Tricontinental albatross from around Victorian tax-payers' necks and only by ridding ourselves of that Trico debt can we make a fresh start for Victoria." Mrs Kirner said.

She said the decision to sell the bank was "difficult but necessary.” I expect that this is the toughest decision that I, or the Victorian Government, will ever have to make… It would have been economically irresponsible to do anything else."

Mr Keating said the losses of Tricontinental could have destabilised the national economy unless action was taken "My first concern with the State Bank has been for the stability of the financial system."

The State Bank had "negative value" because Its assets were wiped out by the losses "and as such was a risk to the stability of the financial system as a whole."

"This is not a building society. This is a very major institution and its stability was a matter of prime concern to the Commonwealth." he said.

The State Bank's chairman, Mr. Ralph Ward-Ambler, said there was “tremendous anger" about the Tricontinental losses that forced the sale of the State Bank.

“The deed is done and I think we're all disappointed as Victorians but the Commonwealth Bank Is a magnificent bank."

A special meeting of the federal ALP caucus will be briefed tomorrow on the partial sale of the Commonwealth Bank. Party leaders said the move had to be accepted, but the Left last night was angry.

Mr Keating said an injection of 30 per cent of private capital into the Commonwealth Bank was needed to finance the deal. The bank could not do so from its capital base and the Federal Government was not in a position to inject capital from its budget.

Mr Keating said federal Cabinet had ruled out foreign equity in the Commonwealth Bank, and the capital would probably come from large superannuation funds.

The faction's leaders said it was hard to predict whether they would accept the deal. The convenor of the Left, Senator Jim McKiernan, said there was not a lot of sympathy from the Left members in other states for Victoria's problems.

The convenor of the Centre Left, Senator Michael Behan, said he believed that most of his faction would see the Commonwealth Bank sale as an issue separate to that of the debate on telecommunications and aviation.

The Federal Opposition Leader, Dr Hewson, said it was a totally immoral deal" that "ought to be investigated for insider trading."

The Australian Democrats last night threatened to block the Federal Government's move to sell about 30 per cent of the Commonwealth Bank. They said they supported the merging of the banks, but believed that the Commonwealth Bank would be able to borrow enough to pay for the takeover.

Mr Keating said the decision to sell the bank showed leadership and was "a huge decision in my view which must attract a great deal of admiration and respect."

"In seven-and-a-half years that I've had to deal with premiers in this country I've not dealt with one making a decision which has been more forthright and more decisive than this one which has been made by the Premier and her colleagues today

The State Opposition Leader, Mr Brown, said yesterday was “the saddest day since the Great Depression".

"Mrs Kirner will never be forgotten and she will never be forgiven," he said.

The sale received mixed reactions from unions, with the secretary of the Australian Bank Employees Union, Mr Steve McKenna, describing the move as "a devastating blow" and an "unforgivable act".

The secretary of the Trades Hall Council, Mr John Halfpenny, said he was disappointed with the decision. "I'm sure that Victoria and Victorians will regret this day for generations to come."

The ACTU secretary, Mr Bill Kelly, said the sale was in the best interests of Australia's financial structure and that it gave the Commonwealth Bank the capacity to be one of the country's best placed banks for the next decade.

The Commonwealth Bank offer was $55 million lower than that of the other main contender, Westpac. Mrs Kirner said that given the "relative closeness" of the offers, it was felt better to sell to the Commonwealth Bank.

The compensation for losses in tax revenue included $170 million to eliminate Tricontinental tax write-offs and $243 million to compensate for tax that would have been paid to the State Government by the State Bank over five years.

A special meeting of the state caucus yesterday endorsed the sale. Only six Left MPs opposed the move.

The left-wing MP Mr Theo Theophanus moved a motion at caucus, representing the Left's position, calling for the Federal Government to inject money into the Commonwealth Bank to fund the State Bank purchase or for union superannuation funds to be put Into the Commonwealth Bank. It also called for an inquiry to be set up.

The motion was ruled out of order by Mrs Kirner after a point of order by the former Deputy Premier, Mr Fordham.

State caucus members were told of fears of a run on the Slate Bank unless the bank was sold and the debt dealt with.

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