

This was published 5 years ago

Authorities failed to act on potential toxic waste disaster two years ago

By Chris Vedelago and Sumeyya Ilanbey

Regulators ignored alerts from police more than two years ago that a "potentially very hazardous" stash of chemicals was stored in two Epping warehouses now linked to one of the biggest illegal dumping operations in the state's history.

Suspected chemical waste found in warehouses in Epping in 2018.

Suspected chemical waste found in warehouses in Epping in 2018.Credit: Whittlesea Council

Neither the Environmental Protection Agency nor the Whittlesea council acted on the information.

The scale of the crisis only became clear when millions litres of toxic waste were discovered in late 2018 at six other warehouses in Epping and Campbellfield. Estimates for the worst-case scenario suggest there now could be up to 19 million litres of potential dangerous materials present.

Authorities only uncovered those sites following an investigation into a massive industrial blaze at a West Footscray factory in August last year that spewed clouds of toxic smoke across the city, contaminating waterways and forcing the closure of schools and businesses.

All of the properties have been linked to the same Wallan-based businessman, Graham Leslie White, who was also the tenant at the two Epping properties identified as suspected dump sites by police more than two years ago.

In October 2016, firefighters and police responded to reports of toxic fumes coming from the factories, which suggested they could have been clandestine drug manufacturing labs.

Searches did not uncover any evidence of drug-related activity but police sent written warnings about what they found inside the warehouses to the EPA and Whittlesea council.

“It was clear that he [White] was utilising the factory for the storage of a very large quantity of assorted 44-gallon drums, many of which contained unknown liquids and/or chemicals … many of the drums were open,” the detective wrote, in documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws.


The detective reported that the drums were also stacked four or five high.

“I believe the factory is potentially very hazardous, especially when [name redacted] does not know what many of the drums contain, and that his storage of the drums appears to be quite inadequate.”

The Age can now reveal that neither Whittlesea council nor the EPA investigated the information, despite the officer’s dire warnings.

Instead, the referral was classified as a “Planning Enforcement Reactive Complaint Noise, Hrs of Op”.

A council officer visited the property for an external site inspection but was ordered not to enter the factory. After finding some poorly maintained landscaping and wooden and metal rubbish in the car park, the officer wrote a report requiring the items be removed.

Barrels stacked in the entry to one of the warehouses in Epping

Barrels stacked in the entry to one of the warehouses in EppingCredit: Whittlesea Council

“Please be advised that once the landscaping has been weeded, planted and mulched to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority, it MUST be continuously maintained to Council’s satisfaction,” the officer warned.

No further action was taken and council did not use its powers to inspect the interior for potential breaches of planning rules governing the storage or transfer of the suspected chemical drums.

“Council followed up on the email with an inspection of the site and issued a clean-up notice for the outside area, which was complied with,” Liana Thompson, Whittlesea’s director of partnerships planning and engagement, said when questioned by The Age.

“Other than the email from Victoria Police in October 2016 there have been no complaints lodged with Council about [the properties], either before this time or since.”

The EPA also failed to follow up on the police notification.

EPA chief executive Cathy Wilkinson refused to comment because the dump sites were now part of an ongoing investigation.

By the time authorities rediscovered the two Epping sites in December 2018 in the wake of the West Footscray fire, the buildings were filled floor-to-ceiling with 44 gallon drums and plastic containers of highly-flammable solvents, aerosols, cleaning chemicals and paint.

WorkSafe, which is leading the containment and clean-up effort, has issued at least 39 improvement notices for the properties.

Whittlesea council has also issued emergency orders after determining the properties now constitute “a serious breach of … permit conditions”.

Three dump sites were recently found in Craigieburn and another in Campbellfield on Friday as part of the same investigation, although it is unclear who is responsible for the stockpiling at these properties.

WorkSafe took control over the clean-up operation in early January, which is expected to cost tens of millions of dollars and take months to complete.

Mr White, who did not respond to a request for comment, has not been charged with any criminal offence.

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