This was published 2 years ago
This throwaway joke at the bakery was just another example of ageism
Jane Caro
Novelist, author and commentatorMy 68-year-old husband is affable by nature, so he moves fairly easily through the world. He can strike up a conversation with just about anyone and knows most of our local shopkeepers by name. That’s why I was surprised when he returned from running some errands recently not just flustered, but upset.
“I was queuing at the bakers, minding my own business,” he told me, “Then, when it was my turn, the bloke behind the counter said, ‘And what can we do for you, young man?’”
“The shop assistant’s remark was particularly offensive because of the many layers of ignorant assumptions it contained.”Credit: ISTOCK
Being 65 myself, I knew exactly why he felt so outraged and humiliated. This may surprise those of you who are still young (it’s a very temporary state, so be warned) but those of us you think of as old do not go about our lives thinking of ourselves that way. We think of ourselves just as we always have – as we did when we were 14 or 40 or 25. Our outsides might have changed but our essential selves are just the same. It is always a shock when we find ourselves being treated differently simply because of the length of time we have spent on the planet.
However, the young (“not that young”, as my husband hastened to emphasise) shop assistant’s remark was particularly offensive because of the many ignorant assumptions it contained. The first is that old people are all desperate to be thought young. This is a delusion held by those who have never grown old (or even up).
Yes, there are downsides to being older, but there are also benefits, and that is true of any age. Anyway, as there is sod-all any of us can do about the passage of time, we may as well make the best of it. And, if we are lucky enough to be reasonably financially secure, most of us do.
Moreover, unless you die young, all of us will get old. Therefore, it is absurd to feel sorry for those who have lived longer than you. We neither want nor need your pity because we know we are lucky. We are still alive. You, random young person behind the baker’s counter, have no idea whether you will be as lucky as we have been. As Amy Poehler said, “Stop whining about getting old. It’s a privilege. A lot of people who are dead wish they were still alive.”
Having been alive for a long time does not turn us into children, either. We have not lost our agency, our authority, our dignity or our ability to navigate the world. Most of us have not even lost our marbles. We do not need to be coddled, spoken down to or patronised. If we get annoyed at being treated as if we have entered our second childhood, we are not crazy old people yelling at clouds. We are fully functioning human beings furious at being discriminated against and disrespected because of our age.
And if you roll your eyes or sigh as we try to explain why your rudeness infuriates us, stop it. Listen to what we are saying. Every time you discriminate against, diminish, patronise, mock, laugh behind your hand or ignore an older person, it is you who is being stupid. It is your future self you are shooting in the foot.
I am not arguing that every older person is wise or wonderful. I do not believe that things were better in my day or that my wrinkles give me any kind of special authority or status. Young fools often grow up to be old fools – just look at some of our older world leaders, especially recently. However, to assume that we are all past our use-by date and should just get out of the way of the young is not just foolish, it is dangerous.
The attitude that the old are irrelevant and more of a nuisance than anything else is why so many older people suffered such appalling neglect and abuse in aged care facilities that we had to have a royal commission.
It’s also why the terrible death toll of COVID among older people is dismissed so easily. It’s why financial, sexual and physical elder abuse is still so prevalent in our society. It’s why the rise in the number of homeless older women living out of their cars after a lifetime of looking after others is not only tolerated but ignored. Prejudice and discrimination are not just humiliating and infuriating. They can be deadly.
Older people are not asking for special treatment or consideration.
Yes, we want our health needs to be met and our right to live in safety taken seriously. But most of us require nothing more from the young than to be treated courteously, kindly and with respect. You know, the way you prefer to be treated, however old you may be.
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