

This was published 8 years ago

State government begins righting a ridiculous wrong

By Farrah Tomazin

Think of it as history made. From Thursday, same-sex couples will officially have adoption rights in Victoria, when new laws that passed state parliament last December finally come into effect.

Think of it, too, as a policy no-brainer. Until now, gay couples could become foster carers but weren't allowed to jointly adopt the children in their care, nor could they adopt their partner's child from a previous relationship. This week, years of discrimination is at last consigned to history's dustbin – which is exactly where it belongs.

History in the making.

History in the making.

But while adoption equality is enshrined in law for same sex-couples, the fact is the rest of the Adoption Act largely remains in the dark ages, failing to reflect contemporary attitudes and values, let alone the notion of a "modern family".

Single people, for instance, can only adopt children with special needs or in exceptional circumstances. Step-parents and relatives can rarely adopt a child in their care. Concerns remain over the way a person's identity is reflected in birth certificates. And even some of the language used is embarrassingly outdated, with references such as "full blood" or "half blood" peppered throughout the pages of the state's legislation.

Fortunately, the Andrews government has decided it's time to drag Victoria's adoption laws into the 21st century.

In a move that will inevitably polarise opinion, the government has initiated a sweeping review by the Law Reform Commission, paving the way for the biggest shake-up of the Act in three decades.

With consultation beginning this week, the inquiry will examine a central theme: whether the legislation works in the best interest of the child, and how exactly is "best interest" defined. Inter-country adoptions and commercial surrogacy are not part of the commission's reference, but in relation to local adoptions, there are a multitude of other vexed questions: Who should be eligible to adopt and what sort of processes should be in place? Should any changes be made to current consent provisions? How should a person's identity be reflected on their birth certificate? And what sort of information should be accessible as part of the adoption process?

Commission chair Philip Cummins says the review could lead to a rise in adoption rates, which are currently at record lows. Indeed, figures show that in 1971-72, almost 10,000 children were adopted in Australia, including 1768 in Victoria and 4539 in NSW. But in subsequent decades, a number of social changes put an end to the boom, including the availability of contraceptives or the growing acceptance of children born out of marriage; to safe access to abortion or the introduction of single parent benefits. Indeed, by 2014-15, the number of local adoptions had fallen to 56, of which 24 were in Victoria.

"There could certainly be an increase, because if you extend the inclusive criteria, you will presumably get a greater number of adoptions," the former Supreme Court Judge told Fairfax Media. "Some people in the community are very strongly in favour of that, and some are very strongly against."


To that end, the Commission will need to tread carefully. After all, many people have deeply held views about adoption, often shaped by their own experiences, including forced adoption and other past practises. Some also take the view that adoption is never in the child's best interest at all.

But as Cummins rightly points out, the Adoption Act is now 32 years old, so it's imperative that contemporary values are reflected in the legislation.

What's more, the revamp is also the latest in a series of related amendments since Labor came to office. The first took place last June, when the government repealed controversial rules giving adopted children the right to issue a contact veto against their natural parents and made it an offence for anyone who breached such an order.

The second were the same-sex adoption reforms that passed both houses last year – albeit only after the Coalition amended the bill to ensure faith-based agencies maintained religious exemptions allowing them to refuse adoption services for gay couples.

Overhauling the Act is the third and potentially most complex exercise yet, but one that is long overdue – and hopefully Daniel Andrews moves swiftly to act on the Commission's report when it's handed down in February. Let's face it: most of us are familiar with the glossy stories of celebrities adopting needy kids from far flung corners of the globe, but the reality of adoption is hardly a Hollywood fairytale – particularly when you've got a legislative framework that is stuck in the past. The government should be commended for shaking up the system.

Farrah Tomazin is The Sunday Age's state political editor.

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