

This was published 5 years ago

How the beach helped turn Mary Fowler into the Matildas’ secret weapon

By Vince Rugari

Out of the blue: Mary Fowler's rise to Australia's Women's World Cup squad at the age of just 16 is a story of close-knit family ties, and a dogged determination to be the best.

Out of the blue: Mary Fowler's rise to Australia's Women's World Cup squad at the age of just 16 is a story of close-knit family ties, and a dogged determination to be the best.Credit: Wolter Peeters

The spectacular rise of Mary Fowler, the youngest player at the upcoming FIFA Women’s World Cup, can be traced back to one particular stretch of Trinity Beach in far north Queensland.

It’s a grassy hilled area, just in front of the sand and surf, right next to one of the vinegar dispensers which are scattered along the Cairns coastline for the treatment of box jellyfish stings.

This is where Mary and her four siblings laid the bedrock for what could be long, successful careers in football. You could set your watch to it – parents Kevin and Nido would drive Mary (now 16), Quivi (20), Ciara (17), Louise (15) and Seamus (13) in their van to the same spot on the esplanade at the same time after school, almost every single day.

“We would cook dinner and take it to the beach. The kids would do their homework on the beach,” Kevin said. “We had our own beach Olympics with medals and stuff, it was huge.”

They were never without a football. Anyone who's come across the 'Fowler five' speaks glowingly about their natural fitness, ultra-determined attitude and love of competition. Trinity Beach was the cradle where it was all forged. Over and over and over again, until the sun went down.

Fast forward to now and Mary has rocketed from near-total obscurity to earn a spot in Australia’s Women’s World Cup squad – not on potential, coach Ante Milicic says, but on current ability. If she gets on the park, she’ll become the fifth-youngest player to have ever graced the tournament, and those close to her believe she can make a real difference for the Matildas. She speaks openly about wanting to become the best player in the world. So how did she get here?


This story begins in 1965 in Ballymun, a rough working-class suburb on the northside of Dublin. That’s when family patriarch Kevin, the second-eldest of 10 brothers and sisters, was born. “It was drugs, loads of socio-economic problems, domestic abuse ... how my parents managed to get 10 kids through there without them having any problems is miraculous,” Kevin said.

The Fowler clan (back, from left): Ciara, Kevin, Seamus, (front) Nido, Quivi and Louise with Mary's Matildas jersey.

The Fowler clan (back, from left): Ciara, Kevin, Seamus, (front) Nido, Quivi and Louise with Mary's Matildas jersey.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Kevin had an active upbringing - a talented runner, he was awarded an athletic scholarship to a US college - and a love for football. He didn't need much of an excuse to leave the country and explore the world. As a young backpacker, he took a trip to Papua New Guinea and fell in love with the place.

He ended up manufacturing a permanent return as an aid worker for the Irish government, steering a social project in Mount Hagen that transformed wanted criminals into policemen. He immersed himself in PNG culture, becoming fluent in pigeon English, and playing football as the only white man in the local competition.

He met his wife, Nido, on a blind date set up by a mutual friend. They hit it off straight away, got married and moved back to Ireland - their first two kids, Quivi and Ciara, were both born in Dublin. It was there Kevin decided what sort of parent he wanted to be. "I was going out to work and Quivi was sitting down watching TV - Barney or something. I came home and he was still watching it," he said. "I thought, we're not doing this. I'm not going to let my kids grow up like this, knowing I had a choice to do it better elsewhere."

Australia was that elsewhere. The family linked up with some of Kevin's friends in Sydney, bought a Landcruiser and decided to drive up the coast on an "adventure" to find a place to live. They celebrated Christmas 2002 in a tent in Rockhampton, and eventually landed in Cairns. Mary was born there on February 14, 2003.

The kids grew up like it was the 1960s in Australia, except 40 years later. They still don't own a TV. In these modern times, there's something genuinely aspirational about a childhood largely unplugged from technology. Kevin and Nido never set out to raise aspiring professional footballers - it was an accidental byproduct of how they lived.


Eventually they outgrew the beach and were ready to channel their physical attributes in another way. Quivi's footballing talent began to shine through. One day, one of his teachers at Trinity Anglican School told Kevin: "You've got to do something with this kid." So they did. And in a city as tight-knit as Cairns - with an even smaller football community - their reputation started to grow.

Young guns: Mary Fowler (middle, front row) and Ciara (back, second from right) in the Queensland under-12 schoolgirls team in 2012.

Young guns: Mary Fowler (middle, front row) and Ciara (back, second from right) in the Queensland under-12 schoolgirls team in 2012.

