

This was published 5 years ago


Steve Bannon thinks the Aussie election is dull - but is that so bad?

Steve Bannon took control of Donald Trump's failing 2016 campaign and turned it around, making a celebrity demagogue the president of the US. Wondering how an Australian federal election might look to a canny unconventional campaigner like Bannon, I thought I'd ask him.

He took the question seriously. Australia is one of the countries he follows routinely but he took a few days to do his homework nonetheless before calling back this week. "The most interesting thing" about the Australian election, says Bannon, "is the lack of interest". He points to the Essential poll published this week showing that half the country is paying little or no attention to the campaign. Only one in five respondents said they were paying "a lot" of attention. "Put that together with the fact that 20 days out from the election they showed the leaders' debate on the second channel" of the Seven Network on Monday, not the main channel, "and that tells you everything you need to know." With 415,000 viewers, the first debate rated as the 19th most watched TV show of the evening. Behind such gripping drama as Lego Masters.

Steve Bannon routinely watches the Australian political scene.

Steve Bannon routinely watches the Australian political scene.Credit: Bloomberg

Not that Bannon blames Australia's people. He thinks the campaign is astonishingly dull. He blames the leaders and their parties: "The problem is that the political consultants have taken over - everything is a talking point, everything is test-marketted, everything is focus-grouped. It may be viewed as winning, but it's not leadership." Try giving talking points to Trump, says Bannon, and what does he do? "You can't give Trump talking points - he pushes them away," says the former chief executive of the Trump campaign and then chief strategist of the Trump White House for first seven months of the administration, until some undiplomatic remarks about the President's familty saw him pushed out.

Although he is a creature of the populist Right, Bannon is equally unimpressed with both major Australian parties: "It doesn't seem either party is having people embrace their narrative. The intensity level just doesn't seem to be there. It's not just the Coalition - it seems neither party has set out a whole vision." The parties stay in what he describes as their "comfort zones". The Liberals talk about a "strong economy", low taxes, immigration, and resisting action on climate change. Labor talks about fairness, health care, childcare, education and taking action on climate change.

Bannon is correct, but is he right? He's correct that the parties in Australia are moderate, cautious and converging towards a political centre. The overwhelming impulse is risk aversion. That makes an Australian campaign comparatively dull. But does that make it wrong? Voting in Australia is different. It's one of only 19 countries that has compulsory voting, according to Judith Brett, emeritus professor of politics at La Trobe. And it's one of an even smaller sub-set of nine that actually enforces it.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

So where a US campaign's chief task is to mobilise voters to actually go out and vote, in Australia they are guaranteed to. The main purpose of a political campaign in Australia is not to mobilise voters but to persuade them. An American politician campaigns on highly emotive issues of guns, abortion, religion as a matter of course. Trump increased the intensity factor with extra inflammatory promises - to build a wall to keep out Mexican "rapists", to build an economic tariff "wall" against Chinese and Mexican products, to ban Muslim immigrants, to put mosques under surveillance and to lock up his competitor, Hillary Clinton.


An Australian politician, by contrast, hesitates to campaign on anything that might be considered even remotely offensive. Why? Because for every vote you win by promising an inflammatory idea, you lose at least as many reasonable people who are alienated. And probably many more. If you don't need to invoke great passion to get people to vote, why risk turning them away?  So where Trump went out of his way to demonise Muslims to inflame anger and mobilise voters, in Australia both parties are disendorsing any candidate who turns out to have Islamophobic views.


Similarly, Bannon finds "really surprising" the absence of one issue - China. "There should be a really intense debate about this", about China's place in the world and Australia's relations with it. "They are trying to hold the election on national security, and it should be tied to China," he says of the Coalition. Again, for either party to politicise China or, worse, Chinese people, would certainly raise the intensity of the campaign. But it would carry three big risks. First, it would risk alienating Chinese Australian voters in key seats. Second, it would likely provoke the Chinese government into a war of words and perhaps punitive trade sanctions. Third, while it may excite some nationalists, its would turn away many other categories of voters - those who value trade, investment, community cohesion and the principle of non-discrimination.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

Bannon's tactics are better suited to insurgent Australian parties seeking to emerge than to established ones, I suggest. He agrees: "The insurgent parties should be generating the intensity, and they're not." He cites some of the populist, insurgent, nationalist politicians he has supported around the world in successful campaigns - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, and Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. "These are two galvanising leaders who came out of nowhere and won on a shoe-string budget." His campaign advice for such candidates: "Campaign as bodly as you would govern. Social media has thrown caution to the wind."

