

This was published 13 years ago

Driven by passion

Hamish MacDonald has always gone the distance for a big news story, writes Paul Kalina.

By Paul Kalina

SEATED in the lobby of Media House, Hamish MacDonald ignores his phone, which hasn't stopped ringing. Unperturbed - or skilled in the art of shutting out distractions - the young gun reporter from 6.30 With George Negus pushes on.

He's as oblivious to the phone as he is unscathed by a hectic schedule that had him dash from the royal wedding in London late on a Friday night to Melbourne for the Logies presentation on Sunday afternoon.

At only 29, Hamish MacDonald has racked up enough experience, kudos and contacts to be recruited for the plum job as foreign correspondent and fill-in host on 6.30 With George Negus.

At only 29, Hamish MacDonald has racked up enough experience, kudos and contacts to be recruited for the plum job as foreign correspondent and fill-in host on 6.30 With George Negus.

Eventually, however, the phone becomes impossible to ignore. The network publicist passes on an urgent message from the newsroom; US President Barack Obama is about to announce Osama bin Laden's assassination.

Four hours later, back in Sydney, MacDonald is on air talking to Kabul-based journalist Ash Sweeting.

At only 29, MacDonald has racked up enough experience, kudos and contacts to be recruited for the plum job as foreign correspondent and fill-in host on 6.30 With George Negus, which made its debut in January as part of Channel Ten's risky manoeuvre back into the business of serious news coverage.

Born in the Snowy Mountains town of Jindabyne, where his parents ran a pharmacy, MacDonald worked at WIN TV in Canberra before doing ''the working holiday thing in the UK'' in 2003.

With a journalism degree from Charles Sturt University under his belt, he started freelancing in Britain and eventually landed work at Channel 4. Despite having reservations about TV, he found that his interest in journalism overlapped with the ambitions of the innovative British broadcaster.

''There's not many places that make very journalistic TV, a lot of it is making TV versions of print stories,'' he says. ''Channel 4 was the first place I've been where the focus was the journalism rather than the spit and polish. That was very appealing.''

He stayed there a couple of years, studying Indonesian at night school and nursing a plan to freelance in Indonesia. ''Living on that side of the world [Britain], I realised how little I knew about this region beyond Australia and at that time Indonesia was big in the news,'' he says.


Around that time, the Qatar-based broadcaster al-Jazeera was setting up an English-language channel.

MacDonald landed a job as a producer based in Kuala Lumpur. There was a setback when he turned up on the first day and was told by the bureau chief that he'd been signed up as a presenter.

''I had a meltdown,'' he recalls. ''I hadn't done anything significant reporting-wise and that's why I was there, to build from a field producer to a correspondent and get to know that part of the world. I didn't want to be in a studio.''

As it turned out, the launch of al-Jazeera English was delayed, so in the year before it went to air he was dispatched to file stories and reached an agreement that his work would cover reporting and presenting.

His work for the fledgling channel didn't go unnoticed. A story on pro-democracy protests in Malaysia won him the young journalist of the year award from London's Royal Television Society in 2008, while coverage of the Georgia-Russia war, which he anchored, was nominated for an international emmy the following year.

When CNN offered him a job, he resigned. Forced to see out the remaining months of his contract, he went to Yemen where he undertook an intensive course in Arabic.

That was when he was approached by Ten's head of news, Jim Carroll. ''I thought it was the most exciting thing I could come back to Oz to do. If I didn't try this I would probably never come back,'' MacDonald says.

''Everything that's happened this year has made me think it was the right choice. If I was at al-Jazeera or CNN I would have done maybe one or two big, world-changing stories this year but in a role like this I've been able to do all of them.

''I'm really passionate about foreign news and I see this role as an opportunity to make it appealing to people of my generation.''

That his generation does not consume current affairs is a myth that serves the interests of news organisations not interested in producing the content that captures that audience's attention, MacDonald contends.

''My generation has access to more information than any other generation past,'' he says. ''We want a degree of honesty from our reportage that hasn't existed previously … I think that's why George Negus is so appealing to my generation, because he is honest about how he sees things.''

He likens a lot of the reporting he has done this year, in Egypt and Libya in particular, to ''adventure journalism, you walk down the road and find out what the story is''.

For two weeks in Libya, without a satellite phone and the local mobile network down, he had no contact with the office outside live crosses from the field.

''We're not 60 Minutes, we're not one of those over-produced public affairs programs, we're journalists who know the story and are having a normal conversation on air about what's going on.''

Carroll describes MacDonald as passionate, well-connected, resourceful and competitive, a presenter who can cut through the waffle and be forceful when he needs to be. ''I think he's a very compelling storyteller, very watchable in front of the camera, strong delivery and, like all those top-line reporters, has that capacity to bring a human element to what is often a complex issue.''

6.30 With George Negus is on weekdays at 6.30pm on Channel Ten.

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