Quivi - whose real first name is 'Caoimhin' - was the leader of the pack. Mary idolised him, and her football development played out in the foreground of his. The family found a home at Leichhardt FC. Some people at the club had come across the Fowlers before, observing their impromptu family games of football in parks and beaches across town. Others were perplexed at how these kids got so good, all on their own - particularly Mary, who was named in the Queensland under-12s team at the age of just 10, and had to play with boys to find a challenge. If you could call it that.

"Coaches from other teams tried to get her removed from the field when she was two years younger than their boys because they were getting beaten," Leichhardt junior coach Stacey Fittock said. "I'd love it at half-time when you could hear the other team's coach and their players just thinking, what's going on here?"

If they will give her the slightest, little chance to play, she will crush it.

Dwight Blackson on Mary Fowler

Mary rates Quivi as her footballing idol, up there with Pele and Cristiano Ronaldo. "She's always been, like everyone in the family, someone who wants to continuously push and be better," Quivi said. "We'd be getting up in the morning before school at 5am, training for two hours before school, coming back, training again, having dinner and then going out to club training. That was the life for us, especially in Cairns. She just kept getting better."

So did Quivi, who began attracting interest from European clubs like Liverpool and Borussia Dortmund once Kevin started firing off videos of him training and playing via email. The most significant interest came from Feyenoord in 2015. The whole family moved over to the Netherlands and Leichhardt gave them half the training compensation they were paid for Quivi - around €20,000 - to help them out.


As they waited for Quivi's signing for Feyenoord to be made official, the Fowler five joined BVV Barendrecht, one of the biggest amateur clubs in the country. That's where Dwight Blackson, a former Dutch youth international-turned-coach, first laid eyes on them. "I saw Quivi first. I saw in five seconds - wow, this guy is special," he said. "Then I noticed he's got brothers and sisters."

Quivi ended up signing for Vitesse Arnhem, not Feyenoord, and hasn't made it as a professional just yet - his is a story for another day. But Mary's footballing skills, first crafted on the beach, were honed in Europe from the crucial ages of 11 to 14. And the family brought their habits with them. "We were just playing football all the time. Every day, after school," Kevin said.

If nothing else, the Fowlers always had the numbers. "If you had a parent join in you had a three-on-three match already," Quivi said. "If you weren't up to the level you really worked hard to get there, because you could be seen as the weak link in the team you were playing in."

Back in the day: A young Mary Fowler.

Back in the day: A young Mary Fowler.

Blackson, who now runs his own private academy, has become something of a point-man for the Fowlers in the Netherlands. He is one of their most trusted advisors in football and marvels at the way the family has developed itself - doing their own research into best-practice training and drills, conditioning and nutrition, and matching it with hard work, focus and repetition.

It's still very early days, but the results speak for themselves - Mary is going to a World Cup at an incredibly young age, Ciara is in the Young Matildas program, and Quivi has played youth international football for Ireland and continues to bubble away just beneath the surface.


"The question is, do you really need a club academy to get to the top? It's a bit of an experiment," Blackson said. "It's strange for every club in every country. Everyone is thinking, 'where is she coming from?' Mary can do everything - strength, mindset, left foot, right foot, one-on-one. And she's only 16, we must not forget."


The Fowlers have spent the last few years traversing back and forth between Europe and Australia, trying to make their dreams come true. For now, they're living in Sydney. Mary, Ciara, Louise and Seamus all play for the Bankstown City Lions. Quivi is at the Sutherland Sharks and on the cusp of another European move.

There's been trials here and there with different clubs, a few contracts signed which promised plenty but fizzled out for varying reasons, and some political roadbumps which have presented their own challenges. It's never been easy - there were times they would sleep in cars or tents as they struggled to make ends meet financially.

But not once have they lost sight of the big picture, and since Mary's breakout selection in the Matildas squad last year at 15, it's started to become a lot clearer. "They're the epitomy of hard work and dedication," Fittock said. "Nothing comes by accident. They're like their own little team, supportive of each other - competitive internally, but supportive. They're good kids with great ethics. They enjoy life and football. It's easy to admire."

Blackson is hoping, praying, that Milicic will give Mary an opportunity to play in France. "If I know Mary, she cannot wait to show the work they've done, to show the world what's possible," he said. "If they will give her the slightest, little chance to play, she will crush it.

"This is a big story. And it's not finished. If they think that Mary is great, there are four other Fowlers who are coming. They will make it. Maybe not all at the top level, but they will make it, I'm pretty sure about that, because of the way they are living and what they've done."

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