

This was published 5 years ago

'Profoundly dangerous': A generation at risk from 'concierge parents'

By Jordan Baker

One parent was so upset about their child's assessment that they paid an outside tutor to re-mark the essay and demanded the school use the rival result, which was one point higher.

Then there was the mother who wrote to a school offering to sit detention on her daughter's behalf, arguing she was the one who was late to wash the forgotten uniform, so she would accept the punishment.

Karen Porter with her two boys Cameron Morris and Lachie Morris, at their Fairlight home where they share the chores.

Karen Porter with her two boys Cameron Morris and Lachie Morris, at their Fairlight home where they share the chores. Credit: James Brickwood

They are among a legion of Sydney parents rushing to rescue their children from everyday challenges and minor failures such as a spat with a mate, a talking-to from their teacher, or a forgotten history assignment.

Some dub them snowploughs, because they remove obstacles from their child's path. But the principal of St Catherine's School in Waverley, Julie Townsend, prefers the term 'concierge parents'. "They are there at a little desk waiting for any problems, and sort them out," she said.

The United States scandal over parents bribing officials to admit their children to exclusive colleges is an extreme form of the parenting trend, but it has been on the rise in Australia too, according to principals of Sydney schools.

Dr Julie Townsend, headmistress of St Catherine's School, Waverley.

Dr Julie Townsend, headmistress of St Catherine's School, Waverley.

"I have seen quite a significant change," says Jenny Allum, who has been principal of SCEGGS Darlinghurst for more than two decades. "They expect [their children] to have fewer hurdles and more accolades, more opportunities, more recognition."

Timothy Wright, headmaster of Shore School, has noticed more parents querying team selections, or essay marks, or invitations.

"I think some parents are more anxious about managing their children for ongoing success than they are about ongoing learning," he said. "The notion that 'my child must always succeed' is profoundly dangerous."


It creates students that are too fragile to accept feedback. "They can't cope when a teacher says, 'you need more reasoning here', or 'this is unclear'," said Dr Wright.

The principals emphasised that the vast majority of parents were sensible. Concierge parents made up "maybe 10 per cent of families," says Dr Townsend. "But they take up 90 per cent of your time."

Students need challenges at school to prepare them for adulthood. "Children should experience failure in order to learn that there are habits of mind and characteristics of personality that enable them to struggle and persevere," said Dr Wright.

Amid growing concerns about the long-term impact of parental intervention, schools are beginning to act. Last year, Wenona School ruled that forgotten items ferried to school by parents would stay in reception until the end of the day.

The student might get detention for forgetting, but "it only happens once or twice and then even the vaguest child tends to focus a little more," wrote principal Briony Scott in a newsletter to parents.

Similarly, an unwashed uniform would not be an excuse. "From year 7 onwards, I expect a young woman to be able to do her own washing," she wrote.

"The only way we can teach young people that parents are not their slaves nor their secretaries, and to reinforce that they themselves are really quite capable, is to allow young people to become capable."

The NSW Department of Education issued a parent code of conduct last year. St Catherine's also issued its own version, explaining that parents should treat teachers respectfully, and that repeated breaches might result in a ban from school premises.

"It gives the teachers the opportunity to say to parents, 'your behaviour is not acceptable'," said Dr Townsend.

For SCEGGS, the focus is education. "Our deputy principal [Holly Gyton] told year seven parents she wanted to leave them with one word - wobble," said Ms Allum. "'When you were teaching them to ride a bike, they wobbled. Let them wobble'."

'Concierge parenting' is not confined to private schools - many government schools report it too - but it is "often the domain of the educated and the anxious," said Judith Locke, author of The Bonsai Child.

"The more education you get, the more fearful you are of minor things affecting children - the long term of effect of not getting onto the netball team. When you have hyper-vigilance about what your child is going through, you are more likely to protect them from problematic events.

"We think self-esteem is about a perfect life and being happy. But really, it's believing you can cope with whatever's coming up in the future."

Parents accustomed to saving their children tend not to stop once the child has finished high school. Dr Locke has heard stories of parents ringing university lecturers, and even workplaces to sort out problems for their children.

Since 2014, Sydney University has published a newsletter for parents, which has had a "very positive response," said a university spokesperson.

Karen Porter, a single mother of three boys, decided three years ago that she was carrying too much of the domestic load. Since then, each boy has been responsible for cooking one meal a week, and they all pitch in with the cleaning and laundry.

They are also responsible for managing their school, homework and extra-curricular activities. She believes it is important for them to become resourceful and self-sufficient.

"I reasoned that at the age of 12 I was cooking, so there was no reason they couldn't do it," she said. "The more that they buy into the idea that we are all a team, the better it will be for their relationships in the future."

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