

This was published 5 years ago

'It's a dumpster fire': How AMP's transformational deal hit the rocks

By Sarah Danckert

It was March when the information memorandum from the British-cum-Bermudan group buying AMP’s life insurance business, Resolution Life, floated into the inboxes of executives at some of Australia’s top superannuation funds.

It outlined Resolution’s plans to set up a new vehicle to make better use of the assets it was picking up in AMP’s "mature" businesses, which it was buying as part of its $3.3 billion acquisition of AMP life insurance and New Zealand businesses.

Resolution Life chief executive Clive Cowdery arrived in Australia on Friday to drum up support for the deal.

Resolution Life chief executive Clive Cowdery arrived in Australia on Friday to drum up support for the deal. Credit: Louise Kennerley

In one light, the new investment vehicle was a clever way to make use of the hundreds of millions of dollars worth of franking credits that Resolution would get access to through the transaction, investment specialists familiar with the document told The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Some in the investment community read the memo as it relating directly to the AMP investment. Others would say that is a misreading of the document and it related to investing in Resolution’s upcoming capital raising that related to future, unannounced transactions possibly in Australia.

Some say what the document indicated, though, was that parts of the deal were still being put together in May, seven months after being announced and uncomfortably close to AMP's stated deal completion date of the second half of 2019.

Concerns were already raised by AMP’s contentious deal with Resolution, now questions were being asked about Resolution’s ability to fund the deal.

Why was Resolution shaking the can in March for a deal that was announced in October?

Senior super fund executive

One superannuation fund executive, who declined to be named, asks: "Why was Resolution shaking the can in March for a deal that was announced in October?"  Resolution declined to comment but sources close to the group say the document related to its 2019 global raising activities and not the AMP deal at all.

Another source said the document created confusion – did this mean the deal could be improved for AMP shareholders?


To keen observers, the timing of the Resolution information memo for the new vehicle indicated things were running well behind schedule. Those close to Resolution would argue such a view was hogwash, that it has brokered many deals in the past and was working through its processes and its deal was fully funded.


But shareholders were concerned, particularly many who thought AMP had sold its assets too cheaply to Resolution. As much as the wealth manager's advisers try to paint this as a small cohort, AMP's share price fell 24 per cent the day the deal was announced, wiping $2.4 billion off AMP’s market value.

The company had tried to explain the reality of its situation to investors. The deal was essential. The businesses it was selling were deteriorating in value. AMP needed to focus on modernising its wealth management business and compensate the hundreds of thousands of customers charged fees for no service.

"The changes announced today will strengthen our financial foundations and provide a solid basis from which to build a new, more agile AMP, focused on growth," chairman David Murray said when announcing the deal.

AMP chief executive Francesco de Ferrari, who started in December from Credit Suisse, told analysts during a conference call following the release of AMP’s full-year results the deal was "transformational".

He said it was a "significant shift but a very necessary one, given the capital intensity and volatility of these wealth-protection businesses".

The sale of AMP Life was orchestrated by chairman David Murray (right) before CEO Francesco De Ferrari's arrival.

The sale of AMP Life was orchestrated by chairman David Murray (right) before CEO Francesco De Ferrari's arrival.Credit: Louie Douvis

"Resolution is a much better manager of those assets," he said.

Despite the cries of its being a firesale, Resolution boss Sir Clive Cowdery pushed back on the complainers, saying he had "paid up" for AMP’s business and implying AMP had negotiated hard.

But just over two weeks ago the controversial deal spectacularly blew up.

On July 15 before the market opened, AMP told investors the deal was in trouble. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand had baulked at approving the transaction unless Resolution agreed to retain ringfenced assets held in New Zealand that could be relied on by New Zealand policyholders.

If a revised transaction cannot be achieved on acceptable terms, and receive regulatory approval, AMP will retain AMP Life and manage it as a specialist life insurance and mature business.

AMP statement'

Sources told The Age and the Herald the value of those assets was around $200 million – an amount that is considerable but not insurmountable in the eyes of AMP’s and Resolution's teams of advisers. But it was a requirement likely to further lower the sale price of a deal already considered by many fund managers as undervaluing the assets.

The collapsed deal sent AMP’s share price tumbling yet again this month as concerns raged about what AMP would do next. Both AMP and Resolution say they remain in talks. But there is growing tension between the two parties as they work to thrash out a deal.

Sir Clive flew into Sydney on Friday from London to take charge of the negotiations and to drum up support in the investment community for the deal.


