

This was published 6 years ago

On the streets of Berkeley in search of The Graduate's life and times

By Simmone Howell

A four-car pile-up on the Bay Bridge makes us late for The Graduate walking tour of Berkeley. In the tunnel, in the dead time, we talk about the film. My friends watched it last night, but my hotel Wi-Fi was too patchy.

"Does it hold up?" I ask (I always ask). "Not sure," Greg says. "Anne Bancroft is really rapey." "But, but," Melita argues, "it's because she didn't get to have a life. She's a depressed, unfulfilled alcoholic." "That's no excuse."

Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft in <aif>The Graduate<aif>.

Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft in The Graduate.

Twenty minutes later we arrive at Sproul Plaza where a group (a wealth? a monopoly?) of Baby Boomers are listening to Steven Finacom from the Berkeley Historical Society read from the Charles Webb paperback. Most everyone has sensible shoes and non-phone cameras. Given the demographic, I'm anticipating interjections and reminiscinces, and nodding, lots of nodding. But I can't be too disparaging, for I'm here too. What is it about The Graduate that compels us to walk around in the hot sun and ooh and aah over film stills? What is this quintessence of dust and caravan of nostalgia?

I first watched The Graduate on VHS during the late 1980s. I came to it via Simon and Garfunkel, whose songs provided most of the soundtrack to the film, and whose I am a Rock was balm and mantra for my teenage soul ("I have my books and my poetry to protect me").

A scene from <aif>The Graduate<aif>.

A scene from The Graduate.

Before rewatching the film a few weeks ago, these were the images I'd retained: Benjamin Braddock's view from his scuba-suit in his scuba-gear; Ben's face framed by Mrs Robinson's black-stockinged leg; his hands beating on the window of the church, shattering Elaine's nuptials-in-progress, and the final scenes of the pair, like the bad kids up the back of the bus, flushed, exhilarated and then, maybe not so.

I didn't remember Berkeley at all but my film-location radar was less finely tuned back then. And, as it turns out, only a handful of scenes were actually shot in Berkeley; the sense of place comes more from the times than the physical locations.

The Graduate has been called "the Baby Boom generation's first cry of dissaffection", and "an anti-establishment fable". Charles Webb wrote the book while he was still in college. It was published in 1963 and might have died a quiet death if not for Hollywood.

In the story, Benjamin Braddock comes home from graduate school to his wealthy parents in Southern California. They buy him an MG and a scuba suit; they throw him a party with all their friends and then can't understand why he's acting so diffident. Ben is pursued by Mrs Robinson, the wife of his father's business partner. She lets him know she's "available" to him and they begin an affair. Soon after Mr Robinson starts badgering Benjamin to take out Elaine, their beautiful daughter (Katharine Ross – who excelled at playing the beautiful girl/blank slate for men to project their fantasies on: see The Collector, see The Stepford Wives).

Charles Webb, author of "The Graduate" and wife Eve. Photo: Newsweek/Tony Rollo

Charles Webb, author of "The Graduate" and wife Eve. Photo: Newsweek/Tony RolloCredit: Newsweek/Tony Rollo

Benjamin dates Elaine, against Mrs Robinson's wishes, and finds in her some idea of a future he can stand. You could call it a love triangle. Except there is no love between Benjamin and Mrs Robinson, just sex and sad, stilted conversation.

The movie was released in Australia 50 years ago, in 1968. It was a massive success, despite its arthouse sensibilities. Producer Lawrence Turnell bought the book option for $1000. "It had a Pinter-esque quality in that it's funny and it makes you nervous at the same time," he said. Mike Nichols directed, Calder Willingham and Buck Henry adapted. Benjamin, a blond and blue-eyed WASP in the book, was reconfigured by hesitant, shabby, Dustin Hoffman in his second movie role.

The book cover of <aif>The Graduate<aif> by Charles Webb, featuring the stockinged leg of Mrs Robinson.

The book cover of The Graduate by Charles Webb, featuring the stockinged leg of Mrs Robinson.Credit: Theresa Ambrose

The film was released at the point when "old" Hollywood was tipping into "new", a time of garish colours, and 30-year-old teenagers, when everyone looked sweaty and men had lives and women had children. As a cultural artefact it highlights just how grim things were for women back then – retrospectively, some see Mrs Robinson as the true rebellious anti-hero of the film for refusing to stay in her box, but she is discomfitingly predatory.

By comparison, Ben's rebellion is less conscious – he knows something's wrong but he doesn't know what. For much of the film he is punching in the dark, which makes his determined pursuit of Elaine all the more intense. Elaine's "escape" is a fate better than her mother's, but it is also leap into the unknown. The Graduate is one of those films where the ending feels more like a beginning.

Finacom's tour is the result of meticulous research, re-watches and hot tips, and camera angle comparisons to determine just what was filmed where. The mysteries will be harder to solve as time passes, as building codes relax, and progress progresses.

Our stopping-off points are non-linear: from Sproul Plaza, we mosey to the frat house of Elaine's fiance, Carl. Along the way Finacom points out sites of architectural significance and changes in the built environment. The tour group consists of people who love the film and people who love Berkeley, although not so much Berkeley now as then: when it was still funky and affordable, before developers started nibbling at the edges.

We stop outside The Graduate Hotel – modelled after LA's Taft Hotel, the site for Ben and Mrs Robinson's assignations, and mill in a quadrangle of mid-level high-rises; student housing, where Elaine would most likely have lived. Some women in the group who were at Cal-Berkeley during the 1960s confirm the strict social codes of the time. They tell stories about single-sex dorms, the all-powerful Dean of Women, having to "dress" for dinner, and creative ways around curfew.

There are, of course, places we can't get to without the magic of editing, such as the Monkey House at San Francisco Zoo (though Finacom recommends a visit), but we have People's Park and Telegraph Avenue, Moe's Books, and the now-closed Caffe Mediterraneum. Our final location is a handsome Victorian – Ben's temporary "digs", where Elaine finally comes around, where Richard Dreyfuss has his first screen line, where the landlord asks Benjamin if he's an "outside agitator", and Mr Robinson expectorates from the doorway, "I think you're filth! I think you're scum!"

When the tour is over and the group disperses, I almost expect The Sound of Silence to come over the soundtrack, but then I remember we're not in a movie, we're just in the world. I wait for my ride and wish myself back to 20-something – what if I just got on a bus now, any bus, destination unknown?

Everyone knows where Dustin Hoffman ended up. But what of Charles Webb? Richard Lei's fascinating article, "The Dropout" (The Washington Post) picks up the story: Webb married his own "Elaine", Eve, (who later changed her name to Fred), gave away his $20,000 movie profits and went on to live a very unconventional life.

For 50 years the couple have divested themselves of worldly things. They homeschooled their two sons, and live their best outside the system. Webb continues to write. His sequel to The Graduate, Homeschool – in which Mrs Robinson reprises her role as relentless seductress and Agent of Change – was published in 2007 to little fanfare.

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