

This was published 8 years ago

Fifty years after the Battle of Long Tan, the truth is still elusive

By Lindsay Murdoch

Bangkok: They kept coming from three sides during a tropical downpour, outnumbering the Australians hunkered down in a rubber plantation by at least 10 to one.

"It was eerie. The VC [Viet Cong] weren't running and diving behind trees like you'd expect them to," Allen May, a forward scout for D Company, 6th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment, later recalled.

"They were just walking like zombies and every one you knocked down there were two to take his place," he said. "It was like shooting ducks in a bloody shooting gallery … I would have killed at least 40 blokes that day."

When the handguns and artillery stopped just before dusk on August 18, 1966, piles of enemy bodies lay in the red mud, most of them mutilated by Australian, US and New Zealand artillery.

Australian soldiers during the battle of Long Tan in Vietnam.

Australian soldiers during the battle of Long Tan in Vietnam.Credit: Australian War Memorial

The Battle of Long Tan lasted just one afternoon, but it came to symbolise Australia's 10-year involvement in Vietnam.

The battle near Australia's base at Nui Dat in southern Vietnam will be marked with a series of 50th anniversary events in the coming months, including the screening of a harrowing documentary on the battle at Melbourne's Shrine of Remembrance on Anzac Day.

Against overwhelming odds, all but 17 of 108 Australians survived wave after wave of attack until a relief force arrived in armoured personnel carriers (one soldier died later from his wounds, while 24 were wounded).

And after a decades-long campaign by Harry Smith, a former lieutenant-colonel who led the battle, a dozen of his men will learn in July whether they will receive gallantry medals, including a possible Victoria Cross.

Australian soldiers in Vietnam at the Battle of Long Tan, August 1966.

Australian soldiers in Vietnam at the Battle of Long Tan, August 1966.Credit: Brock Perks

However, new research shows that recent Australian claims about the number of enemy soldiers killed in the battle may be highly inflated.

Ernie Chamberlain, a retired Australian army brigadier, Vietnamese linguist, author and veteran of the war, says claims citing Chinese records purportedly showing that 1632 Vietnamese were killed in the battle were "patently false and fabricated and should be discarded".

Mr Chamberlain also questions a claim made in Australia's official history of the battle alleging that the diary of the enemy commander Nguyen Thoi Bung listed his losses at 500, saying the document has never come into Australian hands or been corroborated.

"Such tales and estimates seem to have a real life of their own," Mr Chamberlain tells Fairfax Media after the private publication of his latest book Viet Cong D445 Battalion: Their Story (and the Battle of Long Tan).

Mr Chamberlain's highly detailed book, which includes translations of Vietnamese records, does not question the heroism of the 6RAR soldiers and a three-man New Zealand artillery party against overwhelming odds at Long Tan.

The official Australian Army history To Long Tan, by the late military historian Ian McNeill, lists the number of Vietnamese killed in action as 245 and three enemy captured.

This is also the figure formally declared by the 1st Australian Taskforce (1AFT) and 6RAR in their after-action reports.

But war veterans, writers and filmmakers have often cited casualty figures that are far higher, including in a blurb ahead of the screening of The Battle of Long Tan, a documentary by Red Dune Films, at the Shrine of Remembrance, which describes the battle as "one of the most savage and decisive engagements in ANZAC history, which left 18 Australians and more than 500 enemy dead".

Mr Chamberlain's book points out that several military association websites have also published inflated enemy death counts after someone claiming to be a former Australian army officer falsely declared to have met a "Chinese general" in Shanghai in 2006 who purportedly provided an account of the battle that put the number of Vietnamese dead at 1632.

Mr Chamberlain's research revealed duplications of Vietnamese casualties and Vietnamese regiments in previous accounts of the battle which appear likely to have caused some confusion over enemy numbers and body counts.

His research lists the names and personal details of 176 Viet Cong from the 275th Regiment who were killed on August 18, 1966. Most of them had infiltrated from North Vietnam.

Some may not have been killed on the battlefield and may have died during evacuation of the wounded or subsequently in Viet Cong medical facilities, he said.

Mr Smith wrote in an article published by the Australian War Memorial in 2006 that "while we had buried 245 and found other graves along bloodied withdrawal routes, documents indicated their [enemy] losses were some 800 killed or died from wounds, with around another 1000 wounded".

Paul Ham's 2007 book The Australian War cited information given to the late photojournalist Denis Gibbons that in 1969 Australians captured a Viet Cong hospital dispensary that had a list of 878 Vietnamese killed and 1500 wounded at Long Tan.

Mr Chamberlain said no records have been found to corroborate such a document.

Other accounts have referred to another diary written by Nguyen Nam Hung, the second-in-command of the 274th Regiment, which purportedly listed 500 Vietnamese killed and 800 wounded at Long Tan.

But Ashley Ekins, head of the Australian War Memorial's military history section, told Fairfax Media that the diary, which is held in Canberra, makes false claims about the annihilation of an Australian battalion at Long Tan but does not mention Vietnamese casualties. The 274th was not involved in the battle.

Despite their crushing defeat, Vietnam claimed in its propaganda the next day that its forces were the victors, "wiping out almost a complete battalion [ie. 800 men] of Australian mercenaries".

The communist country's rulers perpetuated that myth for decades and the battle remains a sensitive issue in Vietnam. Australians are banned from wearing medals or uniforms, or carrying flags, at a dawn service to be held at Long Tan on Anzac Day.

Mr Ekins said that according to the reports of Australian soldiers it was impossible for them to get an accurate tally of the enemy dead because artillery fire had mangled so many of the bodies.

"Ernie Chamberlain has cast a cold and clinical eye on all of this … I think his estimate will be close to the mark," he said.

Derrill de Heer, part of a University of NSW team at the Australian Defence Force Academy that has undertaken a major research project on 1ATF combat actions in Vietnam, said "like Ernie, we have some doubts about the number of enemy killed and wounded".

"In talking to D Coy [Long Tan] veterans over the years, the number killed or wounded seems to have risen," he said. "They sometimes quote Chinese sources but when asked for reference[s], nothing is forthcoming."

Mr Smith plans to return to Vietnam for the first time since the war to attend an anniversary service at Long Tan with a number of his 6RAR colleagues on August 18.

Australian expatriate businesspeople in Vung Tau are organising a dinner, where it is planned that Mr Smith and other returning Diggers can meet Vietnamese survivors of the battle.

Fifteen Commonwealth decorations were initially awarded to soldiers for their actions during the battle and D Company 6RAR was awarded a US Presidential Unit Citation.

But only half those recommended for medals in 1966 were given awards and many of those were downgraded from the original nomination.

The Defence Honours and Awards (Appeals) Tribunal is expected to announce its decision on a review of the awards in July.

"They attacked us with a suicidal assault, they came on and on and on, to be mown down by our soldiers," Mr Smith, 82, told a hearing of the tribunal in Queensland in March.

"It was a slaughterhouse … but we turned a possible defeat into a victory."

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