

This was published 7 years ago

Brave new world for taxis: What the proposed law changes mean

By Timna Jacks

Taxi drivers would go to war over customers and plaster low fares on their doors if a proposed shake-up of Victoria's taxi industry became a reality, a spokesman for drivers has warned.

Taxi Drivers Association president Michael Jools said "taxi driver rage" could break out on Melbourne's streets, as drivers competed to offer the lowest price under the state government's proposed legislation enabling taxi companies to set their own fares.

"Drivers might put special prices on the outside of their taxis ... it could lead to fights with other drivers," Mr Jools warned.

More on that in a moment.

Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan says taxis will be put on a "level playing field".

Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan says taxis will be put on a "level playing field".

Let's do a quick rundown on what the Victorian government proposed in Parliament on Wednesday.

The changes, to take effect next year if passed, follow legislation in August that imposed a $1 levy on all taxi and Uber rides to compensate taxi licence holders, whose assets plummeted in value.

The second tranche of changes, aimed at deregulating the taxi industry, would put cabs on a level playing field with ride share companies, Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan said.

Allowing taxi service providers to set their own fees would boost much-needed competition in the sector, lowering prices for consumers, Ms Allan said.


 Credit: Justin McManus

The proposed legislation would see:

  • Taxi service providers setting their own fares, allowing customers to shop around either on an app, or on the street, where they could ask drivers for a fare estimate.
  • Tough penalties imposed for failing to give an accurate fixed cost or estimate before the trip starts. Driver accreditation would be removed by the industry regulator for repeat offenders.
  • No capping of charges, but there are plans to avoid surge pricing during a natural disaster or crisis.
  • Taxis, ride-share companies and hire cars operating under the same rules, while safety cameras would be installed in all rank and hail services.
  • Cars being fitted with a visual display tracking a taxi fare, but this will not necessarily be the conventional meter.

So what does all this mean?


 Credit: AP

Fixed fares to the airport

Victorian Taxi Association chief executive Georgia Nicholls said taxi service providers would probably consider fixed fares to the airport, or setting prices for loyal clients or certain zones.

Offering competitive deals would serve as a lifeline for the taxi industry, which could not compete with Uber.

The global ride-sharing company already uses surge pricing during periods of high demand.

Taxi "chaos"

Mr Jools said drivers wanted more freedom in service delivery and fees, but a race to the bottom on taxi fares could see drivers take a hit to their earnings, which were already low.

"There is no safety net."

Mr Jools warned that taxi rivals might get into fights in their bid to offer the cheapest fare.

People will be "stranded in their homes"

"What is to prevent Victorians being hit for a six with surging short-fare costs?"

That's the question of opposition public transport spokesman David Davis, who warned that the reforms would result in passengers being refused short trips or forced to pay "massive fares".

Those who are elderly, and who have disabilities, risked being disadvantaged by uncapped variable pricing, said Victorian Council of Social Service chief executive Emma King.

"Variable pricing and market-based solutions don't have a great track record of looking after people who are disadvantaged … more often than not it's the people who can least afford it who are pushed out of prices or services."

People would be left "stranded in their homes" if safeguards were not put in place, Ms King said.

Ms Nicholls said the government's Multi-Purpose Taxi program, which gives people with disabilities a 50 per cent discount on the standard fare, would need to be closely monitored to ensure eligible passengers were not exploited.

Competition tsars celebrate

This has been a long time coming for Professor Allan Fels, who has been calling for taxi deregulation since the 1980s.

The former chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, who led a landmark inquiry into the taxi industry concluding in 2012, welcomed the proposed changes, saying they would see the number of taxis grow and prices drop overall, with the exception of Friday and Saturday nights.

The changes would benefit passengers wanting to travel long distances who were prohibited by the cost, he said.

Former ACCC chairman Graeme Samuel, also a former taxi services commissioner, said the proposed bill marked a quantum leap forward.

"These reforms empower consumers and that enhances competition, and that is ultimately what leads to a higher level of quality of services and low charges."

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