

This was published 5 years ago

Tax cuts: How much will you get this year and beyond?

By Eryk Bagshaw

With the help of Labor and the Senate crossbench, the government's tax cut bill - the major policy it took to the May election- passed through Parliament on Thursday night.

Labor was opposed to the final stage of the Coalition's three-part plan, but the government refused to split up the bill - and since both sides agreed that low to middle-income earners need immediate relief from half-a-decade of anaemic wage growth, Labor eventually agreed to not stand in its way.

About 70 per cent of tax payers will get up to $1080 back in their tax return after the government's tax cut bill passed.

About 70 per cent of tax payers will get up to $1080 back in their tax return after the government's tax cut bill passed.Credit: Jessica Shapiro

That relief comes in the form of the The Low and Middle Income Tax Offset or "Lamington" (a cheque worth up to $1080 a year in your tax return) which will apply to people earning up to $126,000 a year - 70 per cent of taxpayers - over the next three years, when they lodge their tax return.

The government's tax bill then implements two further stages of tax reform, one beginning in 2022-23 and the third and final in 2024-25. Labor had said the government should bring forward the second stage to help further stimulate growth, and not legislate the $95 billion third stage. In agreeing to pass the full tax package, the party said it would review the final stage before the next election.

However, the Coalition wants to reward those who have worked hard and had a pay rise by giving them larger tax cuts, which it argues will result in a bigger economic pie for everyone.

Who will be affected by the tax cuts?

The budget papers show there are 10.1 million taxpayers across the spectrum of earning levels who stand to gain from the tax cuts.

Some will gain more than others, particularly after 2024, when the Coalition's modelling shows that someone earning $200,000 a year will get a tax cut worth $11,640 compared with $1205 for someone earning $50,000 a year. Why? Because high-income earners pay more tax.


The bill eliminates the 37 per cent and 32.5 per cent tax brackets altogether, flattening the tax rate for anyone earning between $45,000 and $200,000 to 30¢ in the dollar, costing $95 billion over the medium term.

Why does the economy need tax cuts?

Workers are not getting the pay rises they used to. The historic norms of 3-4 per cent have retreated to between 2-3 per cent. Households are feeling squeezed as power, health and education bills have gone up but their pay packets have not.

Despite claims to the contrary, neither party really has a policy that will force wages up economy-wide. Putting more money in people's pockets is both fiscally quick and politically easy.

Where do the tax cuts fit in the wider scheme of things?

Australians pay a lot of income tax. But that is only because we have not made other taxes collect enough or they are inefficient. Up to 40 per cent of all tax collected in Australia is from individuals, the second highest in the OECD, behind Denmark.

Our goods and services tax revenue is chronically low compared with other countries. It is half what they collect next door in New Zealand, and only two-thirds of the developed world's average.

So while we pay more in income tax, we pay less when we buy things – although the GST burden is larger on low-income earners. The combination takes us to about the middle of the pack in the taxation stakes globally, despite an increasing push among developed countries to lower income tax rates across the board.

What do the experts think?

The Grattan Institute and the Australian National University have found the Coalition's bill will make the tax system marginally more regressive (favouring high income earners over lower income earners).

The left-leaning Australia Institute estimates up to $77 billion in tax cuts will flow to those earning more than $180,000 and that high-income earners will pay 4 per cent less of the total tax take, while low and middle-income earners will see a proportional increase of 1.7 per cent and 2.2 per cent respectively, as you can see in this graph.

Meanwhile, bracket creep – the number of workers moving into higher tax brackets – has continued its inexorable rise and is affecting more and more workers.

Without tax cuts, average tax rates would reach a record level over the next 10 years, according to modelling by Ben Phillips and Matthew Gray at the Australian National University's Centre for Social Research, taking money away from households and boosting the budget bottom line.

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