

This was published 13 years ago

O-pelessly devoted Melbourne fans greet Winfrey

Entertainment Editor Karl Quinn blogs live from Federation Square, where visiting TV dignitary Oprah Winfrey has taken to the stage this afternoon.

By Karl Quinn

1.49pm With Federation Square fast filling up ahead of Oprah's expected arrival around 2.30pm, a spot near the stage is almost as hot a commodity as a space in the VIP tent. The tent places went to a handful of the big O's ultimate Australian fans, but it's the ultimate fans of Jon Bon Jovi who are holding the primo positions in the public arena.

Friends Arzy and Sandra got here at 9.30 last night to make sure the singer gets as good a view of them as they do of him. Having already nabbed the lead singer of local Bon Jovi cover band Bad Behavior, Arzy is now determined to go one better and become the next Mrs Bon Jovi (for real).

But Arzy and the other Bon Jovi fans - including Vicki, who has seen him more than 30 times, on every Australian tour since 1987 - may yet be disappointed. Despite reports earlier in the week that he will be here, his name is missing from the official itinerary issued this morning.

At any rate, friends Donna Johnson and Rachel Raucci are in no doubt who they've come for. "It's Oprah. I just love her, I am in awe of her, the spiritual side of her," says Johnson, who has also been here since 9.30 last night. "She's made women stronger. Her journey has been inspirational."

"It's her compassion, her ability to communicate," Raucci says, trying to put Oprah's appeal into words. "She can talk to the Dalai Lama or your neighbor and be equally at ease. She inspires people to make a difference."

1.54pm It's a weird choice of warm up act: journalist David Marr on the huge video screen delivering a long speech on human rights, press freedom, Julian Assange and same-sex marriage. Some or all of these may well be topics close to Oprah's heart but Marr's words appear to go straight over the head of most in the crowd.

Speaking of Assange, a facebook group is calling for a planned rally this afternoon in support of the Wikileaks founder to make a detour to Oprah's love-in. That prospect would no doubt fill Prime Minister Julia Gillard's heart with glee. Maybe Oprah will join in the fun: "Everyone gets a free leak! You and you and you and you! You all get free leaked cables!!"

1.58pm If not quite punishable by death, pushing-in here is a crime deserving the next-worst thing: expulsion. Security guards have just swooped on one woman who'd taken the liberty, and found she was taking another: she had brought, and apparently planned to use, her drug paraphernalia.

2.01pm A couple of thousand fans are now awaiting Oprah's arrival in the intermittent glare of a sun that has finally remembered how to shine on Melbourne. With all this rain you have to wonder if Harpo Inc will be demanding a refund. Oh, that's right. We paid them.

2.27pm Three minutes to countdown and 50 of Oprah's guests are due to arrive by tram any minute. That is, assuming host Carrie Bickmore doesn't hold things up by taking them all to one of those groovy and quintessentially Melbourne McCafes on the way.

2.31pm She runs a tight ship, that Oprah. At 2.30 on the dot the Black Eyed Peas' I've Got a Feeling kicks in and the crowd spontaneously erupts in a frenzy of Harpo Inc-sanctioned excitement. The spirit is in da house.

2.35pm OMG, it's her! It's Carrie Bickmore!! "Are we excited?" she asks. "Yarrr!" she answers herself.


She runs through the line-up: There are cheers at the mention of Jessica Mauboy and Human Nature, silence for "The Premier" (that's Ted Baillieu), and a mix of jeers and muted cheers for Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

2.38pm Angela Bishop and Bickmore spend five minutes on cross-promotion for Ten - er, sorry, have a really in-depth interview about what Oprah has been up to in Oz. The highlight so far, apparently, has been watching a couple of koalas going at it like rabbits.

3.01pm Officially, the capacity of Fed Square is 8000, but some Nostradamus types have tipped a crowd of 92,000. It's such a specific number, you could almost lose sight of how mad a prediction that is.