"AMP and Resolution Life continue to work together to determine whether there is a solution that addresses policyholder interest, regulatory requirements and provides certainty of execution," an AMP spokeswoman says.

"If a revised transaction cannot be achieved on acceptable terms, and receive regulatory approval, AMP will retain AMP Life and manage it as a specialist life insurance and mature business with a focus on policyholder outcomes, cost and capital efficiency."

Resolution also issued a statement saying it was engaged in discussions and wanted to deliver "a de‐risked transaction with execution certainty, which meets the needs of all stakeholders".

The issues with the deal left investors outraged.

"It’s a dumpster fire," says one investment specialist, who declined to be named due to his embarrassment with being associated with the stock.

Others saw the deal being scuppered by the Kiwi regulator as a blessing for Resolution Life.

'Extremely messy'

"This position by RBNZ has provided Resolution Life with a ‘get out of jail free card’, given the life company’s value has significantly deteriorated in the less than year since the deal was announced," says respected Bell Potter analyst Lafitani Sotiriou.

But while Resolution dodged a bullet, the cost to AMP could be $800 million, Sotiriou told clients: "This is extremely messy."


RBNZ released a background note that day regarding its decision that sheds light on some of Resolution’s timing issues. The bank revealed Resolution had only filed a formal application for consideration in early June and even then it did not meet the requirements of NZ’s regulations.

"This failure occurred despite the Reserve Bank’s guidance and information provided as necessary throughout the transaction process," it said.

The controversy could not have come at a worse time for the once great wealth manager.

AMP is also facing a possible $300 million blowout in the costs of its remediation program with The Age and the Herald able to reveal it is yet to broker a final and full agreement with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

An AMP spokeswoman denied it had fallen behind on its ambitious three-year program to compensate customers when asked this week. It is expected to clarify this situation at its half-year results on August 8.

The blowout in AMP’s remediation costs comes as the group is still reeling from its reputation being smashed at the banking royal commission when it was accused of misconduct and an executive admitted under cross-examination that AMP had lied to the corporate watchdog.

The public shaming caused the departures of chief executive Craig Meller and chairman Catherine Brenner.

It is also facing a raft of court cases, including class actions, civil action by ASIC, as well as new licence conditions from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. The spectre of criminal charges over misconduct revealed at the royal commission also looms large.

There are now concerns about how AMP and Resolution will recut the deal.

We prefer the businesses were retained than sold at fire sale prices.

Merlon Capital's Hamish Carlisle

"We don’t want them to recut the deal in a value destructive manner," says Hamish Carlisle, of Merlon Capital, a shareholder in AMP and a vocal opponent to the transaction with Resolution Life for value and governance reasons.

"We prefer the businesses were retained than sold at fire sale prices."

Another investor who preferred not to be named said they were also worried a recut deal would be on even less favourable terms for AMP.

"I just hope that they see sense and don’t rush into any new deal," the investor said.

Other sources were hoping that a dealmaker of the old school variety would enter the frame with a plan to restructure the group to extract value.

Citi analyst Nigel Pittaway believes the deal will be altered significantly if it goes ahead.

"AMP suggests it is in ongoing discussions with Resolution Life in an attempt to resurrect some kind of deal, and Resolution still sees this as an 'excellent opportunity'," he said.

"However, with the value of the business reducing by about $700 million since June 30, 2018, and the need for more capital in NZ than originally envisaged, this surely implies a significant reduction in the previously proposed $3.3 billion purchase price.

"Resolution also looks to be the only bidder seemingly putting them in a strong negotiating position."

Cut adrift: AMP chairman David Murray and CEO Francesco De Ferrari. Illustration: Joe Benke

Cut adrift: AMP chairman David Murray and CEO Francesco De Ferrari. Illustration: Joe BenkeCredit:

Some members of the investment community say AMP could explore a different approach to streamlining its business.

One former insider says it was a mistake to ever sell the life business at the bottom of a cycle where most other local players have already jettisoned their life insurance businesses. They said they were pleased to hear AMP say it would retain the business as an alternative to the deal with Resolution.

A demerger of the assets AMP was looking to sell to Resolution through an in species distribution to existing shareholders is another option being floated by some shareholders.

Carlisle says there may be some merit in a demerger, but also in retaining the assets in a way that still delivered the simplification AMP was looking for when it brokered the deal with Resolution.

He says a demerger could "deliver the simplification benefits and leave the value of those assets with shareholders".

"The history of these deals, if you look over 20 or 30 years globally, is that the ugly duckling part of the spin-off or demerger normally performs very well subsequently, because often management teams are selling assets at the worst possible time and market expectations are very low at the time of the spin-off."

