

This was published 6 years ago

Victoria Police response to allegations of police brutality

Victoria Police, through its near 19,000 employees, delivers policing services to 5.8 million Victorians, averaging 14,000 interactions with members of the public every day.

This produces on average seven complaints daily.

While the number of complaints relative to the many millions of public contacts between citizens and police in the last year remains small, Victoria Police recognises that every complaint provides a potential opportunity for Victoria Police to learn how it can improve the delivery of policing services and ensure that policing services are delivered in keeping with community expectations.

Victoria Police has no tolerance for poor behaviour within its ranks. We want people to have absolute confidence that when they make a complaint against police, it will be investigated thoroughly and with integrity.

We will examine carefully any new evidence contained in [The Age's] reports. If matters need to be revisited then that is what will occur.

Our officers make mistakes like anyone else, and when that happens we learn from them. Key to that learning process is the important role IBAC plays. We welcome the oversight they provide.
We want to be challenged, and we want to be held to account. When police cross the line, we want them to face the consequences of their actions.And that is happening. In the year to July 2017, more than 80 Victoria Police employees were charged with discipline or criminal matters.

We are strongly supportive of the current parliamentary inquiry examining these issues. As was made clear in February when Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius, head of professional standards, appeared before the committee, we believe it is important for Victoria Police to retain ownership of its integrity systems – including the complaints handling process.

The moment we outsource this to an external body is the moment we stop putting integrity at the forefront of everything we do. We cannot improve our professionalism and integrity by outsourcing it to someone else.

We need all employees within our organisation to be accountable for their actions and face the consequences when poor behaviour or misconduct is identified.

That is not to say we do not have significant work ahead of us. We have started the process, but still need to better manage conflict of interest, so that complainants can have confidence in the integrity of an investigation.

We need to work more closely with community advocacy groups, so that we can better understand their perspectives. And we need to put the needs of complainants much more firmly at the heart of what we do, as we do with victims of crime.

We are committed to ensuring the highest level of service delivery by all ranks within the organisation – from the frontline up to the Chief Commissioner. Victoria Police will make a further submission to the parliamentary inquiry in the coming weeks, and we will continue to work with IBAC as it reviews relevant matters.

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