This was published 1 year ago
What is POTS, and how is it related to COVID?
By Paul Biegler
I’m reading more and more about POTS, especially in relation to COVID. What is it and what are the symptoms?
A: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome – POTS for short – is a disorder of the “autonomic” nervous system. This system has yin- and yang-like opposing responses: the “fight or flight” side, which gets the heart pounding, and the “rest and digest” side, which tends to more quotidian tasks such as sphincter control when we go to the loo.
When POTS starts, both sides can malfunction, causing blood vessels to dilate. Blood pools in the legs and not enough ascends to the heart, which responds by beating faster. Sufferers get palpitations and feel panicky, while a lack of blood to the brain brings on dizziness, brain fog, even fainting. Welcome to POTS: get it and you’re in for a rough ride.
“I had the exercise tolerance of a 100-year-old,” says Dr Ahmed Bassiouni, an Adelaide-based trainee ear, nose and throat surgeon whose journey began in July 2022 when he got COVID. The sore throat and fever got better quickly; the fatigue didn’t. “I was getting chest pain and shortness of breath climbing one flight of stairs.”
An ECG and heart enzyme test both came back normal. But one day, after operating on a patient, Bassiouni put a probe on his finger, which showed his heart was redlining at 130 beats per minute (the normal resting adult heart rate is 60-100bpm).
So he scheduled an appointment with Professor Dennis Lau, a heart-rhythm specialist and POTS expert at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Lau made it official: Bassiouni had POTS and was so disabled by fatigue he had to stop work. “We mount a response to a virus and the nervous system gets attacked by mistake, and then the autonomic control of different bodily functions goes haywire,” says Lau.
Glandular fever and the flu are two established viral illnesses known to trigger POTS; in 2023, they may have been superseded by COVID.
With PhD student Marie-Claire Seeley, Lau is studying the prevalence of POTS in long COVID. They’ve recruited 120 patients and some early, unpublished figures are in. “About 80 per cent of them have POTS or a degree of dysautonomia [dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system], which is staggering,” says Lau.
The pair has also logged the wellbeing of 200 patients on a database they’ve established called the Australian POTS registry. On a no-nonsense scale where zero is death and one is full health, POTS patients rated a miserly 0.59, a worse result than cancer sufferers and better only than people with multiple sclerosis. Lau estimates that 200,000 Australians may be living with POTS.
Meanwhile, another cloud roils on the COVID horizon. Vaccines produce viral antibodies, too, and a December study found a 33 per cent higher risk of POTS 90 days after COVID vaccination.
To provide some perspective, though, the risk of POTS after COVID itself was more than five times higher.
Bassiouni is now back at work after treatment that included drinking more water and taking salt tablets as well as a drug called Ivabradine, which slows the heart. But he’s concerned that others will be misdiagnosed. The thing is, if you have POTS, when you lie down your heart rate can drop to normal; an ECG is done when the patient is lying down, so it may look fine. The doctor needs to measure your heart rate when you stand up. In those with POTS, it goes crazy.
Without this test, Bassiouni worries that POTS sufferers might be labelled “psychosomatic and anxious”, a diagnosis potentially exacerbated by ignorance. “Unfortunately, POTS isn’t something we learnt about in medical school,” he says.
Biegler is an author and former emergency doctor. His book, Why Does It Still Hurt? (Scribe, $35), is out now.
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