This was published 8 years ago
Greens announce all women team to target 'most winnable' Queensland seats
By Amy Remeikis
The date is yet to be officially set, but the campaign for the upcoming Federal Election is already underway, with political parties of all persuasions preparing their teams for battle.
The Greens have identified Brisbane, Ryan, Griffith and Moreton as key Queensland Lower House seats and the "most winnable" for the party, which recently snagged its first Brisbane City Council seat.
Green team: From left Kristen Lyons (Moreton candidate), Sandra Bayley (Ryan), Karen Anderson (Griffith), Senator Larissa Waters, Kirsten Lovejoy (Brisbane), Janine Kelly (Groom).
Queensland Senator and deputy leader Larissa Waters said the party had selected an all-women team for its targeted seats.
"Only one third of MPs in the federal Parliament are women and the pace of change is depressingly slow," Ms Waters said.
"We Greens are proud to have these exceptional women running in our most winnable seats."
Ms Waters said more needed to be done for women by political leaders, with health service cuts, paid parental leave under question, service cuts and legislation, such as the inclusion of abortion in the Queensland criminal code, all pointing to continued gender inequality.
"Gender equality is at the heart of our federal election campaign, as well as universal healthcare, a safer way for refugees, accessible higher education and our renewable future," she said.
The LNP have also continued pre-selections, with John McVeigh announced as the candidate for the blue ribbon seat of Groom and Llew O'Brien winning the Wide Bay candidacy.
Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast seat of Fisher will be announced later this week.
Following on from its successful grassroots state campaign, Labor has had candidates in its targeted seats, such as Brisbane selected for some time.July 2 remains the rumoured election date, with the decision to bring the budget forward to 3 May adding weight to the early poll.