

This was published 5 years ago

Ipsos poll: Support for Labor falls after clash over refugees and border security

By David Crowe

Labor has suffered a sharp fall in popular support after a week of incendiary political claims over border protection, with the party leading the Coalition by 51 to 49 per cent in its narrowest result in more than six months.

Voters have shifted against Labor in significant numbers amid the escalating row over the refugee medical transfer law passed by Parliament last week, cutting the party’s lead over the Coalition from the previous result of 54 to 46 per cent last December.

The results, contained in an Ipsos poll conducted exclusively for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, are a warning sign for Opposition Leader Bill Shorten over the power of government claims of a “dismantling” of the offshore detention regime and a fresh argument that the new laws will not stop accused criminals coming to Australia.

Mr Shorten has lost some ground on his personal approval rating, with his net approval falling from minus nine to minus 12 percentage points, but the furore over borders has not made a significant difference to his standing.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has seen a marginal increase in his net approval, from eight to nine percentage points, within the margin of error of 2.9 per cent for this and other measures.

Voters prefer Mr Morrison over Mr Shorten as prime minister by 48 to 38 per cent, a difference barely changed from the gap of nine percentage points between the two leaders last December.

Mr Morrison’s lead over Mr Shorten as preferred prime minister is less than half the gap Malcolm Turnbull enjoyed over the Opposition Leader, 57 to 30 per cent, one month before the Liberal Party removed him as leader in August.

Mr Morrison argued on Sunday that Mr Shorten had weakened the nation’s borders by passing the medical transfer bill over the government’s objections.


“Our government will be doing everything within our powers, despite what the Labor Party have done to undermine our border protection regime, to ensure these boats don’t come,” he said while campaigning in Tasmania.

The new law allows two doctors to recommend the transfer to Australia of an asylum seeker from Manus Island or Nauru, subject to review by a medical panel and a decision by the Immigration Minister on whether the person is a threat to national security or has been imprisoned for one year or more for a crime.

Asylum seekers transferred to Australia would be kept in detention centres while undergoing medical assessments, subject to the minister’s decision on whether to allow them to live in community detention.

Mr Shorten has described the bill as a humanitarian measure that poses no risk to border protection, while focusing on the years of dispute within the Coalition government.

“They’re on their third Prime Minister, the National Party and the Liberals can’t agree on energy policy, they’re all over the show. So we’re focusing on the people and that’s I think the best strategy,” Mr Shorten said on Saturday in Melbourne.

The latest Ipsos survey is another sign of the volatility in Australian politics since the turmoil within the government last August.

Labor held a lead of 51 to 49 per cent last July, before the Coalition split on energy helped widen the gap to 55 to 45 per cent in the days before Mr Turnbull was removed.

While there was a slight recovery for the government under Mr Morrison in September, when Labor led by 53 to 47 per cent, the year ended with Labor ahead by 54 to 46 per cent based on preference flows at the last election.

The latest survey shows Labor’s primary vote has fallen from 37 to 33 per cent over two months, an unusually low result compared to other published polls. The Coalition’s primary vote rose from 36 to 38 per cent.

The survey of 1,200 respondents was conducted by telephone from Tuesday to Friday and has a margin of error of 2.9 per cent.

Mr Morrison has spent the summer campaigning on support for areas hit by the drought, the threat of Labor policies to increase tax revenue and the prospect of more asylum seeker arrivals.

The Prime Minister retains a positive personal rating among voters, in contrast to Mr Shorten, with the new poll showing the proportion of voters who approve of his performance rose from 47 to 49 per cent. The number who disapproved rose from 39 to 40 per cent.

As a result, Mr Morrison’s net approval rating – the difference between those who approve and those who disapprove – increased slightly to nine points.

The proportion who approved of Mr Shorten’s performance slipped from 41 to 40 per cent and the number who disapproved increased from 50 to 52 per cent.

Mr Shorten’s net approval rating deteriorated from minus nine percentage points to minus 12.

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