‘‘And there was an island.’’ This island – of wild winds, towering sand dunes and knotted scrub – that drifts on the horizon of Peggy Frew’s new novel is also the island that generations of her family have visited. The tradition started with her grandparents, was continued by her parents, and now Frew and her partner, artist and musician Mick Turner, go there regularly with their three children.
The rugged Phillip Island, south-east of Melbourne and flocked to by tourists hoping to catch the famous penguin parade at sunset, was part of Frew’s life before she was even born. There’s a photo of Frew’s pregnant mother, standing in the garden of her grandfather’s horse shoe-shaped house, near one of the island’s sheltered bay beaches. As a child, Frew roamed the island. It belonged to her. Time took on a different consistency to the real world; it meandered, it stretched, it got lost.
‘‘We intimately knew that landscape. We knew every shrub, every sand dune, every fallen log. We’d just play endless imagination games with nothing. No props, just role play games. Making things out of sticks, looking at what ants were doing, swimming,’’ says the novelist, softly spoken and thoughtful, casting her eye out of the window, as she does frequently during the interview, as though cast adrift in some memory or thought.
This landscape of liberation hovers in Frew’s novel, Islands, as readers are swept into another kind of island, one that has been badly eroded: a family. Helen and John’s marriage has collapsed after an affair, the loyalties of their teenage daughters, Anna and June, are divided, they choose to live with different parents. June is introverted, seemingly self-sufficient and withdrawn. Her younger sister Anna is described by others as ‘‘funny peculiar’’ with an ‘‘active imagination’’ – she is overly sensitive, has tumultuous moods, oscillates from neediness to aloofness. Anna is difficult to a get a handle on as a reader and her family faces the same struggle. When the troubled 15-year-old fails to return home one night, a distracted Helen isn’t overly concerned. Three days later, it’s a police matter.
The novel’s fractured narration mirrors the tearing apart of the Worth family, with chapters that alternate between the perspectives of Helen, John and June and those of more peripheral figures, such as school mates. The book moves fluidly between moments in time; incidents are remembered differently.
Islands are contradictory spaces, both isolated and connected by the water that surrounds them, and Anna's disappearance functions in a similar way for the Worth family and those that surround them. Her absence links those she has left behind, while also creating and highlighting divisions between them. We are never given direct access to Anna, she exists only as a memory, ghostly obscure, as she is in one of the paintings her sister June will create in the years after her disappearance.
Islands is Frew’s third novel, but its embryo was formed more than two decades ago. What would become Islands, was also Frew’s first attempt at a novel.
‘‘I didn’t even realise it was a novel. it was just this thing that I would work on here and there on a laptop that my dad had given me, or even longhand at the beginning. It grew and grew until one day I realised it was turning into a novel,’’ Frew says.
She worked on the manuscript on the side for most of her 20s while focusing on her music career as bass guitarist of indie rock band Art of Fighting. The band, which formed in 1995, toured internationally and released three albums, winning an ARIA for its first, Wires.
After studying a writing and editing course at Melbourne’s RMIT University and winning The Age short story competition in 2008, Frew turned her attention to another novel, The House of Sticks. It won the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for an unpublished manuscript and was published in 2011, although in retrospect Frew believes the novel ‘‘wasn’t of a publishable standard, there wasn’t enough to it’’.
In 2015 came Frew’s Barbara Jefferis Award-winning Hope Farm, about a mother and daughter living in a rural hippie commune, which was shortlisted for the Stella Prize and the Miles Franklin Award. Yet the key elements of her ‘‘classic first attempt’’ at a novel had not left her. The earlier manuscript still existed, but Frew never glanced at it while working on Islands. She found that the ideas floated back easily.
"The mood of that late childhood experience, combined with the setting of the island, combined with the breakdown of the family, that still felt like it had something that I wanted to write about in it. Plus, I had 20 years of experience and was now an adult myself with children of my own so I felt like I had more that I could bring to the story," Frew says.
There's a recurring interest in families in crisis and early adolescence, and how damage wreaked in the past continues to haunt the shape of the present, across Frew's novels.
"I just find that such rich territory and I think I have always been in love with those emotions of melancholy and nostalgia," she says of her interest in the twilight years of childhood.
"It’s what moves me more than anything else really. I think I just have really clear memories of what it felt like to be at that age when you start to get a glimpse into the adult world but yet you don’t fully understand it. I find that really interesting. You can never get back that state, but you can try to through writing. You can try to reinhabit it."
Teenage Peggy was anti-social and anti-authoritarian. Frew says other children thought she was "cold and unfriendly" but reading offered her a refuge from the unpleasantness of her high school experience and she started to learn bass guitar in her final year. Her father, an engineer, and her mother, a computer programmer who later specialised in bioethics, were passionate lovers of literature and music. Frew would read poetry to her mother as she bathed; her father had an encyclopaedic knowledge of pop music. Her parents split up when Frew was a teenager, which she jokes has proven "excellent grist for the mill and probably will be forever - it's my white, middle-class trauma. That's all I’ve got."
Frew drew on that emotional experience and when she showed her mother Islands she responded by telling her daughter never to let anything she thought get in the way of her writing. Yet Frew is nervous about how people on the edges of her family might mistakenly presume the novel is based on the breakdown of her own parents’ relationship, and also how locals on Phillip Island might respond. Frew still visits regularly with her children.The island is only identified once in the novel, on a poster in Anna's bedroom, although beaches and roads are named. Frew says she wanted the Worth family to be at the novel's forefront, and having the island as a backdrop allowed her to explore what each member was experiencing, as the island takes on varying meanings to the characters at different moments in their lives.
The Worth family each find their own ways to cope with the disappearance of Anna - settling on a solution, imagining a happy future for her, reinterpreting events creatively.
"This is all we have, these infinite strands of possibility - to fabricate, to arrange and rearrange, to worry at, to tend," Frew writes.
But does the novelist herself know what happened, even if her readers might not? Frew pauses, considers. It's harder to live with not knowing, to accept a permanent unsettledness, Frew says, and that is the kind of person she would rather be.
"I sort of know it’s a book that will annoy some people, people who like books to tie up neatly and all the questions to be answered. I definitely think its a book that doesn’t answer every question that it raises. For me that was never what the book is about."
It's shaping up to be a big year for Frew - a new novel, and also new music. Her band, Art of Fighting, have released their first single, Genie, in 12 years. A full album will follow soon, with gigs planned for Sydney and Melbourne. The band never split, its members have continued jamming amid day jobs, children and other life developments. The last time they released new music was before the rise of social media, so it's a different landscape they are entering. Frew has continued a tradition and reluctantly written one song on the new album, although she says writing lyrics doesn't come as easily as you might expect of a novelist.
"In some ways it is a nice break from the solitude and a bit of a relief, but in some ways it is a challenge. It uses a different part of my brain and I really like that. I find it really hard work as well," Frew says.
Frew hopes she will find time to soon return to Phillip Island with her children, who are aged 10, 12 and 15. The island has particularly been a family affair of late. Frew's partner Mick recently exhibited in Melbourne a series of paintings of the island he completed en plein air.
"Together we are building this body of work about the same place. It was never intentional it just happened. I loved writing about the landscape of the island," Frew says.
"I see [my children] having all the same experiences I did. I look at my son rolling in the hot sand at the base of the dunes. You can’t help but be in your body when you are in that environment."
Peggy Frew will be attending the Sydney Writers' Festival, April 29-May 5. Islands is published by Allen & Unwin at $29.99.
The Art of Fighting will perform at the Landsdowne Hotel, Sydney, on April 4 and Howler, Melbourne, on April 11.