By Anna Clark
Just before starting my postgraduate studies in 2001 I ran into an old friend, Matt, at the pub. 'What are you up to?' he asked warmly. I explained my proposal – to examine debates over Australian history teaching – and Matt looked up with suspicion and disbelief. "What are you doing that for?"
Given the dullness of the subject in school for many students, maybe he had a point. But in embarking on the PhD I had a hunch that there was a great paradox of Australian history: while teachers desperately struggled to get kids enthused in the classroom, a volatile, highly politicised and fascinating debate over the Australian story raged outside it.
Did Europeans invade Australia? Or did they settle it?
And a few months into my research I came across a couple of curriculum documents from Victoria in the 1990s that provided my first "eureka moment".
The first was a unit on Indigenous history that had been produced by a state Labor government in 1991; the second was its revised replacement, produced by the subsequent conservative government after its election less than two years later.
John Howard reacts to Paul Keating's Redfern Park speech.Credit: Kylie Melinda Smith
The editing was clear. The words "European invasion" to describe the colonisation of Australia in the first document had been replaced by "British settlement" in the second.
I still remember the "click" in my head when I read those syllabuses: history isn't simply something that happened, it's something we do; and it carries powerful political and cultural capital.
Take the bicentennial celebrations on Sydney Harbour.
I was nine when I watched the flotilla of tall ships and heard the accompanying cheers from our vantage on the cliffs above Nielsen Park. Fast forward thirteen years and I finally understood that national celebration as profoundly fraught.
Former prime minister Paul Keating delivers a speech in Redfern, Sydney, to mark the International Year of the World's Indigenous People in 1992.Credit: Kylie Pickett
In 1992, I remember my dad stopping the car on a Sydney backstreet on our way to the beach to listen to a news item about Prime Minister Paul Keating's Redfern Park speech.
"We [non-Indigenous people] took the traditional lands and smashed the traditional way of life," he famously acknowledged. "We brought the diseases. The alcohol … We took the children from their mothers."
Even watching John Howard on television just before the 1996 election, when he declared that he wanted Australians to feel "comfortable and relaxed about their history", didn't mean much at the time. Looking back, of course, it was a clear response to Keating's historical lament.
That recognition of history's contestation was a profound turning point in my own historical consciousness.
History isn't simply something that happened, it's something we do.
Anna Clark
So I kept returning to questions about historical dispute and disagreement: why is Australian history so contested? Why is it so political? Why do these so-called 'history wars' play out in the media and government?
You'd need to be living in a media exclusion zone to have somehow missed the debates in recent years. The nation's past has been fertile ground – a battleground, no less – for historical disagreement and dissent.
National narratives have been contested for as long as they have been written, both in Australia and elsewhere, but it's the scale and visibility of debate here that's so striking: historians, politicians and public commentators of various persuasions have weighed into increasingly divisive disputes over the nation's past.
Contests over the use of "invasion" or "settlement" to describe colonisation in history syllabuses have pulsated since the 1990s, as I discovered early on in my PhD research; the National Museum of Australia and the Australian War Memorial have wrestled publicly over their presentation of national memory; and Australia Day continues to be a contested public site of "survival" and "celebration". Fought over public commemorations, museums and school syllabuses, these "history wars" forcibly demonstrate the politics of Australia's collective memory.
Such debates show that, far from being boring and irrelevant, Australian history matters, and matters deeply: the stories we tell ourselves are critical to our collective sense of self.
That's why disagreement can be so fractious.
Opinion pieces are commissioned by newspapers and online journals, opinionated letters and blogs are published, and politicians quickly jump into the fray, adhering versions of the past to particular partisan causes. Tag words such as "hijacked", "indoctrination", "orthodoxy", "politicised" and "political correctness" are loaded and divisive – and they dominate the public discourse of these debates. Even the terminology describing these historical disputes – the battlefield metaphors of war, the "black armbands", the "fabrication" of history – confirms a narrow and conflicted historical sensibility.
Belying that sense of contest in the history wars are repeated calls for historical unity and belonging. Just look at Keating's Redfern Park speech, where he frequently referred to "we" and "our" to explain his version of the national story and the need for reconciliation; or Howard's subsequent historical vision, where he castigated Keating's negativity and reclaimed Australian identity for the "possession of all Australians".
Those collective pronouns show politicians and public commentators constantly speaking on behalf of the Australian community in public debates over the past. It goes without saying that's what politicians do – they represent us. But in doing so, the history wars seem to be missing the very people over whom such contests are fought.
While the history wars may have overlooked everyday historical consciousness, the contest itself has been widely absorbed and considered in the community.
It's worrying that mainstream media underestimate the capabilities of mainstream Australia. More worrying is the fact that, despite an apparent critical historical awareness among ordinary Australians, a simplistic articulation of historical difference still dominates public debate.
A number of participants I spoke with during my research were cynical about the role of the media in constructing this national history debate in oppositional terms.
Others were also critical of the way the media shifted the debate from simply being a discussion about history to a politicised contest over the past.
"Well, I think the line between history and politics is often very thin," Deborah from Chatswood observed. In Melbourne's Brimbank, Silvie was similarly suspicious. "I tend to think that if it's a politician, that they've got a hidden agenda," she explained. "So I'm always sceptical if there is a public debate with politicians or with governments involved – that there is something behind it, that they're trying to convey another message, an alternative message. So I tend to listen with a hint of scepticism."
Respondents in this research certainly test the assumption that ordinary people cannot, or will not, engage with multiple, contrasting historical perspectives. A conversation with members of the historical society in Rockhampton illustrates this point particularly well. When asked how they reacted to Kevin Rudd's apology to the Stolen Generations, their responses revealed the day-to-day negotiation of contrasting historical perspectives in the community:
Holly: I thought it was wonderful.
Stan: Long overdue.
Natalie: It was just symbolism as far as I'm concerned. It did nothing.
Clara: I think so too, really.
Natalie: It made Kevin Rudd popular.
Stan: It was a start, though. It was a start. It's got to start somewhere.
Natalie: It didn't do anything.
Nancy: I was very moved by it, moved by his speech, yes. Much overdue.
Kathryn: I felt very pleased that someone did get up and say something. Yes, very pleased.
It's interesting that even within this group we have some disagreement..
Natalie: This is the 'history wars'!
Holly: Which again comes back to human nature, and our own cultural backgrounds.
Their interchange clearly demonstrates the relationship between people's lived experiences and their historical understanding.
In a playful aside, Natalie compares the disagreement among the group to the history wars themselves, but their discussion displays none of the polarisation so prominent in public historical debate in Australia.
This is not to say participants have a historical understanding equivalent to that of academic or professional historians. Or that the capacity for historical thinking across the community is the same: of course it isn't.
As Jarrod from Rockhampton insisted, "there are two sides to the story and they're in conflict. And we have to get past that and start looking at what are the real problems".
Trevor from Derby similarly suggested that while historical contest is inevitable, that shouldn't be at the expense of the quest for historical "truth": "I think people are always going to disagree on some subjects, but there are some things where they should have some understanding or mutual agreement about some of the stuff in history – most of it's documented".
Critically, these responses also raise an important question: if ordinary people are capable of understanding multiple historical perspectives, why does a partisan and simplistic debate continue to dominate the media and politics? How come the divisive discourses of the history wars persist?
This is an edited extract from Private Lives, Public History by Anna Clark, (MUP), published this month.