

This was published 6 years ago

Victorian power bills soar after Hazelwood coal plant closure

By Cole Latimer

Power bills for Victorians have soared one year on from the abrupt closure of the ailing Hazelwood power station but the state has managed to dodge large-scale blackouts and greenhouse gas emissions have dived.

With fewer than six months to prepare for the demise of the brown coal-fired plant in the Latrobe Valley,  authorities had to scramble to minimise the blow from the loss of one-fifth of the state's generation capacity.

Hazelwood has been shut for a year.

Hazelwood has been shut for a year.Credit: Carla Gottgens

Average household power bills were up almost 16 per cent this financial year, from a year earlier, to $1275, the Australian Energy Markets Commission said.

The good news, though, is the surge will begin to ebb, with residential users likely to cough up $1075 a year by 2019-20.  (And as the AEMC noted, in 2016-17, a representative consumer on a standing offer could have saved more than the increase - about 23 per cent or $330 - by shopping around.)

Wholesale prices reacted more violently to the decision by French-owned Engie's snap decision to pull the plug on the 1600 megawatt-sized Hazelwood, rising to historic highs.

Prior to its closure, the plant's access to low-cost fuel nearby helped make Victorian power prices among the cheapest in the National Electricity Market that supplies eastern Australia.

Without Hazelwood, Victoria flipped into being a net importer of electricity in the second half of 2017,  for the first time it did so in a decade, before becoming a net exporter once more.

Price-point pains

"If there was more notice [of a shutdown] than it might not have been as severe in terms of price rises," Ben Skinner, general manager for policy at Australian Energy Council, said.


The plant's closure reverberated across state borders, the Australian Energy Regulator said.

"The impact of the Hazelwood closure has been, and continues to be, significant right across the National Electricity Market [which comprises QLD, NSW, SA, Victoria and Tasmania]," AER chairman Paula Conboy said.

"In Victoria, average [wholesale] prices for 2017 were up 85 per cent on 2016 and up 32 per cent in South Australia for the same period." she said. "NSW and Queensland were up 63 per cent and 53 per cent respectively."

Ms Conboy said while such high wholesale electricity prices have been higher in the NEM before, the increase has not been as sustained or as broad-based.

"The replacement of Hazelwood’s low-cost brown coal generation by higher cost black coal, gas, and hydro generation – coinciding with rising black coal and gas fuel prices during the period – was found to be the underlying driver of the wholesale price increases," Ms Conboy said.

The Grattan Institute’s Tony Wood said price rises were more important than security and supply of electricity following Hazelwood’s exit.

"We got through the summer with very little impact from the closure," Mr Wood told Fairfax Media.

"The real flow-on effect was high prices, there was always capacity in the market to replace Hazelwood, and it has, but the prices have been higher than expected, especially in Victoria and South Australia.

"That is what happens when you shut down one of the cheapest electricity providers in the market."

An unintended benefit from the closure, though, was the sudden removal of greenhouse gas emissions from the sector.

"Hazelwood's closure cut Victoria's climate pollution by 12 million tonnes," Nick Aberle, Environment Victoria campaign manager, said.

According to report by Green Energy Markets, the net emissions saving amounted to the equivalent to 9.4 per cent of pollution in 2005, and meant Victoria was "well on the way to achieving the government’s target of 15-20 per cent below 2005 emissions by 2020".

Renewable energy and gas plants have rushed to fill the gap left by Hazelwood.

Renewable energy and gas plants have rushed to fill the gap left by Hazelwood.

Backfilling Hazelwood

Despite the loss of the power station, Victoria managed to get through an unusually prolonged and hot summer without any major blackouts caused by a lack electricity.

To cope with the loss of coal-fired electricity, Victoria burned 500 per cent more gas for power generation in 2017, Australian Energy Market Operator.

Another consequence has been a surge in renewable energy, particularly roof-top solar as consumers sought to dodge higher bills.

It also set the scene for the Turnbull government's fierce opposition to AGL's warning - seven years in advance - that it would close the similarly sized Liddell coal-fired power plant in the NSW Hunter Valley. 


It helped prompt the development of its new electricity policy, the National Energy Guarantee, which aims to put pressure on prices while boosting reliability and cutting emissions.

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