

This was published 1 year ago

The real effects of poverty

Sponsored by The Smith Family

By Kimberly Gillan

Australia may be one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but for 1.2 million children and young people, it certainly doesn’t feel that way.

“One in six children are living in poverty [which] is astounding for a rich country like Australia,” says Professor Carla Treloar, director of the UNSW Centre for Social Research and Health.

More than 1.2 million Australians live in poverty.

More than 1.2 million Australians live in poverty.Credit: The Smith Family

“Children in poverty miss out on a range of opportunities that the rest of Australian children enjoy, whether that’s going on school excursions, doing activities outside of school or having school uniforms that are up to standard or the right size.”

The silent challenges

Poverty is measured as living on less than half of the median household income, which translates to less than $1027 for a couple with two children in Australia.

Poverty is often associated with a lack of food, and while this can be a real challenge for many Australian families, it’s not the only cost causing significant stress and perpetuating the poverty cycle. Families can be forced into difficult choices about where to spend limited money, whether that is on food, transport or education costs for their children.

“If you look at being able to keep a vehicle on the road, there are costs for mechanical repairs, insurance and registration,” says Christine Dennis, Learning for Life Coordinator at The Smith Family.

Children affected by poverty can miss out on the school items they need for learning.

Children affected by poverty can miss out on the school items they need for learning.Credit: The Smith Family

“And when it comes to school expenses, it also means children are missing out on basic school items such as uniforms, books and digital devices – which are now an essential part of learning.”


“Some kids are even coming to school without lunch because their family can’t afford it.”

Christine Dennis, Learning for Life Coordinator at The Smith Family.

Christine Dennis, Learning for Life Coordinator at The Smith Family.Credit: Tom Dennis

Dennis says children in poverty can also suffer from incredible stigma and isolation at school, and there’s often a lack of understanding about the complexity of poverty in the broader community.

“I think a lot of people still seem to think that people choose to live this way and that these families are just dependent on handouts,” she says. “They don’t take into consideration the health and disability issues that are compounded within these families and [the challenges] of breaking the cycle. Many families live in inadequate housing – there might be 10 people living in a three-bedroom house and if you have high schoolers, there is no quiet space for them to study.”

Currently, only 67 per cent of children from the lowest socio-economic backgrounds complete Year 12 compared with 92 per cent of children from the highest socioeconomic backgrounds.

“Lots of senior students take on part-time work to help fill the [household budget] gap and that impacts on them juggling their study commitments,” Dennis adds.

“They often can’t say no to extra shifts, so they don’t lose their job, even if their assignments are due.”

Children from the lowest socio-economic backgrounds are significantly less likely to complete high school.

Children from the lowest socio-economic backgrounds are significantly less likely to complete high school.Credit: The Smith Family

What we know helps

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided some powerful insights into the benefits of helping pull people out of poverty. “COVID has given us a really interesting natural experiment,” Professor Treloar explains.

“In March 2020, poverty rates soared because people lost their jobs or had their hours cut. But then government supports came in in the June quarter of 2020 and we saw poverty drop to a 20-year low. Almost 650,000 people [were lifted] out of poverty in that couple of months. And when you change parents’ lives, you change children’s lives.”

With government payments like JobKeeper and the Coronavirus Supplement providing between $1115 and $1500 per fortnight – well above the $816 per fortnight poverty income level at the time – Professor Treloar says many Australians were actually able to afford expenses that directly benefited their children.

After the payment programs were wound back, Professor Treloar says many Australians found themselves back in a dire situation. “Particularly in 2022 with increased costs of living and prices of petrol, fuel, heating and food, it means that children and families are really doing it tough,” she says.

Professor Treloar wants to see more government support for people in poverty because she says it will help Australia create a better society.

“We’re really asking governments to look past electoral cycles and to think about what kind of community and society we want,” she says. “If we are leaving these children to grow up in poverty, do we, as a rich society, think that’s okay?”

Helping children get a good education is widely recognised as one of the greatest tools for helping break the poverty cycle.

“The Smith Family’s Learning For Life program connects sponsors to students on the program and that gives them access to financial assistance. Families receive funds to help with the cost of uniforms, shoes, excursions or school photos,” Dennis explains. They gain access to extra learning and mentoring programs, and their own family support worker. They also receive letters from their sponsor. It lifts the burden, and the children tell us, ‘My sponsor believed in me and allowed me to dream’.”

Dennis is asking for Australians to remember and support some of our most vulnerable children as they start the 2023 school year.

“There’s no doubt that many will feel constrained by the current cost of living pressures we are all facing,” she says. “But we continue to be humbled by the ongoing generosity of our donors.”

The Smith Family believes that education is one of the most powerful change agents. It supports the education of children and young people experiencing disadvantage to give them the power to change their futures. The Smith Family’s Back to School Appeal is seeking sponsors for 6,230 children who are urgently in need of support this term. To sponsor a child or find out more, visit

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