

This was published 13 years ago

You'll never walk alone

By Reid Sexton

With around two crimes a day on Victoria's rail network, is the Baillieu government's costly plan to put armed officers on every Victorian train station at night really necessary?

HUSEYIN Sahin could well be the perfect protective services officer recruit. Friendly and polite, he speaks a second language and received extensive weapon training during his time in the Turkish army. The 49-year-old upholsterer plans to apply to become a PSO, and as part of what is one of the most controversial initiatives in Victoria Police's 158-year history, start guarding Melbourne's rail platforms.

While the government says the scheme will  improve the safety of previously unguarded  stations at night, critics say it is nothing less than the militarisation of the entire train network.

While the government says the scheme will improve the safety of previously unguarded stations at night, critics say it is nothing less than the militarisation of the entire train network.Credit: Angela Wylie

''I'm looking to do something different and something that will make a difference in my life, but I didn't want the responsibility of the police force,'' he says.

''I know how to handle a gun and I'm sure it's going to have its difficult moments like any other job, but I don't consider it a very dangerous job.''

Huseyin Salin: 'I want to make a difference in my life and in other people's. And I think this job will do it.'

Huseyin Salin: 'I want to make a difference in my life and in other people's. And I think this job will do it.'Credit: Michael Clayton-Jones

If successful, Sahin will ultimately be one of 940 people recruited and armed with semi-automatic weapons as part of a plan to protect all Melbourne and some regional stations every night of the week.

With 45 per cent of assaults occurring at just 10 train stations and half of all 220 metropolitan stations having no assaults in 2009 - the latest year for which detailed information is available - the job is looking like one where a capacity to do little, or nothing at all, may be required.

The now $232 million plan was first promised by the Baillieu opposition before the last election and played a significant role in it winning office. Under the plan, PSOs will be overseen by police. They will have the power to arrest and detain offenders in the vicinity of a train station until police arrive, and pursue offenders out of a station or onto a train. PSOs can also be deployed as a large-scale rapid response team if ordered by police.

The first PSOs will start their 12-week training course in November at the Police Academy in Glen Waverley and be on duty by February, with 93 expected to be working across inner-city stations by July 1 next year.


By the state election in November 2014, Victoria Police must have 940 of the officers deployed in pairs at every nominated station to meet the Baillieu government's target.

But the prospect of two armed guards on every Melbourne rail station after 6pm has, for some, revived bad memories of the 1980s and early '90s, when Victoria Police shot dead more than twice as many people as forces in all other Australian jurisdictions combined.

While the government says the scheme will improve the safety of previously unguarded stations at night, critics say it is nothing less than the militarisation of the entire train network.

Organisations such as Liberty Victoria and the Law Institute of Victoria have criticised the plan, saying the policy is highly flawed and arming officers after training them for just three months is a recipe for disaster.

Liberty Victoria president Professor Spencer Zifcak says that while action needs to be taken to improve safety for people catching trains at night, the best way to do that is not by deploying 940 armed officers with just 12 weeks' training. The government, he says, should use police across the network because their 33 weeks' training makes them better equipped to deal with offenders, particularly those who may be unstable.

While some confrontations involving police have ended in tragedy, such as the fatal shooting of 15-year-old Tyler Cassidy in 2008, fatalities would be even more likely with PSOs, he says.

''Tyler Cassidy got 10 bullets within the space of 73 seconds of encountering police. They were fully trained police and presumably had some training in dealing with people who were mentally disturbed, and Tyler Cassidy still got shot in just over a minute,'' Zifcak says. ''What are these PSOs going to do in those circumstances? In 12 weeks they're not going to be trained adequately to deal with people who are mentally disturbed; it's a nonsense.''

Potential problems caused by what he views as inadequate training for PSOs would be compounded by a lack of supervision, he says.

Police say PSOs will be deployed initially at inner-city stations because that is where police will be available to offer support as the guards learn their jobs, and that all officers will be closely supervised by transit police.

But beyond the program's early phases, it is unclear what supervision PSOs will receive when at least 850 new officers are recruited and deployed at suburban and regional stations between next July and November 2014.

''When you're trained as a police officer you don't get immediately put out on the beat by yourself or with another person like you,'' Zifcak says.

''You have something of an apprenticeship, an additional [two years] of [supervision] before you're expected to be on top of using the firearms and understanding the laws and powers you're given.

''Powers under the legislation are perfectly reasonable, it's just that they ought not be given to such profoundly inexperienced officers.''

Victoria Police's acting Chief Commissioner Ken Lay fiercely rejects any suggestion that putting PSOs on stations could somehow make the network unsafe. These officers will study the same three-week safety and tactics course as those doing regular police weapons training, he says.

''We're not going to be putting people out there that haven't got the right levels of training. There's high levels of training around the use of firearms and there's high levels of accountability; they can't just do what they like,'' he says. ''If we get the training right, there's no reason why it should be a problem for us.''

