

This was published 7 years ago

Destination entrepreneur: Five women, five cities

By Cara Waters

Businesses are increasingly global but where you live can make a difference, particularly if you are a woman.

According to research conducted by Dell and published last week at the Dell Women's Entrepreneur Network Summit, certain factors can have a key impact on the success of female entrepreneurs.

The WE Cities Index ranked 50 cities around the world on the basis of capital, technology, talent, culture and markets.

The top three cities were New York, the Bay Area (San Francisco and surrounds) and London. Sydney was ranked just outside the top 10 in 11th spot while Melbourne came in 17th. Sydney and Melbourne were the only Australian cities included in the ranking.

Pocket Sun and Elizabeth Galbut are the founders of SoGal Ventures.

Pocket Sun and Elizabeth Galbut are the founders of SoGal Ventures.

While location does play a role, the research also emphasised the commonality of experiences of female entrepreneurs around the world.

The WE Cities index found access to capital is still the biggest barrier faced by female entrepreneurs and Angela Fox, co-leader of Dell EMC in Australia and New Zealand, says more can be done in Australia.

"We need to continue to foster a business relationship in Australia where the funds [women entrepreneurs] can tap into are available," Fox says. "Now are those government funds? Yes, in some cases they are grants. Do some of the women feel those grants are quite difficult to access? Yes. Can there be things that impact their ability to access their grants if they have actually gone for VC funding? There are small structural tweaks to what is available that will enable the women to be even more successful within the shores of Australia without having to go beyond Australia to look for success."

MySmallBusiness spoke to five top female entrepreneurs from the top three locations in the WE Cities Index: New York, the Bay Area and London, along with female entrepreneurs from Sydney and Melbourne, about how they built their business and the impact of location on their venture.

HealthKit co-founder Alison Hardacre says the health care industry is "ripe for disruption".

HealthKit co-founder Alison Hardacre says the health care industry is "ripe for disruption".

New York

Ranking: 1

Entrepreneur: Elizabeth Galbut, co-founder of SoGal Ventures

Jenny Houden is the co-founder of Task Retail Technology.

Jenny Houden is the co-founder of Task Retail Technology.

Elizabeth Galbut has global ambitions for SoGal Ventures which she runs out of New York, ranked as the top city worldwide for female entrepreneurs.

New York ranked strongly on all the WE Cities indices but fell below other cities in terms of cost, but Galbut sees the cost of living in New York as just part of the cost of doing business there.

Anna Rakoczy is the founder of Homemade Cooking.

Anna Rakoczy is the founder of Homemade Cooking.Credit: Picasa

Women come across the same stumbling blocks everywhere. It's trying to get that recognition and respect we should have.

Jenny Houden, Task Retail Technology co-founder.

The 28-year-old co-founded SoGal with her Stanford University classmate Pocket Sun two years ago with the goal of building a global female entrepreneur community.

"We want to redefine the next generation of entrepreneurs and investors," says Galbut.

Clare Harris is the founder of Talking Tables.

Clare Harris is the founder of Talking Tables.

The pair are making fast tracks with SoGal reaching 50,000 millennial women around the world and recently opening its first branch in Australia.

SoGal bills itself as the first cross-border female-led Millennial venture capital firm and it targets investments in early-stage startups in the United States and Asia with female or minority founders or a primarily female customer base.

Over the past 20 months, SoGal has invested in 40 start-ups of which two have been acquired.

Galbut says she moved to New York because of the diversity of opportunities there.

"What's great about New York is you really have the spectrum of industries, everything from biotech to media to pure technology and software, artificial intelligence companies, robotics, then things like education and industries that you may not typically find in Silicon Valley," she says.

Galbut says there are strong networks for female entrepreneurs in New York.

"Because there is this much bigger breadth it is not as competitive as Silicon Valley, it's actually really collaborative," she says. "Entrepreneurs work together and maybe share investors that have not been a good fit for them. It's a really good sisterhood of female entrepreneurs. Out of all the places that I've lived it's by the far the best."

The international outlook of New York is also a plus for Galbut.

