

This was published 14 years ago

To preserve democracy, political donations must be limited

By Josh Gordon

WHAT price democracy in Australia? As far as the broad mass of taxpayers are concerned, not that much, it seems. For the 2007 federal election, taxpayers chipped in about $49 million to help political parties run their campaigns, up from $10.3 million in 1987.

That might sound like a lot, but compared to public funding for elections in other countries, it's relatively small beer.

This is not to say Australian elections are cheap. In fact, the cost of funding them has been rocketing. Labor's spending rose by 116 per cent in real terms over the 20 years to 2004. Liberal spending surged 136 per cent.

Public funding makes up just 20 per cent of election spending in Australia. The rest comes from a morass of donations, membership and affiliation fees, investments and fund-raising.

Ask Premier John Brumby and he might say that this is all part of the democratic process. Is it not a basic freedom for individuals and companies to contribute to a political party if they wish?

But perhaps a more pertinent question is whether that ''basic freedom'' carries with it an even bigger cost: the erosion of the democratic process itself.

John Faulkner, previously special minister of state and now defence minister, warned in a green paper on electoral reform that ''spiralling costs'' of electioneering had created a campaigning ''arms race''.

This has heightened the danger that fund-raising pressures would open the door to donations that might attempt to buy access and influence.

Consider a recent report in The Age that coal company Exergen paid Victorian Labor for a private briefing with Brumby, before its $1.5 billion scheme to export 12 million tonnes of brown coal to India was examined by a state cabinet committee. Then there was Latrobe Fertilisers chairman and ALP donor Allan Blood, who reportedly paid $10,000 to sit next to Brumby at a fund-raising dinner. The company has proposed a $2 billion scheme to turn brown coal into fertiliser.

As Faulkner points out, there is a danger that ''third party'' participants could influence the electoral process without being subject to the same regulations that apply to political parties.


''Perceptions of the potentially distorting nature of large donations - either cash or resources - to political parties will degrade the public's trust in the integrity of the political process.'' The solution? Ban or severely limit political donations and increase the public funding of election campaigns to compensate for the lost revenue. And while we're at it, ban third-party advertising during campaigns.

This is what both major parties say they want to do. The Sunday Age reported last week that Labor had already drafted legislation to introduce reforms based on changes introduced in Canada and New Zealand.

The plan, which has become bogged down, would include limiting donations from individuals and organisations to about $1500. To make up for the loss, the taxpayer-funded contribution would be almost doubled from about $2.20 for each first preference vote to about $4.25.

All this sounds noble, but there are practical reasons too for the changes. In an age of growing cynicism, political parties are finding it increasingly difficult to raise the cash needed to fund election campaigns that include television and radio advertising, sophisticated use of electronic media and a blizzard of direct mail.

The NSW branch of the Labor Party is in a particularly parlous state because years of unrest and scandal in the State Government has cruelled their ability to raise corporate funds.

One Labor source said: ''It's being put in high-minded terms, but Labor federally is $8 million in debt, and Rudd point blank refuses to fund-raise. State branches are also in a parlous state.''

So what's the hold-up? The major sticking point is that the Federal Opposition wants union affiliation fees included in the definition of ''donation''.

But unions fear that if they lose the ability to pay Labor such fees - which are said to account for up to 70 per cent of the cost of running some state branches - they will be disenfranchised and eventually lose political influence within the party.

Despite Kevin Rudd's anti-union tough talk, Labor seems unwilling or unable to completely sever the umbilical cord financially linking it to the union movement and is continuing to insist that affiliation fees should not be included in the definition of ''donation''.

As long as this is the case, Faulkner's high-minded reformist agenda will not see the light of day and Australia's political parties will remain increasingly reliant on big business and the union movement to pay for their big-spending campaigns.

Josh Gordon is national political reporter for The Sunday Age

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