Though he notes: "That option would require a capital injection and that may make it more difficult to implement. That said, you would think regulators would prefer the assets were held in a publicly listed entity with access to capital than a Bermudan-exempted limited partnership."

Investment specialist and former Perpetual star stock picker Peter Morgan winces when asked about his holding in AMP.

"I still think there is inherent value in AMP. It could be a case where the sum of the parts is greater than the whole," he says.

Many AMP watchers point to the value in AMP Bank, which is often described as "small but beautiful" by company watchers due to its low cost base, and AMP Capital’s infrastructure and direct property investments.

The same cannot be said right now of AMP’s advice business.

Already AMP has made provisions of $680 million for its remediation, compliance and streamlining program.

AMP disclosed last year that its program is expected to cost on a pre-tax basis $778 million. Much of this amount relates to the charging of fees for no service and the cost to AMP to review samples of undigitised customer records including its recruitment of a massive team to pick through and calculate compensation payments.

Those costs are based on AMP’s estimate that it will be able to complete the remediation of hundreds of thousands of customers of planners working under its banners within three years from July 2018.

AMP had also looked at an alternative program that would take between nine years and 15 years and cost $1.185 billion - a methodology dismissed by AMP for taking too long.

On November 27, then interim chief executive Mike Wilkins was quizzed by counsel assisting the banking royal commission Michael Hodge, QC, over how AMP came to conclude it could pull off its ambitious remediation time frame.

"The expectation that the remediation will be completed within three years of 1 July 2018 is based, as we understand it, on two assumptions. The first is that no further problems are identified… The other assumption is that AMP is able to agree and agree quickly with ASIC on its approach to remediate?" Hodge asks.

"Yes," Wilkins replies.

The Herald and The Age can reveal that seven months on, AMP and ASIC are still negotiating over the terms of AMP’s remediation program.

"ASIC has not reached a final agreement with AMP concerning the totality of the fee for no service remediation program," ASIC’s spokesman says. "ASIC’s investigation into AMP is ongoing."

An ASIC insider described it as "no better and no worse" than at the time of Wilkins’ testimony and said there was still work to do.

When asked if AMP stood by its cost estimate in light of the delays to it finalising an agreement with ASIC, an AMP spokesman said: "All of our major policies have been agreed with ASIC. There is no change to our previous statement that we will complete the advice remediation program by July 2021."

They added: Our estimate – as confirmed to the market on November 28 2018 – is that the total cost of the program will be $778 million. The estimate is based on reliable information and a solid set of assumptions, and is subject to external audit review every six months as part of AMP’s financial reporting.

Respected financial services analyst Brett Le Mesurier is expecting AMP to provide a strategy update at its first-half results next month, including details on its customer remediation and cost reduction plan.

"Customer remediation may end up costing AMP much more than the $670 million that it has provided so far," Le Mesurier says.

"If the Westpac approach is a reliable guide, then the additional amount may be as high as $2 billion."

Bell Potter’s Sotiriou is also tipping an increased remediation provision.

"AMP has also cut its interim dividend to zero, which we think is a terrible sign and indicative of potential further meaningful provisions the business may need to take."

"We continue to argue its client refund provisions are below that of the major banks, and any meaningful change here may result in the company requiring an equity raising to maintain healthy capital buffers. For now, we have included a further $250 million provision."

Questions also remain about AMP’s ability to claw back these costs from planners or through its own insurance policies. AMP has conservatively not included any of these estimates in its provisions.

AMP Financial Planners Association and Hillross Advisers Association chief executive Neil Macdonald says he would be surprised if AMP made any claim against a planner’s professional indemnity insurance.

"I can’t think of a policy that would allow someone to claim for fees, inappropriate advice is covered but not fees," Mr Macdonald says.

When asked this week whether AMP was aware that no adviser insurance would pay out for inappropriately charged fees, only inappropriate advice, the AMP spokeswoman said: "Yes, we are aware and it was never our belief that this was the case."

The representative pointed The Age and the Herald to a statement by AMP from August 2018 that said: "There are two avenues for recovery. One of them is through the professional indemnity insurance that the advisers may have, and the other is through our own professional indemnity insurance."

But that's a fight for AMP later down the track. The company  has made it clear it has other immediate focuses - namely its remediation program and what to do with its life business.

What AMP will do next is anyone’s guess.

As one investment legend, who declined to be named, says: "You can only play the cards that you’ve been dealt".

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