

This was published 5 years ago

Too many workers still dudded as $57b stuck in low-performer funds

By John Collett

Too many workers are being dudded by the  “default” super system. A default fund is the one that receives a worker’s compulsory super payments if, on starting a new job, the employee doesn’t choose a fund.

The door was opened to a change in the way that default funds are chosen when the Productivity Commission recommended in its report into super that the default fund process be scrapped.

The Productivity Commission estimated that there was about $57 billion in default options that were underperforming.

From the fund members' point of view, especially the owners of the the money in the underperforming default funds, the primary aim of reform should be to drive those chronic underperformers out of the superannuation industry.

Yet, so far, the debate has been mostly focussed on how to select the "best" funds that could be used as default funds.

That debate risks descending into the usual split between the two competing sectors of the market – retail funds, run by the banks and wealth managers, and the not-for-profit industry funds – leaving the interests of fund members behind.

That debate risks descending into the usual split between the two competing sectors of the market.

As things stand, superannuation payments go into the default fund chosen by the employer or specified in an industrial award.

That means not-for-profit funds, such as industry super funds and public sector funds, are usually specified in awards as the default fund providers.


That’s turned out to be a good outcome for workers, overall, because not-for-profits tend to outperform retail funds.


However, while, under most awards, employees are able to choose who manages their super, in some awards they can’t.

The Productivity Commission says default funds should be vetted by a “competitive and independent process”.

An expert panel would select the 10 best funds and give employees the list from which to choose. The employees’ first default fund would then move, or be "stapled", to the employee from job to job for life.

Industry Funds Australia, the umbrella group representing industry funds, is opposed to this “fund for life” model and wants super savings to follow the member from job-to-job, so that those who do not choose would have their savings go into the default fund of their new employer.

That is the system of today, but with the additional measures that all other accounts are consolidated with the current default fund to help reduce multiple accounts, plus the Productivity Commission's recommendation that default funds pass a quality screen.

Industry Funds Australia has even commissioned a poll that showing support for its view.

The poll of more than 1000 people that found 71 per cent of people agreed that the default system should be quality checked. And 70 per cent agreed their super should be being automatically combined every time they change jobs.

Under the industry funds' plan, most members would end up staying with an industry fund.

The Financial Services Council, which represents retail funds, broadly supports the Productivity Commission's recommendation that those entering the workforce who do not choose who manages their super should be prompted to choose from a limited list of screened funds. If they don't choose, they would be put in one of the default funds on the list.

Note that it would not affect those who are already with their employers' default fund, but only those entering the workforce and  retail funds could expect to retain the defaulters they already have. That's how the two sides are lining up, each with models that best advance their interests.

What's needed is more thought into how to weed out the underperformers. That does appear to be part of government thinking.

The newly appointed Morrison government minister with responsibility for superannuation, Jane Hume, has said that a clearout of dud funds was on the table.

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