

This was published 5 years ago

Air strikes in battle for Libyan capital as US withdraws troops

By Ahmed Elumami

Tripoli: Eastern Libyan forces have carried out air strikes on the southern part of Tripoli and made progress towards the city centre, residents say, escalating an operation to take the capital as the United Nations failed to achieve a truce.

The health ministry of the United Nations-backed Libyan government of National Accord says clashes in the southern part of capital Tripoli have resulted in 11 people killed and 23 wounded.

The ministry gave no details of whether the casualties were civilians or fighters.

Libyan militia commander General Khalifa Hifter.

Libyan militia commander General Khalifa Hifter.Credit: AP

The Libyan National Army force of Khalifa Haftar, which backs a parallel administration in the east, last week launched an advance on Tripoli in the west, home to the internationally recognised government.

The offensive intensifies a power struggle that has fractured the oil and gas producer since the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi.

The LNA reached the southern outskirts of the capital on Friday and says it took the former international airport, though the Tripoli military officials deny this.

At least one warplane carried out an air strike in the area, a resident said on Sunday.

"The air force took part for the first time in the military operations," said LNA spokesman Ahmed Mismari. "It conducted a very successful operation to secure the airport road (to city centre)," he added.

The LNA moved up north on the road from the former airport in the district of Khalat Furgan, coming about 11km from the city centre, a resident said, adding he could see the troops as forces loyal to the Tripoli government withdrew.


The UN mission to Libya called on Sunday for a truce for two hours in southern Tripoli to evacuate civilians and wounded, it said in a statement without giving details.

But the truce was not observed by evening, one UN official said.

A US amphibious hovercraft departs with evacuees from Janzur, west of Tripoli, on Sunday.

A US amphibious hovercraft departs with evacuees from Janzur, west of Tripoli, on Sunday.Credit: AP

In another sign of the worsening situation on the ground, a contingent of US forces supporting the US Africa Command evacuated Libya for security reasons, a US statement said. It gave no details.

Forces allied to the Tripoli government meanwhile announced their own operation called "Volcano of Anger" to defend the capital, a spokesman said, without giving details.

The offensive has taken the UN by surprise, undermining plans to find agreement on a road map for elections to resolve the protracted instability in Libya.

The UN mission in Libya called on Sunday for a humanitarian truce for two hours late on Sunday afternoon to evacuate the wounded from Aziziya, the area around the airport, and another location. The number of casualties could not be determined.

Representatives of the UN mission in Libya said on Sunday that it remained active in Libya and had not evacuated. But the US military personnel had left by boat on Sunday morning, according to a resident who provided photographs of the ship as it departed.

Lawless since Gaddafi was toppled by rebels backed by NATO air strikes, Libya has become the transit point for hundreds of thousands of migrants trekking across the Sahara with the objective of reaching Europe across the Mediterranean Sea.

Haftar, 75, who casts himself as a foe of Islamist extremism but is viewed by opponents as a new dictator in the mould of Gaddafi, enjoys the backing of Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, which see him as a bulwark against Islamists and have supported him militarily, according to UN reports.

The UAE, however, has joined Western countries in expressing its deep concern about the fighting.

"No justification for LNA move on Tripoli," UK Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt tweeted, adding he was watching the situation very closely and would discuss the "next steps" with the European Union on Monday.

Reuters, New York Times

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