

This was published 5 years ago

Scott Morrison names new team in cabinet reshuffle

By David Crowe

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is vowing to improve the way Australians interact with the government on everything from tax to social services in a cabinet reshuffle that promotes a key ally to run "service delivery" across the public sector.

Mr Morrison named Stuart Robert as Minister for Government Services and placed him in charge of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in the most significant new post in a reshuffle that demoted former environment minister Melissa Price.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announcing his new ministry on Sunday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announcing his new ministry on Sunday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

While Mr Morrison is seeking to legislate $158 billion in tax cuts when the new Parliament meets, he emphasised his objective of improving existing services, creating a new agency called Services Australia and meeting a target to roll out the NDIS to 500,000 people over the next five years.

"Every Australian with a disability needs a bespoke program," he said.

"We must recognise their differences, it cannot be dealt with in a cookie-cutter manner."

Ken Wyatt, an Indigenous Australian and Liberal MP from Western Australia, becomes Minister for Indigenous Affairs in an elevation to cabinet from his previous position in the outer ministry.

Attorney-General Christian Porter continues in this role but gains a super-sized portfolio by gaining responsibility for industrial relations, a key area where the government faces attacks from Labor and the union movement.

As revealed by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age earlier on Sunday, the Prime Minister cleared room in the new ministry by preparing to appoint two senators, Arthur Sinodinos and Mitch Fifield, to key diplomatic posts.


Senator Sinodinos will become ambassador to the United States to replace Joe Hockey later this year, while Senator Fifield will go to New York as ambassador to the United Nations at a date yet to be set.

Michaelia Cash, who was demoted to Minister for Small and Family Business in the wake of last year's leadership spill, keeps these roles and her position in cabinet and also becomes Minister for Employment.

Marise Payne remains the Minister for Foreign Affairs and gains the additional role of Minister for Women.

Those keeping their roles include Simon Birmingham in trade, who is also confirmed as deputy leader of the government in the Senate after serving as the Coalition campaign spokesman during the election.

Dan Tehan remains in education, Greg Hunt continues in health and Peter Dutton remains in the home affairs portfolio and Karen Andrews remains in cabinet as Minister for Industry. David Coleman remains Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs.

Paul Fletcher, previously the Minister for Families and Social Services in the ministry announced last August, becomes Minister for Communications to replace Senator Fifield.

Melissa Price becomes Minister for Defence Industry and loses her cabinet position. Ms Price was elevated to cabinet last August as Minister for the Environment, an area where the government came under fire from Labor and the Greens but prevailed in key Queensland electorates on the Adani coal mine.

Linda Reynolds was confirmed in the defence portfolio, as Mr Morrison indicated during the election campaign.

Angus Taylor remains Minister for Energy, as announced last August, but gains responsibility for emissions reduction policy, expanding his role in the debate over climate change to take on tasks previously left to Ms Price.

Alan Tudge moves up into cabinet while remaining Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population.

Anne Ruston will move into cabinet as Minister for Families and Social Services, while also taking on more responsibilities in the Senate.

Sussan Ley will become Minister for Environment in cabinet, a return to a senior role after she was demoted by former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull after reports about her use of parliamentary expenses.

The reshuffle follows the departure at the election of five ministers: Christopher Pyne, Kelly O'Dwyer, Steve Ciobo and Nigel Scullion from cabinet, as well as Michael Keenan from the outer ministry.

With Liberal Party deputy leader Josh Frydenberg as Treasurer, the government's core economic team includes Finance Minister Mathias Cormann who also becomes Special Minister of State, a role he has held before.

Michael Sukkar becomes Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Housing to focus on the home loan scheme for first-home buyers the government promised during the federal election campaign.

In an important position for retirement income policies, Jane Hume joins the frontbench as Assistant Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and Finance.

Alex Hawke moves from Special Minister of State to become Minister for International Development as well as Assistant Defence Minister, with a focus on building ties in the Pacific.

In the biggest change to key Nationals portfolios, the party deputy leader Bridget McKenzie moves from the regional services portfolio to become Minister for Agriculture, a more substantial role although she loses responsibility for sport.

Nationals leader Michael McCormack remains the Minister for Infrastructure while his party colleague Matt Canavan remains in cabinet in the resources portfolios respectively.

The fourth Nationals member of cabinet, David Littleproud, loses the agriculture portfolio but becomes Minister for Water Resources and takes on new responsibilities in dealing with emergencies and drought.

Darren Chester remains Minister for Veterans and Defence Personnel and Mark Coulton gains the role of Minister for Regional Services and Local Government, while fellow Nationals MP Michelle Landry and Andrew Gee become assistant ministers.

There will be seven women in the new cabinet; Senator Payne, Senator Ruston, Senator Cash, Senator Reynolds, Senator McKenzie, Ms Andrews and Ms Ley.

One of Mr Morrison's closest colleagues during the election campaign, Western Australian Liberal MP and former party director Ben Morton, becomes Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Cabinet, a role that crosses portfolios.

In other assistant minister positions, Jason Wood takes on customs and community safety, Nola Marino gains regional development, Zed Seselja gains finance and charities, Jonathon Duniam takes on regional tourism, Steve Irons is responsible for vocational education, Trevor Evans gains the environment portfolio and Luke Howarth becomes assistant minister for community housing and homelessness.

Mr Morrison emphasised his intention to deliver on commitments he made at the election including balancing the budget, cutting personal income tax rates, creating 1.25 million jobs over the next five years, providing subsidised medicines and maintaining national security.

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