Anyone who turns up now will find Jessica Mauboy delivering a decent set of r'n'b Oz-style. Authentic indigenous culture of the sort Oprah just can't get enough of? Maybe not, but she's pretty good and the crowd - all 6 million and 23 of them - seems happy. But Oprah isn't going to be here till after 4, word now has it. Will they still love her tomorrow? Hell yeah.

3.28pm Bickmore is on now, chatting to the likeable and genuinely excited - like "oh my God, I can't believe this. Miss Oprah" excited - Jessica Mauboy. Human Nature are up soon but right now it's five of Oprah's ultimate American fans on stage. More talk of koalas. How much of this can we bear? (Yes I know. They're not bears.)

So far what they've loved most is the people. What they've been most surprised by? The weather, but it's not all bad; "I didn't want to fry in the ozone" one of the women says.

Bickmore runs a quick local knowledge quiz.

Q: What's the name of the big rock in the middle of Australia?

A: Ah, Big Rock?

Next up, a taste test. What do you think of Vegemite, Bickmore asks, offering a brown-smeared cracker. She gets two thumbs up. A good result, especially for Kraft, which is an official partner of Oprah's Ultimate Australian Adventure (TM). Gosh, what were the odds on that happening?

Human Nature are onstage chatting with Bickmore now, all suited up. Extracts from their Vegas show - a Motown tribute - must surely follow.

3.30pm Sure enough, they start with Ain't No Mountain High Enough. It sounds great, but damn, where is that orchestra hiding?

3.39pm They're doing some of the greatest pop songs ever recorded. They're singing You Can't Hurry Love right now and doing some weird dance moves, like an emu's mating ritual. Local colour. Got to love that.

3.41pm They're singing People Get Ready now. Someone needs to tell the big O to get ready and get the hell out here before we all faint from the anticipation.

3.43pm Now it's Elvis's A Little Less Conversation ... Definitely think they're trying to send Oprah a message. Quit yer talking and just start walking.

3.52pm They've just called a dozen of the ultimate fans (TM) up onstage for the finale if I'll Be There. It's officially a love-in.

3.55pm Candy, one of Oprah's producers in Chicago, is onstage, ordering some excitement from the crowd as a video of Oprah moments plays onscreen. She's doing aerobic moves like Richard "Reach" Simmons. She's yelling "let's go Melbourne". She's telling us "Oprah Winfrey's almost here". It's a cult. I want to buy a vacuum cleaner!!!!!

3.57pm Oprah is in the house! It's hysteria! Can't see her yet but she's here.

3.58pm Ted Baillieu enters to a lukewarm reception, Julia Gillard to a strongly mixed reception, Oprah sashays on to screams.

4.02pm Baillieu goes first, gives up halfway - or less - through his speech. Cuts short with: "I'm Ted, she's Julia, this is Oprah"

Gillard fares better, gets to invite the crowd to say "a big Melbourne welcome to Oprah". Crowd whoops. Oprah booms "hello Melbourne ... I've never had a welcome like this in my life. In my life. IN MY WHOLE LIFE. WOW!"

4.05pm Oprah says she didn't fly with her audience because she was getting the Kennedy Centre award on Sunday night, singing Hey Jude with Paul McCartney. She says she never thought anything would top that, "but Melbourne, you just did that".

Nobody, but nobody, does sweet nothings like this woman.

4.06pm Oprah pronounces herself "so happy to be here in the third-most-livable city in the world".

"Do you people all go to friendly school?" she adds.

4.09pm Oprah decrees that we will generously support and give to the victims of the floods. "You WILL give," she says, and who would dare defy her commandment?

4.14pm And that's it for the words from the stage. A quick photo op with Ted and Julia - what pollie could resist the lure of all that reflected love? - and Oprah dashes off the stage.

And yea, verily, she did walk among them. The elderly, the wheelchair-bound, the merely hysterical stick out their hands and pour forth their tears as Oprah presses the flesh, ever so fleetingly. If Lazarus were here he'd be dancing along to the Peas by now (I've Got a Feeling is on endless loop).


She came, she saw, she conquered.

And then she headed back to Crown for a nice lie down.

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