

This was published 13 years ago

A jolly good time in land of combine harvesters

By Tony Wright

IT'S the Queen's Birthday weekend, the yearly opportunity to make merry with the splendid weirdness of our continuing relationship with the monarchy, because it isn't the Queen's birthday.

Yesterday, however, WAS the 90th birthday of the Queen's husband, the irascible Prince Philip, once Philip of Greece and Denmark, the longest-serving consort in the United Kingdom's history.

Prince Philip during a visit to Australia in 1954.

Prince Philip during a visit to Australia in 1954.Credit: Fairfax Contributor

No holiday for him, though he provides this columnist with an abstruse method of introducing the Melbourne suburb of Sunshine.

The great satirist of suburban Australia, Barry Humphries, was much taken by the eccentricity of affixing the name Sunshine to a suburb in wind-blown Melbourne. He merely had to mention it on stage in Sydney to bring his audience to gales of mirth.

Be that as it may, Sunshine once had Prince Philip as a resident.

It's a story all but lost to dusty newspaper archives and the occasional ageing local.

The exiled Balkan prince, sporting a splendid nautical beard, sailed in to Melbourne as second-in-command of the Royal Navy destroyer Whelp in June 1945, telling an excited reporter on The Argus that he intended to have ''a jolly good time''.

Asked whether he planned to marry, he declared ''God forbid''. God didn't forbid, as it turned out - 2½ years later he was married to Princess Elizabeth, born April 21, 1926 (yep, her real birthday).

Back in Melbourne, the unattached Philip, aged 24, fell into the company of two sisters named Mary and Roma Fowler, whose parents owned the Derrimut Hotel in, yes, Sunshine. It was a handsome building in what was little more than a village on the outskirts of Melbourne, and though it stands still, it is unlikely Philip would recognise what has become part Tabaret, part pub.


The Sunshine Advocate reported that the prince had stayed as a guest at the Fowler family's hotel, rather modest digs for a chap who would end up in Buckingham Palace. Locals were goggle-eyed as he bought newspapers at the Sunshine railway station. Sunshine, then, was firmly a part of the young Philip's itinerary for a ''jolly good time'' in Melbourne. He had been introduced to the Fowlers by a fellow Royal Navy officer, Michael Avison Parker, who was Melbourne-born, and who later became the prince's long-serving personal secretary. Sadly, there seems nothing left on the record about the prince's happy times in Sunshine.

But none of this explains why the National Museum of Australia has chosen Sunshine as one of only three places in Australia - and the only suburb - as centrepiece for its current major exhibition, Landmarks: People and Places across Australia.

It's hardly the most prepossessing of places. The train lines from Ballarat and Bendigo meet up there and the XPT rattles through on its way to and from Sydney. A large and varied migrant population works in its factories. The Underbelly telling of Melbourne's gangster wars places the expired Andrew ''Benji'' Veniamin, Dino Dibra and Paul Kallipolitis as residents and operators in the area - Dibra was shot dead outside his home in West Sunshine in 2000 and Kallipolitis was shot inside his home a few streets away in 2002.

Little about these events was celebrated during the recent 150th anniversary celebrations of the suburb.

On the other hand, locals are happy to mention that the late lead singer of AC/DC, Bon Scott, lived there as a child, and Australian Test cricketer and footballer Keith Miller was born there, as was golf champion Craig Parry. The Reverend John Flynn, who founded the Royal Flying Doctor Service, spent much of his childhood in the suburb. Boxer Lester Ellis also got his start in Sunshine.

That these people - and more - grabbed their chances in Sunshine gives a hint about why the National Museum of Australia has shone its light upon the place and given it star billing in the ''Land of Opportunity'' section of its new exhibition.

The real reason, however, can be found in the name of the suburb that caused so much mirth to Barry Humphries' Sydney audiences.

Sunshine isn't named for its solar blessings. It was once called Braybrook Junction, but when H.V. McKay brought his agricultural machinery works from Ballarat and established the Sunshine Harvester Works there in 1906, the locals decided that Braybrook Junction should be renamed Sunshine.

Thus, it was named after a combine harvester.

It became the biggest manufacturing works in Australia, and McKay planned a ''model'' industrial town, complete with electric lighting, sports grounds and parks, schools and a library to attract workers.

In 1907, however, old McKay got into a dispute with those workers about low wages, and Sunshine was about to become one of the most important places in Australian industrial history. The dispute went to the Australian Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration.

Justice H.B. Higgins ruled that McKay must pay his workers a wage guaranteeing them a standard of living that was ''reasonable for a human being in a civilised community''.

McKay wasn't about to take the decision lying down. He had the Harvester judgment overturned by the High Court, and in 1911, the Sunshine workers went on strike and found themselves locked out for 13 weeks.

Eventually, they returned for less money, but the wider industrial system's move towards a basic wage, which echoed through Australian industrial law for most of last century, was unstoppable.

All these years later, the National Museum has unveiled a 1911 stripper harvester, made in Sunshine, and retold the story under the theme of ''exploring efforts to realise social justice and equal opportunities for all Australians''.

It seems a long way from the period when John Howard, champion of WorkChoices, used the museum to push his version of the history wars.

It's a pity old Prince Philip couldn't have opened the show, even if he never had to fight for a civilised wage.

He might have had a memory or two to add.

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