

This was published 6 years ago


It’s no wonder Australians are so annoyed

The events last week in Canberra exhibit the most disgraceful conduct I have seen in more than 40 years. It’s no wonder Australians are so annoyed. I’ve been out of Parliament for 11 years and people were stopping me in the street to say how angry they are.

Some very foolish people thought that with the economy going well and people therefore finding jobs, with more money in education and health, with big infrastructure in the pipeline, perhaps it would be better if they were at the helm.

Outgoing Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with granddaughter Alice.

Outgoing Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with granddaughter Alice.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Never mind that their party was at the point in the polls from which no government has lost. Some very jealous people saw the PM about to achieve what other governments haven’t for the last decade or more: a national energy policy. Desperate to deprive him of that achievement they set about to whittle away at it and him.

How you can accept endorsement in a safe seat from a major party and behave like this is beyond belief. Local people get to choose their member in the Liberal Party, perhaps we should ask the membership in the relevant seats why they tolerate this kind of destruction and disloyalty from their members. It lies with them.

What explanation are we offered for this conduct? They thought that a guy who had a 3 per cent rating in preferred PM stakes would be more popular? It’s laughable. Frankly it’s embarrassing for them.

“We did it for unity” is one line being run. Take a cold shower and get a look in the mirror. You get unity by sticking together and containing insurgents, not by falling for their propaganda.

Then there’s the line that they had to do it because the Longman byelection meant they were worried about Queensland seats and the impact of One Nation.

Warren Entsch holds the most northern Queensland seat. He argued for and played a pivotal role in the same-sex marriage debate. So much for having to shift to the right to win in Queensland.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

In any event, all you do by shifting to the right is give up the centre ground to Labor. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.


Do these wreckers need to be told that they hold that office for the betterment of the Australian people? The government has a majority of one. The Australians who voted for the government want their government to govern. They do not want it thrown away. A slim majority means your government is at risk, every day. That requires more care, not less.

The only saving grace is that the key perpetrators have revealed themselves to the broader public and, importantly, to their more gullible colleagues for what they are.

Politics has its share of these types. People who just want it their way all the time. And when that doesn’t happen they eat resentment for breakfast and dine on revenge. They put themselves ahead of the team. Always.

That’s been known about this little band, and it is little, for a long time. But now they’ve shown that this bitter diet has been like a cancer to their competence. They are seen as, among other things, inept and reckless and foolish. Their colleagues see it. The public sees it. It takes a special kind of stupidity to organise a coup that you don’t win, in a sitting week and in a government with a majority of one. If you can’t read the numbers in a small party room how can you read what’s happening out in the real world?


To add to that ignominy they’ve dragged other decent people into the vortex of nastiness and damaged them in the process. The list of people calling for a second party meeting is not full of people tainted with this venality. There are plenty of decent people on that list. Some were sucked in, duped by the real culprits. For them it’s probably a case of once bitten ... The wreckers won’t be welcome next time.

A few others certainly let their ego out of the box. Seeing opportunity they supped at the table of self advancement and look lesser for it.

There’s certainly a few who left university years ago but seem to think that Parliament is a paid speaking engagement for university politicians. It’s not a game. It’s real. They’ll never be regarded as smart politicians until they start listening to the voices of others instead of their own.

It’s important to remember that Parliament is a hot house environment at the best of times. A slim majority just adds more humidity. Everything is magnified. It’s a petrie dish for schisms. People with a score to settle have an already unstable environment in which to foment discontent.

Once the bomb throwers of instability set about their task it gets even more edgy. Sniping and undermining creates that air of uncertainty that breeds stupidity. Decent people rightly go on alert. Sadly, some have shown their capacity to make the right decision under pressure isn’t great. It’s not terminal for them. Their colleagues and the media now realise their capacity to read the political landscape isn’t great. Hopefully they see it themselves. They’ll be more careful next time.

Politicians need to get out of the hot house, the echo chamber for each other’s views, and listen to normal people. Go to the shops, an outdoor cafe , the pub, the footy and listen. Clearly, the real culprits in this won’t benefit from that advice. But all those who got sucked in most certainly would.

In the chaos some common sense prevailed. Two people who just wanted to get on with their jobs, decent people, have been made Leader and Deputy Leader.

Amanda Vanstone is a Fairfax columnist and a former Coalition minister.

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