

This was published 5 years ago

This is serious: comic's Ukranian election win raises a thorny issue

Ukraine has just elected a comedian as president but it is no joke. It raises a serious issue about why voters find mainstream politicians so boring.

There was a time when politicians truly commanded respect. From Winston Churchill to JFK, people listened in earnest to long, serious speeches. In Australia, Gough Whitlam's oratory was an inspiration and people stayed glued to the radio listening to Robert Menzies’ weekly radio broadcasts. These leaders could be wickedly funny on occasion but, when they appeared in public, they mostly had their serious hats on.

Ukrainian comedian Volodymyr Zelensky at a press conference after he won the presidential election.

Ukrainian comedian Volodymyr Zelensky at a press conference after he won the presidential election.Credit: AP

Yet nowadays voters, especially young people, will not listen to speeches by political leaders. Ukraine is an extreme case but it is hardly unique.

Volodymyr Zelensky, who won in a landslide at the weekend, became famous for his role in a prescient television comedy about a teacher who stumbles into becoming president by chance. Since he entered politics he has based his campaign on a series of gags making fun of the old political order. He gave only one campaign interview, which was allocated by running a table tennis competition among bidding journalists.

The fact that he secured 73 per cent of the vote is a sign of how despondent Ukrainians have become with their political system. Australians have reason to like his defeated rival, Petro Poroshenko, who supported Australia's campaign for justice after Russian-backed separatists downed the MH17 Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine in 2014. But, for most Ukrainians, he has delivered only poverty and corruption. In despair they picked the funny man.


This is not the only case of a comedian who has turned the political world upside down. The satirist Beppe Grillo inspired the Italian Five Stars party to victory in an election last year. Once again, it reflected despair about Italy's weak economy and corrupt machine politics. Jimmy Morales, president of Guatemala, is another who did stand-up before he was elected.

Donald Trump and other populist leaders around the world are much less witty but they share with these comedian-politicians the schtick that the existing political discourse is irrelevant to most people.

The fatigue with mainstream politics extends to mainstream media. In the US, more and more people are learning about politics not from newspapers or television news but from comedy shows such as the Daily Show or else from goofy memes and cut-ups on the web.


There is an argument that the left tends to be funnier than the right, perhaps because comedy is often about challenging established authority. Conservative group Advance Australia is trying to fight back in this election with its parody character Captain GetUp, making fun of GetUp activists as sanctimonious do-gooders.

Yet this forced attempt at humour only underlines how little spontaneity there is in the rigorously stage-managed charade of modern elections. The campaign has resumed after the Easter break but there is not much to inspire young people in either Opposition Leader Bill Shorten or Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

The Australian Electoral Commission announced on Tuesday that a record 96.8 per cent of the population has enrolled to vote, including a record 88.8 per cent of the 18-24 age group. Many will have been convinced to register so they could take part in the same-sex marriage survey but the parties must find a way to talk to them.

Perhaps some jokes might help. But it would be better to use the old-school formula of identifying what young people care about and talking to them about it seriously.

  • A note from the editor – Subscribers can get Age editor Alex Lavelle's exclusive weekly newsletter delivered to their inbox by signing up here:

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