

This was published 6 years ago


Dropbox: the Atlassian wannabe that has unshackled itself from Amazon


Who is the next Atlassian?

It’s the question many investors are asking, and the question an entire industry (Australian venture capital) is dedicated to answering.

Is it Canva, the billion-dollar online design business, now considered the leading light of Australia's software as a service (SaaS) start-up scene? Or Campaign Monitor – the email marketing software firm built by two surfers from the Shire?

Is it actually Slack, the Canadian/American workplace messaging tool that wants to own your office existence?

Or is it someone else entirely?

Dropbox Australia and New Zealand country manager, Tony Ward.

Dropbox Australia and New Zealand country manager, Tony Ward.Credit: Janie Barrett

Dropbox, a $US10 billion ($12.9 billion)-valued, cloud storage start-up would have you believe that, in fact, it is the next Atlassian.

The San Francisco-based ‘‘unicorn’’ filed paperwork for an IPO on the Nasdaq last week. And its intent to emulate Australia's most famous tech company didn't go unnoticed.

In the IPO filing, Dropbox referenced Atlassian twice as many times as Box, the company perceived by most observers to be its closest competitor.


It's a testament to Atlassian’s success on the world stage that companies – one from the global capital of the tech industry, no less – are already trying to emulate it.

After a 160 per cent rise in its share price since listing in late 2015, the Sydney-born software firm, led by Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar, is now valued at $US12.3 billion – more than storied Australian names such as Qantas and News Corp.

Scott Farquhar and Mike Cannon-Brookes, CEOs and founders of Atlassian Software.

Scott Farquhar and Mike Cannon-Brookes, CEOs and founders of Atlassian Software.Credit: Louise Kennerley

And this lofty valuation is precisely why Dropbox would like to be compared to it.

Because if Dropbox could command a similar multiple to Atlassian (about 16 times trailing revenue, according to S&P Capital IQ) it could list with a market value comfortably north of $US10 billion –  its current valuation in the private markets.

This, in turn, would mean the investors (venture capital funds) who bought into the business at a $US10 billion valuation in its last funding round would not be underwater.

Same, but different

At face value, Dropbox and Atlassian are vastly different businesses.

Dropbox sells cloud storage products, allowing consumers and companies to store big files (documents, photos, audio) on the internet rather than on their own devices and servers.

Altassian sells workforce collaboration tools such as JIRA, a program used by software developers and others to track the progress of tasks, and Confluence, a team documentation product.

Dropbox is trying to expand into workplace collaboration software. But the comparison to Atlassian is valid for even more fundamental reasons.

Dropbox says more than  90 per cent of its customers buy its products through self service channels.

That's a sales model Atlassian pioneered.

Products that sell themselves

Arguably, the secret to Atlassian’s success, and its defining innovation, was its ''no sales force'' business model.

Traditionally, workplace software was spruiked by well-paid sales people, with big expense accounts, who cultivated relationships with senior executives at big companies.

Atlassian took a different approach. Its software is designed for small teams inside companies, (often software developers) and thus typically doesn't require sign off from IT departments.

So, instead of spending money on sales people, Atlassian was able to invest in research and development to "make great products that sell themselves", as co-CEO Scott Farquhar once told me.

The idea is to make customers evangelists for these products, so they spread virally inside a company and beyond. Someone starts using a product at home or work, and tries to get everyone else in the office to use it.

Dropbox claims 500 million registered users and 11 million paying customers. It generated $US1.1 billion in revenue last year, which is actually more than Atlassian did in the year to December (though Atlassian's top line is growing faster, so this might soon change).

But things brings us to the biggest difference between the two companies. Dropbox is yet to turn a profit. Atlassian was consistently profitable in the run-up to its IPO (although it has lost money since then).

A big deal

The Dropbox IPO will be significant for the broader tech and finance landscapes.

If it's successful, it could open the floodgates for a range of other highly valued private software as a service companies to (finally) float.  Including, potentially, the likes of Slack and Canva.

The other thing to note about Dropbox is that it achieved something very few other companies have done. It divorced itself from Amazon.

In 2016, Dropbox decided to stop renting cloud infrastructure from Amazon Web Services, and build its own cloud stack.

Many big companies – most famously Netflix, but also in Australia the likes of Westpac – have done the opposite in recent years. Renting infrastructure from Amazon rather than building it, to save costs.

But Dropbox's core business is the cloud, and it wanted to have control over its own destiny. Relying on a competitior (Amazon also sells cloud storage products) is never a wise move.

In any case, the decision seems to have worked.

"The most amazing sign of their efficiency is that their data centre costs have gone down over the last two years even though customers doubled," Blackbird Ventures partner Niki Scevak says. 

The next Atlassian that successfully divorced itself from Amazon sounds like a compelling narrative. A loss-making start-up facing fierce competition from tech giants, less so.

Investors will ultimately be the judge.

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