

This was published 7 years ago

Australian Building and Construction Commission boss Nigel Hadgkiss resigns after breaking law

By Adam Gartrell and Anna Patty

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's campaign against union lawlessness has suffered an embarrassing setback after the head of the government's controversial building industry watchdog resigned after admitting to breaching workplace laws.

Labor is now setting its sights on Employment Minister Michaelia Cash, arguing she should have stood down Australian Building and Construction Commission boss Nigel Hadgkiss sooner. But Senator Cash says while she was made aware of the allegations against Mr Hadgkiss almost a year ago they were unproven and he only admitted to wrongdoing this week.

Mr Hadgkiss came under immediate pressure to resign from his $426,000-a-year job after conceding on Tuesday to recklessly misrepresenting union rights to employers while he headed up a Fair Work office over a period of two years.

He breached section 503 of the Fair Work Act by publishing website material that misrepresented the rights of union officials during entry to premises to meet workers. He failed to correct the material despite concerns being raised by his staff.

Australian Building and Construction Commission boss Nigel Hadgkiss resigned last week.

Australian Building and Construction Commission boss Nigel Hadgkiss resigned last week.Credit: Simon Schluter

In an agreed statement of facts tendered to the Federal Court on Tuesday, Mr Hadgkiss admitted that, in December 2013, he directed his agency to not publish changes to right-of-entry laws that were of benefit to unions.

He said he believed the laws passed by the former Labor government would be repealed by the new Coalition government and therefore did not need to be published. However, the laws were not repealed as he had expected. He admitted to not reading Labor's amendments and based his understanding of their "gist" on media reports.

He is now facing thousands of dollars in penalties as a result of Federal Court action brought by the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU). He will serve a two-week transition period while he hands his responsibilities to an acting commissioner.

"The government thanks Mr Hadgkiss for his service and wishes him well in his future endeavours," Senator Cash said. "Mr Hadgkiss has played a pivotal role in restoring the rule of law to Australia's building and construction industry, despite relentless opposition and appalling intimidation from lawless construction unions and their political supporters."

Minister Michaelia Cash is more optimistic about the industry's future.

Minister Michaelia Cash is more optimistic about the industry's future.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Asked in the Senate when she was made aware of Mr Hadgkiss behaviour, Senator Cash said: "I became aware of the behaviour in October 2016."

However her office later sought to clarify that that was when she was made aware of the allegations, which had just been put before the courts.

Labor's employment spokesman Brendan O'Connor said Senator Cash had to explain why she had failed to stand him down sooner.

"For nearly a year after learning about the law-breaking behaviour of her hand-picked appointment to the Australian Building and Construction Commission, Minister Cash stood by him and took no action," Mr O'Connor said in a statement. "Surely this minister will now give up her desperate attempts to pretend that she stands up for the rule of law."

Senator Cash often rails against union lawbreaking, particularly in the building and construction sector. She led the charge against ACTU Secretary Sally McManus when she said there were some circumstances in which it was okay to break the law.

Ms McManus said Mr Hadgkiss' resignation was a win for workers.

"Mr Hadgkiss obeyed the dictates of his political masters, Prime Minister Turnbull and Employment Minister Michaelia Cash, through ongoing attacks against working people and in the end he not only stepped over the line he set up camp there for two years," she said.

The Victorian Trades Hall Council put out a press release containing just one word: "Good".

The CFMEU welcomed the departure of the "anti-worker" Hadgkiss but said: "The real villain here is the Turnbull government's ABCC laws, which remain in place."

Australian Industry Group Chief Executive, Innes Willox said it appreciated the role Mr Hadgkiss had played in "restoring the rule of law" in the building and construction industry.

Denita Wawn, chief executive officer of Master Builders Australia, paid tribute to the outgoing ABCC Commissioner for his "vital contribution in restoring the rule of law to the construction industry".

The government's legislation to resurrect the ABCC - a John Howard-era body that was dismantled by Labor - was the catalyst for the 2016 double dissolution election.

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