

This was published 13 years ago

For whom the bell tolls

Murdoch tabloid phone hacking scandal: the story so far . . .

November 2005 News of the World royal reporter Clive Goodman writes story saying Prince William has a knee injury. Buckingham Palace complaint prompts police inquiry.

August 2006 Goodman arrested along with private investigator Glenn Mulcaire for suspected hacking into voicemails of royal officials.

January 2007 Goodman jailed for four months; Mulcaire given six-month sentence. News of the World editor Andy Coulson resigns.

May 2007 Conservative Party leader taps Coulson to be his media adviser.

July 2009 Coulson tells parliamentary committee he never ''condoned use of phone hacking''.

September 2009 Rebekah Brooks, former editor of the News of the World and its sister paper The Sun, named chief executive of News International, News Corp's British arm.

February 2010 Parliamentary committee finds no evidence that Coulson knew about phone hacking but states it's ''inconceivable'' that only Goodman knew about it.

May 2010 Conservative David Cameron becomes prime minister; Coulson named his communications chief.

January 2011 British police reopen phone-hacking investigation. Coulson resigns Downing Street post.


May News of the World agrees to pay actress Sienna Miller £100,000 ($A151,137) to settle a claim her phone had been hacked.

June News of the World pays another settlement, this time with former football player and Sky Sports pundit Andy Gray.

July 4 The Guardian newspaper publishes report saying phone of 13-year-old murder victim Milly Dowler was hacked by News of the World when Brooks was its editor. Brooks refuses to resign, says she knew nothing about the hacking.

July 5 News of the World advertisers boycott the paper.

July 7 News International announces it will close 168-year-old News of the World.

July 8 Coulson arrested over phone hacking; he's not charged. Goodman arrested again, this time for suspected illegal payments to police. Cameron announces inquiries.

July 10 News of the World publishes final edition. Rupert Murdoch flies into London to deal with the crisis.

July 11 News Corp withdraws offer to spin-off Sky News in attempt to save bid for complete control of satellite broadcaster British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB).

July 12 Cameron backs opposition motion urging Murdoch to back out of BSkyB bid.

July 13 News Corp pulls its bid to take full control of BSkyB.

July 14 Rupert Murdoch agrees to appear before a parliamentary committee; defends News Corp's handling of scandal in interview with The Wall Street Journal. Reports emerge that FBI opens inquiry into possible phone hacking of 9/11 terror victims.

July 15 Brooks resigns as CEO of News International, is replaced by Tom Mockridge, former head of News Corp's Sky Italia television unit. Les Hinton, former News International chairman, resigns as CEO of Murdoch's Dow Jones & Co and publisher of The Wall Street Journal. Murdoch meets with Dowler's family to apologise.


July 16 News Corp runs a full-page ad in seven British newspapers apologising for ''serious wrongdoing'' at the News of the World.

July 17 Brooks is arrested by UK police in the hacking scandal. Murdoch publishes another ad in British newspapers titled ''Putting right what's gone wrong''.AP

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