"Because of our global footprint we are helping a lot of the businesses go global and New York is a wonderful place to do that as well," she says.


Ranking: 11

Entrepreneur: Jenny Houden, co-founder of Task Retail Technology

It took a while for Jenny Houden to be comfortable referring to herself as an entrepreneur.

Holden runs Task Retail Technology with her husband Kym and sons Daniel and Dean.

"It was my husband's idea, he came home and decided we were going to do this," Houden says. "I used to say 'I'm not the entrepreneur, I'm the reluctant entrepreneur'."

Now Houden realises the key role she plays in the enterprise software business which employs 55 staff worldwide, operates in three countries and turns over around $10 million a year.

"He's the sales person but doesn't handle any of the accounts or the money or the set up or the invoicing or the admin so that indirectly became my job," she says. "It took a while for me to say 'Hang on, I do have a story, I do have something to say, I do run this business and I do have a lot of responsibility in this business'."

Houden is based in Sydney and says it never crossed her mind to be located anywhere else.

"We talk about life balance," she says. "Family is very, very important. At this stage of my life I'm 62 and I want to stay put with my family. I think a woman in business in Sydney can thrive just as much as a woman anywhere could. I don't see any barrier to where we are living. I don't believe we need to be in the United States. That said, we may temporarily relocate my son, [Daniel] who is the chief executive now to the United States."

Houden says being able to talk to other female entrepreneurs is important.

"I have a small network but I have a network I feel very comfortable with and I can reach out and share the good and the bad," she says. "It's always nice to have someone who understands how you deal with things from an Australian perspective."

While the WE Cities research shows access to capital is a problem for female entrepreneurs in Australia this has not been an issue for Houden as Task Retail is self funded.

"Part of that is because I control the money and I am the most risk adverse in our family," she says. "My fear is that you bring somebody in as a percentage share in the business and you can lose a bit of control for the culture."

Holden says for female entrepreneurs the challenges are global.

"Women come across the same stumbling blocks everywhere," she says. "It's trying to get that recognition and respect we should have."

Bay Area (San Francisco and surrounds)

Ranking: 2

Entrepreneur: Anna Rakoczy

Australian Anna Rakoczy moved to San Francisco to complete a masters degree at Stanford University but decided to stay and team up with a classmate to launch Homemade Cooking in 2014.

"My passion and mission is to empower millions of people around the world … to learn how to take back control of their eating and their health, by learning how to cook quick, easy and tasty meals," Rakoczy says.

Homemade Cooking grew to eight locations in California with a team of 12 chef and nutritional instructors until Rakoczy became pregnant and decided to change Homemade Cooking's model to an online program.

"Now there's only about five people on my team, including part-timers and some expert consultants I work with," Rakoczy says. "Yet the model I'm working on is a much more high-margin, scalable model and all the fundamentals are solid."

Homemade Cooking has turned over just under $500,000 since starting in 2014.

Rakoczy says the biggest benefit of being based in San Francisco's bay area is "total immersion" in all things start-up and entrepreneurial.

"This means being exposed to all the latest technologies, as they happen, and having a first or second degree connection to all the people making those things happen," she says. "This means you assess your own products and progress against these very high standards, including extremely quick cycles of testing, failing, iterating and ultimately improving - and you have amazing access to the world-leading experts in fields ranging from coding to growth hacking to community building to financing."

Rakoczy says this environment attracts "A grade players".

These networks and access to talent propelled the Bay Area to its second spot on the WE City's Index alongside funding which the Bay Area outranked other cities both in levels and gender proportion.

But Rakoczy says there is a disadvantage to the way funding operates in the area with the venture capital funding model geared towards betting on 100 small start-ups in order to find the next billion dollar business to get their return on investment.

"The downside to the entrepreneur is that this can promote raising more money than you need, and pitching a bigger growth vision and total addressable market than you otherwise would," she says.

"And then as the entrepreneur, you are in the difficult position of spending huge amounts of money to meet those insane growth targets, sometimes before the business fundamentals are in place."

Rakoczy is expanding Homemade Cooking throughout the United States with plans to offer the program in Australia and to an international audience by 2018.

