

This was published 6 years ago

Tony Abbott holds out on Scott Morrison's special envoy offer

By Dana McCauley & Nathan Hondros

Tony Abbott is holding out against accepting new Prime Minister Scott Morrison's offer to make him a special envoy for Indigenous Affairs, saying he will only take on the role if it is more than an honorary position.

The former prime minister also said he would not be retiring anytime soon and was committed to helping the government win the next election.

"I want to see us making a difference here, but I don't just want a title without a role," Mr Abbott told 2GB morning host Ray Hadley on Monday. "Let's see what the new role entails."

Tony Abbott is weighing up whether to take on the special envoy role.

Tony Abbott is weighing up whether to take on the special envoy role.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Mr Abbott also indicated that he was ready to move on from his long-running battle with Mr Turnbull.

"The era of the political assassin is over, and thank God for that," he said.

"We've had far too much backstabbing, we've had far too much leaking and briefing, and I think we can now put all of that behind us."

But he could not resist a dig at the former prime minister, saying that Mr Turnbull "will be remembered mostly for the way he got into office and the way he got out of office".

"Without going over the entrails of last week ... I just think that the whole polity is better off today than it was then," Mr Abbott said.

Hadley urged Mr Abbott to accept the special envoy role, revealing that he had spoken directly to the new Prime Minister about the offer - in a clear signal from the talkback radio host that his once-fractured relationship with Mr Morrison had been mended.


"I think it's an olive branch, it's a sign of respect," Hadley said, adding that the appointment was an opportunity to "repair bridges".

"His words to me were 'it's a fair dinkum offer'. If it's a fair dinkum offer, would you take it?"

But Mr Abbott remained coy, responding: "I have a fair dinkum job, to be the member for Warringah. I suspect I can manage other things, but let's see what it involves."

Mr Abbott also indicated that he intended to run again at the next election.

“I’m not retiring, I regard myself as a young man,” he said.

“I still think I have a lot of public life left in me and I am determined to make the most of it.”

Mr Abbott said that while he was considering the envoy role he did not want to "step on the toes" of Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion and others involved in the space.

A bipartisan parliamentary committee co-chaired by Liberal backbencher Julian Leeser is currently taking submissions on the constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians.

Patrick Dodson, assistant to the opposition spokesman on Indigenous Affairs, dismissed the potential appointment as an attempt by Mr Morrison to "buy off wrecker Tony Abbott" with a "special but undefined role".

"Labor is seriously concerned about appointing the ex-self-appointed ‘Prime Minister for Indigenous affairs’ to the role of ‘envoy,’ given his ignorant, hopeless and frankly offensive track record on Indigenous issues," Senator Dodson said.

"As Prime Minister, he cut over $500 million from Indigenous programs in the 2014 federal budget.

Senator Pat Dodson

Senator Pat Dodson Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"And who can forget his profoundly offensive comments in 2015, claiming that people living in remote communities without adequate services were making a 'lifestyle choice' while defending his government’s decision to close up to 150 remote communities."

Mr Abbott had also backed then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull's rejection of a constitutionally entrenched body to represent Indigenous people as recommended in last year's Uluru statement, Senator Dodson said.

"The suggestion that Tony Abbott could act as some kind of messenger or representative for First Nations people is condescending to the overwhelming number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who support the calls for a Voice to Parliament and a Makarrata Commission to oversee truth-telling and agreement-making – both of which Mr Abbott has not supported," he said.

"This is yet another example of the Liberal National Party playing a game with themselves, placating each other’s egos and trivialising First Nations people’s concerns and long-ignored calls for justice and recognition."

Indigenous Health Minister Ken Wyatt said he would support Mr Abbott as special envoy for Indigenous Affairs, but only if he took a consultative approach.

"Look, Tony has been offered something by the Prime Minister, whether I agree or disagree doesn't matter," Mr Wyatt told Perth radio station 6PR on Monday.

"If Tony accepts that, then he's going to have to work with Aboriginal people, listen to them, accept their perspectives and then bring that back.

"What I liked about Malcolm [Turnbull] was that he kept reminding all of us that we have to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to find the solutions, not do things to them.

"If Tony can do that, then that's fine. If he can't, then I have a problem."

Mr Abbott told Hadley that he remained passionate about Indigenous Australia, but believed that effecting change in the area required support from the highest echelons of power.

"This does really require the Prime Minister's authority to get things done," he said.

"It needs someone at the very top to cut through."

He said the biggest challenge in Indigenous Affairs was implementing policies in the face of  "governance" and "attitudinal" issues, claiming that it was "still the official view" that "it's okay for Aboriginal kids to not go to school."

"It's not.  If you don't go to school and get a decent education, in English, how do you function in modern Australia?" he said.

"The kids have got to go to school, the adults have got to go to work, and the community has got to be safe."

Mr Abbott brought the Indigenous Affairs portfolio into the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet in 2013, a move he described at the time as necessary to ensure that indigenous policy was more than an "afterthought".

He prides himself on his record of visiting remote Indigenous communities at least once a year as opposition leader and prime minister, including a trip with Mr Morrison in 2009.

Mr Abbott said he would consult with Indigenous leaders he is close to, such as Noel Pearson and Ian Trust, before making a decision about the special envoy role.

Meanwhile Craig Laundy, the outgoing minister for Small and Family Business, the Workplace and Deregulation, has released a statement saying he's considering political future.

Mr Laundy thanked Mr Morrison for his offer to see him continue on the frontbench, but he decided to take a "step back and consider what my future holds".

"I have not taken this decision lightly, but the significant challenges we faced last week took a massive toll, both emotionally and physically," the Turnbull supporter said.

"Malcolm Turnbull was a great leader and we will remain close friends in the years to come."

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