This was published 6 years ago
CBA admits it ignored heart attack warning for profit
The chief medical officer of Commonwealth Bank's insurance arm warned in 2012 that it was rejecting trauma claims based on a heart attack definition that was up to five years out of date, but the bank has admitted failing to act in order to protect its bottom line.
In damaging revelations for the country's biggest bank, the royal commission into financial misconduct on Wednesday delved into repeated internal warnings CBA received that its policies included a definition of heart attack that was out of step with medical opinion.
CommInsure also admitted it misled the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) as it adopted hard-ball tactics in a dispute with a customer, which the ombudsman said may have been "serious misconduct".
As the commission puts insurers under the microscope, senior counsel assisting the commission, Rowena Orr QC, tabled a 2012 email from CommInsure's then chief medical officer, William Monday. The email backed moving to a "universal definition" for heart attacks.
"We have been talking about a change in definition for some time (before a shift in the market started to occur) in response to some contentious claims, i.e. clients not meeting our definition and therefore being declined for heart attack, though medically they were diagnosed as having had a heart attack," he wrote.
In an "ideal world," Dr Monday supported the bank moving to the heart attack definition adopted in 2007.
Until 2016, CBA's definition required a certain amount of a protein called Troponin to be present in a customer's blood. But Dr Monday said it was requiring Troponin levels up to 20 times higher than the universal medical definition. He also said it was "harder for women to reach our level which is not ideal".
The revelations came as Prime Minister Scott Morrison admitted in parliament he was wrong to have opposed the royal commission.
"I regret that we did not do it earlier. I am pleased it is happening now," Mr Morrison said.
Ms Orr also tabled a May 2014 warning from a different former chief medical officer, Benjamin Koh, who blew the whistle on the scandal in a 2016 investigation from Fairfax Media and the ABC.
Dr Koh called for the definitions to be reviewed, and warned of "time wasted, financial and opportunity costs, legal implications and the tarnishing of brand reputation when trying to decline (legitimate) claims that would reasonably have been admitted within the spirit of the policy".
Dr Koh, who was sacked by CBA, wrote on Twitter there had been no consequences for the misconduct at CBA, but "prolonged heart ache" for customers with heart attack claims, adding: "Consequence for person who drew attention of issue to senior management... termination."
Questioning CommInsure executive general manager Helen Troup, Ms Orr also tabled an internal proposal to update CBA's heart attack definition from September 2011.
"You accept, I think, that CommInsure knew from at least 2012 that its heart attack definition didn't reflect the universal definition of heart attack?," Ms Orr asked Ms Troup.
"Yes, I do," Ms Troup replied.
"And do you accept that in making decisions not to update the definition between 2011 and 2016, CMLA [CommInsure] was motivated by commercial considerations?"
"Yes," Ms Troup said.
In response to the warnings, Ms Orr said CBA looked into a partial benefit for minor heart attacks, but one such project was dumped because "current experience and risk appetite restricts any movement which would impact profit".
Following the Fairfax investigation, CommInsure updated its heart attack definition. But it only backdated these changes to 2014, before later applying the changes back to 2012 in the face of criticism from the corporate watchdog.
Earlier, Ms Orr grilled Ms Troup over CommInsure's conduct towards the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), revealing it had misled the ombudsman; refused to hand over information requested; and repeatedly challenged its jurisdiction.
The 2016 dispute related to a customer who had been rejected for a claim because his heart attack did not meet the bank's policy at the time - but would have received a payout if the bank had backdated its changes further than it did.
CBA refused to hand over a medical assessment that was favourable to the customer's position in the dispute, sending an email which blacked out this part of the medical opinion.
“By sending this email, the group customer relations officer misled the Financial Ombudsman Service into thinking that CommInsure did not have a medical report on whether the insured would satisfy the updated heart attack definition. Do you accept that?’ Ms Orr said.
“Yes,” Ms Troup replied.