

This was published 13 years ago

Tourism minister jumps off bridge to prove Erin's bungy plunge was a one-off

On New Year's Eve, Australian tourist Erin Langworthy fell nearly 120 metres into the crocodile-infested Zambezi River after her bungy cord snapped.

Her story, and the viral video that accompanied it, became the talk of the internet after she miraculously survived.

Sensing that his country could use an image boost, Zambia's Tourism Minister Given Lubinda jumped off the bridge himself on Sunday.

He then offered to accompany Ms Langworthy, 22, on her next jump, the BBC reported.

Lucky escape ... Erin Langworthy suffered only cuts and bruises.

Lucky escape ... Erin Langworthy suffered only cuts and bruises.Credit: Channel Nine

VIDEO: Australian survives horror bungy jump

Mr Lubinda said: "I am hoping that all those who watched a middle-aged person jumping down the bridge and coming back up smiling will be encouraged not just to jump but also to come and visit Zambia."

Mr Lubinda has become known in his country as a thrill-seeker.

Cameras caught the moment the bungy cord snapped.

Cameras caught the moment the bungy cord snapped.Credit: Channel Nine

He is entirely confident in the safety of bungy jumping over the Zambezi, the Times of Zambia reported.

"I came here to prove that the bungy jumping activities are safe," he said.


"That accident was one in 50,000 jumps in a year."


That accident was one in 50,000 jumps in a year

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