But despite the appeal of San Francisco Rakoczy does want to return home eventually.

"My husband, Dan, Baby Ellie and I are probably going to stay in San Francisco for the next few years and are then planning a return to Australia," she says.


Ranking: 3

Entrepreneur: Clare Harris, founder of Talking Tables

"Products that get the tables talking," is what Clare Harris has built her company on. "We create coordinated stylish party products sold through wholesale," she says.

Harris started Talking Tables in 1999 and it now employs 65 staff and turns over £16 million ($26 million) a year.

The business has global reach operating through distributors in Australia and Japan with expansion to the United States on the cards.

"Although there are cultural differences there are commonalities," Harris says.

The WE Cities index found London especially excels as a base for female entrepreneurs in the quality of its workforce.

It's a finding Harris agrees with.

"It's full of young people they are energetic, they are creative," she says. "It's full of art, it's full of street theatre. There's a fantastic energy and that suits you if you are agile."

London's location in Europe with easy access to other key markets is also a benefit for Harris.

"If you want to expand you can easily get on a plane to go to New York or wherever," she says. "If you have a product in a place like Selfridges​ lots of retailers will see it."

London also provides networking opportunities for female entrepreneurs.

"There are groups," Harris says. "It's supported."

Harris says there are few disadvantages to her location.

"Property is expensive, so it's expensive to rent a building and it's expensive for your staff to rent staff but I think that's the only disadvantage," she says.

Brexit also looms as impacting on several of Harris' staff.

"I'm quite an optimist that we'll have those people stay," she says. "It is an issue but at the moment I don't feel my staff are nervous about it. We'll see what happens. We will deal with the hand that is given."


Ranking: 17

Entrepreneur: Alison Hardacre, co-founder of HealthKit

"We want to be the Xero of healthcare," says Alison Hardacre. Founded in 2012 HealthKit provides software on the cloud that integrates patient records, invoices, bookings, financial reports and Medicare claims for practitioners and allows patients to search for medical practitioners.

HealthKit aims to streamline the process of medical appointments with payments processed automatically at the time patients make an appointment.

"Practitioners don't need more patients but as patients we need more appointments," Hardacre says.

The core software for HealthKit is free and the start-up makes money from add-on products. It has 20,000 users signed up to the platform and has raised $4.5 million in funding.

The start-up has 20 employees and is growing at 5 to 10 per cent a week turnover is estimated at just under $5 million.

While Sydney may have ranked higher than Melbourne on the WE Cities index Hardacare is happy to stay put for now and says if she did relocate it would be internationally.

"Moving cities the process would be the same as moving countries on a personal level; business-wise it might be more complex to move countries," she says. "For me, moving to Sydney is not something I would see as benefiting the business significantly. I find the Melbourne Sydney rivalry issue generally and specifically to start-ups to be quite boring. I think people who talk about probably should focus a bit more on their start-up."

Hardacre says access to talent is an issue for all start-ups in Australia.

"As we've grown and the startup sector has expanded it's become easier to attract talent because people are not scared of going to a start-up anymore and there is a lot more focus on start-ups and innovation in Australia. It's a really big jobs opportunity in Australia."

But Hardacre says getting the right staff is also difficult in places like San Francisco.

"As I understand it, in San Francisco the high cost of living means people have to demand very high salaries even when they are a graduate and that's not the case in Australia so that makes things easier," she says. "I think in the health space Australia's health system is extremely complex from a funding point of view and so understanding Australia's health system has made it very easy to understand other countries' health systems."

For Hardacre the key issue is the funding available for female entrepreneurs.

"The disadvantages over time have been the lack of capital, which is changing, but does make it difficult to compete, say, with companies in the States that might have raised in the hundreds of millions and might have very similar traction to us," she says. "That's been a problem. I regard the lack of capital as a market failure and so on any level, regardless of your political persuasion, that's when government should step in. Yes, there are range of programs, and the R&D tax concession is fantastic, but you have to have the money to spend to get the R&D tax concession."

The reporter travelled to San Francisco for the Dell Women's Entrepreneur Network Summit as a guest of Dell.

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