What is it about the equality debate that causes some of our elected parliamentarians to say the most outrageous things?
We've seen it in the fight for same-sex marriage, best exemplified by Cory Bernardi's discredited attempt to link the issue with polygamy and bestiality. We saw it in Victoria's recent adoption debate, when DLP crossbencher Rachel Carling-Jenkins warned about "the creation of another stolen generation" if gay couples were granted the right to adopt.
A new equality battleground has emerged in the Victorian Parliament.Credit: Quinn Rooney
And now at Spring Street, we're seeing it again – this time over proposed laws allowing transgender people to change their birth certificates without being forced to have sex-change surgery: reforms that some Liberals dismissed last week as "man-splaining", "misguided", or "another step along the road" to society's demise.
While most of the attention centred on the Turnbull government's plebiscite this month, a new equality battleground emerged in the Victorian Parliament when the Andrews government attempted to remove the legal barriers some people face.
Illustration: Matt Davidson
Why is this legislation so important, you might ask? Because the fact is, there are many Victorians who are trans or gender diverse – the umbrella term given to people whose gender identity or expression is different to the way they were born. Yet for this group of people, changing the sex marker on a birth certificate – from male to female; female to male; or to a non-binary descriptor – involves jumping through unfair and impractical hoops, adding to the stigma and discrimination they confront almost daily.
As the law currently stands, you would have to undergo gender reassignment surgery, which can be expensive, dangerous, or undesirable for many people. You would also have to be 18 years or over, which doesn't account for the growing number of children and teens in this space. (Ten years ago, for instance, no child in Victoria sought the assistance of the Royal Children's Hospital for gender dysphoria; last year, the hospital received 170 referrals.) And finally, you'd have to be unmarried, meaning that anyone who might have transitioned after getting hitched would be faced with a ridiculous choice: divorce your spouse or own a document that reflects who you are.
With figures suggesting that almost half of trans people attempt suicide at some stage of their lives due to depression and anxiety, you'd think that changing the law would be a small but significant step for many people who already feel pretty marginalised. Unfortunately, the Coalition – which voted against the bill in the lower house – decided that it went too far. Liberal backbencher Louise Staley described Labor's proposal as "post-modernist mumbo jumbo", suggesting that unless you went under the knife, being trans was "a radical form of mans-plaining: telling women what really makes one a woman".
"The feminist in me objects strongly to a man changing his birth certificate to female because he feels enough of a woman to identify as one but not enough to take the step of permanently doing so," she declared. "Quite simply, I think the test is wrong." Mount Waverley MP Michael Gidley questioned the impact on sex segregated facilities and services, as though the reforms would open the floodgates for men in dresses lurking around women's change rooms or domestic violence shelters. And Liberal frontbencher Robert Clark warned that people could easily abuse the system by having so much freedom to alter a birth certificate, branding the plan as a "radical view" of sex and gender that doesn't fit with the community's norms.
There's no doubt that government's changes open up a complex debate that throws the spotlight on who we are and how we see ourselves, not just as individuals but as a society more broadly. But the fact is, society is changing. The law should reflect that, respect our differences, and ensure that all people are treated with dignity and fairness. Giving someone the right alter their birth certificate without having to undergo surgery is not about "abolishing gender" or "creating same sex-marriage by stealth" – just two of the arguments the Australian Christian Lobby have raised in the hope of killing off the legislation, which requires one extra crossbench vote in the upper house to pass.
Nor is it likely to heighten the risk to women in domestic violence shelters, gymnasiums and toilets. To state the bleeding obvious, if someone wants to commit an offence – regardless of their gender or sexuality – a new birth certificate is hardly going to make a difference.
What the proposed changes will mean, however, is that trans and gender diverse people will be able to own an official document that validates who they are – without having to get divorced or have an operation they don't want. It means that minors who are also confronting these issues can also have greater piece of mind, provided they meet the appropriate safeguards: the child's consent, a statutory declaration from the parent or guardian, and a supporting statement from a doctor or registered psychologist who deems that it is in the child's best interest.
And it means that young people or adults applying for a job or service can avoid the traumatic questions they might otherwise get if the way they look is inconsistent with their documentation – the kind of questions that can further hinder the mental health of an already vulnerable group of people.
As Transgender Victoria chair Brenda Appleton puts it: "This is not a lifestyle choice; it's what you are. You've just got to cope the best way you can." Changing the law is the right thing to do.
Farrah Tomazin is Sunday Age state politics editor.