While views differ on how best to make train stations safer at night, what is generally accepted is that Melburnians are scared to travel on the city's often deserted rail network after dark. Confidential surveys by the Transport Department have consistently shown over several years that passengers rate safety after dark as a major problem. Last financial year, about 970 assaults were reported to police to have taken place at stations and on trains across the Victorian rail network, with about half of those believed to have occurred at night.

That means that while people feel unsafe on stations at night, with about 700,000 trips being taken on the metropolitan rail network every day, the chances of being attacked are extremely low. Some are questioning the wisdom of employing nearly 1000 PSOs to deal with an estimated 500 annual assaults on the rail network at night.

While the government's plan is designed to improve perceptions of safety, the security chief of London's Underground train network has warned it could make passengers feel less safe. Geoff Dunmore told a European transport forum in May that the Victorian plan could frighten people into thinking there was something wrong in the same way London passengers became more alarmed when confronted with additional police in the wake of the July 7, 2005, bombing attacks.

But Ken Lay says making people feel safe is just as important as ensuring they actually are, and he is confident the plan will achieve that.

''I've got a young daughter and there's something quite comforting for me [to know] my daughter will get off the train and will see bright green vests and people in uniform there.

''And most of the community would feel very comfortable with that as well, knowing that if they're going to get off the railway station and need to get to the car park there'll be a uniformed presence there.''

There is much that remains unclear about the plan as the launch date gets closer, such as how PSOs will travel between stations and the local police station to pick up and drop off their gun.

There is also the question of toilets for PSOs. Most train station toilets were closed in the mid-1990s when the Kennett government slashed staff numbers. But the Baillieu government has promised $20 million for capital upgrades at the 100 stations without adequate toilets.

OPPOSITION police spokesman James Merlino says the plan is a perfect example of good politics but bad policy and it won public support only because it appealed to people's fears about crime.

He says the government is refusing to budge on its election commitment on the plan because it wants to save face, despite the fact it is deploying armed guards to stations that have never experienced any crime. This, he says, underlines how ill-conceived the plan is.

Merlino says Police Minister Peter Ryan's dumped commitment to introduce about 235 PSOs by next June and his inability to start the introduction at the most dangerous stations show that the policy is too difficult for the government to implement properly. And given a budget blowout Labor estimates at up to $85 million (the government says there is no blowout), the plan should be overhauled, he says.

Daniel Bowen, president of the Public Transport Users Association, says putting guards at every station after dark is a step in the right direction but the overall plan needs to be better organised. After waiting for years for significant investments in public transport, he says deploying PSOs at train stations that are rarely, if ever, the scene of a crime is a waste of resources.

''We would have preferred to have seen a rollout of regular staff from first to last train with an increased security presence at hot-spot stations,'' he says.

''It is a lot of money, and there is an argument to say it could have been directed to where the problems actually exist rather than a blanket approach.''

The government could face another problem in that the low pay, late nights and prospect of guarding a lonely train platform at night have prompted suggestions that Victoria Police will fail to draw enough recruits to meet targets.

PSOs will work a 40-hour week for a starting wage of about $50,000 a year once night penalties are accounted for, which will rise to about $60,000 after six years of service.

When combined with the 1700 new frontline police promised by the government, it is easily the biggest recruiting challenge Victoria Police has ever faced.

But Victoria Police recruitment manager Clara Cooney says there have been hundreds of inquiries since the PSO program was launched two weeks ago, with six people already recruited and about 65 more going through the application process.

''[We] have to have people who are focused, who are confident, who want to be able to actually discuss [things] and talk to people on the platform,'' she says. ''It's also about being able to look out for people if there are any unsafe people within the actual train station.''

Given the deployment of officers armed with guns to rail stations has never been done in Australia before, there is little on which to base the future success of this campaign

In Perth, guards - employed by the operator Transperth - carry pepper spray but cannot use it on trains, while Sydney's train guards are armed only with batons.

Queensland Rail has introduced ''guardian'' trains in Brisbane where a team of two unarmed private security guards travel on every train that leaves Central Station after 7pm on Friday and Saturday. The guards also travel on 40 per cent of trains after 6pm on weekdays, with back-up police and mobile dog squads.

Robert Dow, spokesman for Queensland's Rail Back on Track advocacy group, says the move has been successful and cut serious crime on the trains.

''The PSO stuff with everyone running around with guns is an overkill,'' he says. ''I don't know how conducive it will be to good order and discipline; it might backfire in some ways.''

But Huseyin Sahin doesn't see it this way. He thinks that a well-organised, well-disciplined team of officers can only make things better on a network that is badly in need of a better security presence.

''I want to make a difference in my life and in other people's,'' he says. ''And I think this job will do it.''



Reid Sexton is state political reporter.

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