In Australia, Pauline Hanson and her One Nation have cycled up and down the opinion polls three times over 20 years, never managing to attain real power. Clive Palmer and his United Australia Party is attempting to come back from implosion and Palmer's own corporate bungling. One day, Bannon says, some future minor party, well led, will take hold in Australia: "It will pop up - I have great faith in the efficiency of free markets." Perhaps. But so long as Australia's political architecture includes compulsory voting and preferential voting, it will work in favour of centrist politics and a two-party system.

But Bannon is surely right on one big thing: "This campaign doesn't look like it's going to be a full and frank discussion with the Australian people to debate the fundamental issues. I think you have to have a vision, and have enough confidence to go after the other side's argument and defeat it on the logic, and defeat it on the passion." A vision. On this, the Australian electorate agrees wholeheartedly. If the focus groups of uncommitted voters convened in Sydney and Melbourne this week for this newspaper is any indication, the electorate is thirsty for a vision of Australia's future.

The logic of the political system also converges on this point. So far, each party campaigns largely in its "comfort zone", in the partisan playpens defined by the parties' residual brand identites, playing with their safe toys. Then they venture out on raids on each other's playpens and try to smash the other team's toys. In this campaign, the Coalition is doing much more of the attacking so far. This is for the simple reason that the Coalition has been behind in the polls and seeks to tear down the front-runner. It's the Coalition's best chance of winning.

But what has this risk-averse campaigning - by both sides - achieved? Each side is beating the drum to stir ancestral memories among its own tribe and the tribal lost, Labor summoning residual Labor sentiments and Liberal seeking Liberal. So far all it's achieved something close to a 50-50 contest, according to all the national polls, with Labor a fraction ahead. It takes some boldness for a leader to set out a vision rather than a slogan. It also takes a vision. Perhaps today's leaders are incapable of grand vision, a compelling national narrative. Both are former party apparatchik and schemers who helped undercut their own leaders then dashed forward to seize the mantle of leadership just as it fell from the hands of leaders they'd helped topple. Perhaps all the scheming exhausted them. It certainly exhausted the patience of the Australian electorate.

In the focus groups in both Sydney and Melbourne, uncommitted voters volunteered the same word to describe the state of Australian politics a "shambles". "So many changes to prime minister," said Carol from the marginal Melbourne seat of Macnamara. "It's disgraceful." And Ursula from the same seat: "I'm really angry at what they did to Malcolm Turnbull - there's no turning back for me." In western Sydney, Tammy thought that Australia's political parties were testing the patience of the Queen: "She must just sit there going,’Oh my god, not again!’" Asked the most important factor in deciding his vote, one Melbourne man began with: "We want a leader who'll start a term..." His sentence was finished for him by the woman sitting next to him: "And finish it!" This was a popular statement among the group. In western Sydney, Morris voiced the same sentiment - his vote would be swung by "anyone who's going to be there in three years - that's it."

The hunger for stability of leadership was probably the strongest single sentiment emerging from both groups. The thirst for vision was also sharp. When the Sydney voters were asked whether either Scott Morrison or Bill Shorten had more of a vision for Australia, Peter said: "I don't think any politician recently has thought about anything beyond their three years." Beverley agreed: "They're both the same." Morris concluded glumly: "We are stuck going nowhere." The general despondency, the sense of resignation and the inability to discern any compelling reason to vote for either party led these voters - all of whom began by saying they were uncommitted - to default back into their former affiliations. The Sydney group, all former Liberal voters, were mostly inclined to vote Liberal. The Melbourne group, all lapsed Labor voters, were, with one exception, inclined to vote Labor. In a campaign where almost nothing has permeated through to these voters, all seemed to be open to the idea of a bigger vision for Australia It's almost, but not quite too late.

Steve Bannon, a bit incredulous at the blandness of the campaign, has already given up on Morrison and Shorten: "They're both trying to run out the clock." For one it will be winning, but is it leadership? Tick tock.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.

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