This was published 5 years ago
Labor backs down on overhaul of mortgage broker commissions
Labor will allow mortgage brokers to continue being paid by banks if it wins government, abandoning its previous "in principle" support for the royal commission's call that consumers should pay brokers an upfront fee.
Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen on Friday said Labor's position was that upfront commissions, which are paid by banks to brokers for arranging loans, should be allowed to continue but be capped at 1.1 per cent of a loan's value.
That would roughly double current upfront commissions which would partly cushion the impact from Labor's already flagged policy that would ban ban trail commissions. Trail commissions are usually worth about 0.15 per cent of a loan's value annually for as long as it takes the borrower to pay off the loan.
The Morrison government is also banning trail commissions and will review whether to make further changes to upfront payments in several years.
Labor would also require that commissions are paid only on the amount of money drawn down in a loan - a change many banks have already committed to making.
The policy is a stark change from Labor's initial "in principle" support for the royal commission's recommendation that all commissions be phased out and replaced with a fee paid by consumers.
Claire O'Neil, Labor's spokesperson for financial services, also confirmed Labor's plan to raise the limit on bank compensation for victims to $2 million, including for non-financial losses such as for mental health. She vowed the industry would pay the bill.
"We are making the banks pay for this scheme because it is the banks that have done the wrong thing," she said.
Under Labor's new scheme, Ms O'Neil said customers in unresolved disputes with banks would be able to have their cases "reaheard" where there has been a "serious" error by a previous court or decision-making body.
Australian Bankers' Assocaition chief Anna Bligh said the compensation scheme, foreshadowed in Friday's Herald, was a "significant departure" from the Hayne royal commission's findings. Commissioner Hayne said there would be "no merit" in allowing further redress for consumers whose complaints had already been heard by a court, trubunal or external dispute resolution scheme.
"Banks will study this policy in detail and would expect that should Labor form government, it will consult extensively about these proposals, including sharing the economic modelling and legal advice on the which the policy is based," Ms Bligh said.
Brokers and smaller banks have been lobbying against the proposed shake-up to commissions for the past month, warning it would force mortgage brokers out of business, harming smaller banks that depend on brokers for distributing loans.
Mr Bowen on Friday argued the cap on commissions would keep banks from steering which loans were recommended by brokers, and the policy would deal with brokers arranging bigger loans than needed.
"We do want to see conflicted remuneration taken out of mortgage broking, but we do recognise that upfront commissions will play a role to take the financial pressure off customers," he said.
Share prices of mortgage brokers rallied, with Mortgage Choice up 11 per cent to 85c and wholesale broker AFG up 6 per cent to $1.26.
Mortgage Choice chief executive Susan Mitchell said Labor's shift was a good start.
"However more consideration needs to be given to all the work brokers do for customers post settlement," she said.
"A fixed upfront commission rate paid by the lender comes with its own challenges... a fixed upfront commission rate suggests that the broker’s work is done once a loan is settled.
Mike Felton, chief executive of the Mortgage Finance Association of Australia, said the policy would keep brokers viable, therefore protecting competition and access to credit.
Choice chief executive Alan Kirkland, a critic of commissions, said the Labor backdown was a "temporary reprieve" for brokers, in part because the industry had run a "ferocious" lobbying campaign.
"Ultimately, we are going to need to see the recommendations of the royal commission implemented," Mr Kirkland said. "This announcement shows that it's going to take longer to get there."