

This was published 6 years ago

Queensland MPs who support abortion reform face voter backlash: poll

By Toby Crockford

Labor's proposed legislation to decriminalise abortion in Queensland could play a key role in deciding the fate of MPs at the next state election, according to a new Galaxy poll.

YouGov Galaxy conducted an "independent mark research" poll, which was commissioned by Cherish Life Queensland and the Australian Family Association, and asked a representative sample of 1000 Queensland voters a total of 21 questions around the issue of abortion.

Labor MPs supporting abortion reform: Mark Bailey (second from right), Di Farmer (third from right), Stirling Hinchliffe (fourth from right), Yvette D'Ath (fifth from right), Shannon Fentiman (sixth from right) and Jackie Trad (second from left).

Labor MPs supporting abortion reform: Mark Bailey (second from right), Di Farmer (third from right), Stirling Hinchliffe (fourth from right), Yvette D'Ath (fifth from right), Shannon Fentiman (sixth from right) and Jackie Trad (second from left).Credit: Toby Crockford - Fairfax Media

Participants were asked: "If your local Member of State Parliament voted in favour of the Queensland Labor government's Termination of Pregnancy Bill, which effectively would allow abortion for any reason until birth, would you be less or more likely to vote for your Member of Parliament at the next state election?"

A total of 39 per cent of voters said they were "less likely" to vote for their MP, 15 per cent said "more likely", 32 per cent said "neither" and 14 per cent were unsure. The "less likely" response obtained 43 per cent support from female participants and 35 per cent of male voters.

The poll also showed strong support for women to receive free independent counselling, all of the information on their unborn child's development and the risks of abortion as well as "cooling-off" periods between making an appointment and actually having an abortion.

Voters were asked: "Do you believe that when considering having an abortion, a woman should receive free, independent counselling from a source that has no financial interest in her decision, so that she can make a fully informed decision?"

The "yes" response was selected by 88 per cent of voters, with 91 per cent of women and 85 per cent of men taking this view.

Those polled were also asked: "Do you believe that a woman considering abortion should receive information on the development of the unborn child, the nature of the procedure, the physical and psychological risk associated with abortion and the support available should she wish to continue with the pregnancy?"

This achieved an 85 per cent "yes" response, 7 per cent said "no" and 8 per cent were unsure.


Participants were asked: "Do you believe there should be a cooling-off period of two or three days between making an appointment to have an abortion, and the actual procedure, to ensure that the woman is certain of her decision?"

A total of 79 per cent of participants said "yes" to this question, with 81 per cent of female voters and 77 per cent of male voters taking this view.

Cherish Life Queensland executive director Teeshan Johnson said the results sent a clear message to politicians.

“The results are in, and they are very clear. MPs should reject this extreme law proposed by Jackie Trad and Labor," she said.

"This is a bad Trad bill, worse than the [Rob] Pyne bills rejected last year, which has been forced upon Labor MPs whether they like it or not.

"The poll shows that if an MP supports abortion law it will change voting intentions, this result should be of great interest to MPs."

Australian Family Association vice-president Angela Duff said the poll showed voters wanted safeguards for women.

"Unfortunately, coercion on women and girls to have an abortion from their boyfriends, partners, husbands and sometimes parents is very much a real thing in our society," she said.

"However, the Trad-Labor bill has no measures to protect women from coercion to have an abortion and nor are there any safeguards for women to have independent councilling, informed consent requirements and a cooling-off period."

Pro-Choice Queensland convenor Sue Boyce said she was sceptical of the results and particularly how the questions were worded in the poll.

"While independent counselling, information on their child's development and abortion risks sound fine, they (Cherish Life) are talking about this in a compulsory sense," she said.

"A doctor gives everyone advice, what they're proposing are mandatory counselling and cooling periods ... which is an attempt to take the responsibility off the woman and give it back to the state.

"If women in remote Queensland only see a doctor every six weeks or so, time can be of the essence and if the cooling period is mandatory, it can remove the possibility of termination."

The Galaxy Poll also showed that 60 per cent of Queensland voters would not allow abortion after 13 weeks, but Ms Boyce said setting a timeframe for abortions put lives at risk.

"My concern with that question is that less than 2 per cent of abortions happen after 18 or 20 weeks," she said.

"It would be very disrespectful to suggest women have an abortion after 22 weeks because it didn’t suit them that day. Abortions happen right up until 40 weeks, but late-term ones happen for very serious medical issues relating to the mother or foetus.

"If suddenly we had a rule that no abortions could be done after a set period, it could lead to women dying because of some terrible problem with the pregnancy."

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