

This was published 12 years ago

Generation IOU: parents fork out $22 billion a year to help their adult children

By Adele Horin

AUSTRALIANS give $22 billion a year to their adult children to help them get established, buy property, and tide them over tough times, a study reveals.

And they give another $1 billion a year to elderly parents.

''We've known parents give to their adult children to help them out; we just didn't know how much they gave,'' said the lead researcher, Lisel O'Dwyer, of the University of Adelaide.

The study, funded by National Seniors, examines the transfer of money and time between Australians aged 50 and over, and their children and elderly parents.

It shows parents spend about as much on their adult children as the federal government spends on the health system.

As well, the 50-plus group typically spends about four to five hours a week giving practical help to elderly parents or minding grandchildren - though some do much more and some do little. The practical help was valued at $30 billion a year based on an hourly average wage.

''It's a staggering transfer of time and money, $50 billion a year, between older people and their children and parents,'' said Dr O'Dwyer, a senior research associate at the university's Australian Population and Migration Research Centre. ''It represents a huge saving to the government.''

Not surprisingly, the sandwich generation, median aged 58, with both children and parents, give the most time and money. And almost 70 per cent of the money is given as a gift, not a loan.

But the transfer of help is not all one way - with about 40 per cent of those aged 80-plus providing some practical help to younger family members. As well, they contributed about $1 billion to the welfare of other family members, though many were likely to give more in their wills.

Dr O'Dwyer, who presents the findings today at the Australian Institute of Family Studies conference, said whether people were rich or poor made no difference to the amount of practical help they gave their elderly parents. Men and women gave equal amounts of time, though doing different chores. However mothers and mothers-in-law in the oldest generation were given more help than fathers or fathers-in-law.


One-quarter of older Australians gave more than 14 hours a week in practical help and half gave help to more than one relative. The most common reason for giving money to the elderly was to meet their basic needs.

Dr O'Dwyer said family solidarity was still a strong norm within Australian society. But generosity was not unlimited.

For example, people tended to consider the practical and financial aid given to elderly parents as an obligation, whereas helping their children was a pleasure.

''Love runs downhill to the younger generation,'' Dr O'Dwyer said. ''People have a biological drive to give things to their children; it's more rewarding.''

Even so, older Australians thought minding grandchildren should be a choice, not a duty. They also believed the government should provide practical help to the elderly while their own efforts should focus more on social and emotional support. And generosity was restricted to the immediate family with aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews likely to miss out on help with both money and time.

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