By Marissa Calligeros
A Dreamworld employee remained in hospital overnight after being bitten by the same Bengal tiger responsible for biting another handler earlier this year.
Kato, the 160 kilogram Bengal tiger which bit handler Daniel Jans on the leg at Dreamworld in May, yesterday ‘‘nipped’’ another handler while being led through his enclosure about 9am.
Kato the bengal tiger which has now been responsible for two attacks on handlers at Dreamworld.
The tiger handler, who is said to be in good spirits, was taken to Pindara Private Hospital on the Gold Coast with two puncture wounds to the lower right calf.
Dreamworld spokeswoman Melinda Lloyd said yesterday’s incident occurred in similar circumstances as the previous one when the impatient adult Bengal tiger gave his handler a ‘‘hurry up nip’’.
‘‘Today, the handler was leading the tiger through the enclosure behind Tiger Island and had stopped to open a gate when the tiger bit him,’’ she said yesterday
Ms Lloyd said handlers at the theme park would closely monitor 10-year-old Kato’s behaviour in light of the latest incident.
‘‘We will need to look at his behaviour to determine what may be agitating him in that area,’’ she said.
Ms Lloyd said the tigers have extremely rigid daily routines to help handlers identify any abnormal behaviour in the animals.
‘‘His routine was changed after the previous incident, but it may need to be changed again.’’
Kato will be back on public display and working with other handlers today, Ms Lloyd said.
Sports Minister Phil Reeves was at Dreamworld’s Tiger Island last night to officially open the 2011 Australian University Games, although it is understood he did not make Kato’s acquaintance.
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