

This was published 5 years ago

It shouldn't be 'Why doesn't she leave?', but 'Why does he abuse her?'

By Jane Gilmore

Jess Hill’s investigations into domestic violence and the family court won Walkley awards (deservedly so) and make for truly heartbreaking reading. Her new book, See What You Made Me Do, is the culmination of four years of forensic research and intense interviews with victims and survivors.

It’s not an easy book to read. Hill cites academic studies and statistics with ease, but she never lets us lose sight of the people this book is about – the women and children living in fear of an abusive man.

Jess Hill's book on domestic abuse makes for difficult but important reading.

Jess Hill's book on domestic abuse makes for difficult but important reading.

On the first page of the book, Hil, an investigative journalist, asks us to change the language we use to describe violent relationships. Most of us know it as “domestic violence”. Hill says the term we should be using is “domestic abuse”. Hill explains that a lot of abusive behaviour is not physically violent, most of it isn’t even criminal. The effect, however, is always the same: the victims are rendered terrified and powerless.

Abusive behaviour, as almost anyone who has worked with survivors of domestic abuse will tell you, has a pattern that shows up in almost all abusers, regardless of age, class, sex, race or religion.

“There are a range of tactics that repeat in almost every case,” says Hill. “Isolation, degradation, threats to friends or family members or pets, gaslighting, surveillance, micro-management of behaviour, setting arbitrary rules and enforcement of arbitrary demands.”

She goes on to explain how abusers monopolise their victim’s perception, turning reality on its head by linking the abuser’s behaviour to the victim’s actions. The victim is manipulated into seeing it as something they are causing rather than something being done to them.

A lot of abusive behaviour is not physically violent (but) the effect is always the same: the victims are rendered terrified and powerless.

“When you look at them all together, it forms this complex picture of abuse, Hill says. “The more all these types of behaviour are used, the tighter the net becomes.”

While much of the book is about the effect of domestic abuse, Hill makes it clear that the main focus should not be on the victims. Obviously, they need to be heard, understood and offered the help they need to escape, but they are not the cause of the problem.


Hill writes about visiting the office of Safe Steps, Victoria’s family violence helpline and hearing how often women will call repeatedly asking for help with the same abusive man.

“'You must get so frustrated when you think a woman’s ready to leave and then she decides to go back,’ I say.

‘No,’ replies the counsellor pointedly. ‘I’m frustrated that even though he promised to stop, he chose to abuse her again.’”

This is the question Hill says we need to keep in the forefront of every discussion about domestic abuse. Not “why doesn’t she leave”, but “why does he abuse her?” Why does he keep promising to stop and then break that promise over and over again? Why are the patterns of abuse so predictable? Why are so many men who are abusive to their female partners able to maintain, professional and social relationships that are not abusive? Why is it that so many men’s intimacy is dangerously distorted?

See What You Made Me Do delves into the answers to all these questions, examining the role of shame in men’s lives, and how fear creates the need for control that underpins so many abusive relationships.

Hill is uncompromising on the need to act, not just raise awareness or teach classes that might result in change decades in the future, but to take firm action now, today, here in Australia, and change the lives of the thousands of women and children suffering because of abusive men.


As she points out, Australia has a stellar history of changing behaviour that kills people. Driving drunk used to be so commonplace that “when random breath testing (RBT) was introduced in 1982, the backlash was so hostile that clubs refused entry to local politicians … [but] within two months, fatal road accidents in New South Wales dropped 48 per cent.” The same determination and clear targets reducing smoking rates and cleared out systematic corruption in state police forces. This kind of approach, Hill argues, could have the same effect on reducing the deaths and injuries caused by domestic abuse.

Anyone who wants to understand the pattern, cause and effect of domestic abuse should read this book. It should also be required reading for politicians, police, judges, lawyers, doctors, psychologists and Mayors. If you know any of those people, but them a copy of this book and insist that they read it. It might be the one thing that takes someone from thinking domestic abuse only happens to “other people” to understanding it as a pervasive, pernicious, deadly behaviour that they might have the power to change.

Jess Hill’s book See What You Made Me Do is available from all good bookstores or the Black Inc. Tickets are still available for the Sydney launch at GleeBooks 

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