

This was published 5 years ago

'Fixed It' exposes tropes around violence against women

By Jane Gilmore

Violence myths about rape are the preconceptions and subconscious biases we’ve learned through millions of tiny interactions with the world. Every advertisement that depicts women as passive sexual objects, every movie where the female villain is a femme fatale and the love interest is a passive princess, every song, poem, painting, photo, joke, headline, book, comic strip, news article, comedy sketch, or TV show that separates women into "good" women and "bad" women is based on the myth that women who have sexual agency are morally suspect.

Young women such as this rape victim photographed in Melbourne should not be subject to ideas about what is and is not "real" rape.

Young women such as this rape victim photographed in Melbourne should not be subject to ideas about what is and is not "real" rape.Credit: Simon Schluter

"Good" women are pure, virginal, chaste, modest, nice, virtuous, maidenly, unsullied, sweet, wholesome, or any one of the dozens of other words we use to describe women who don’t actively demonstrate that they want or enjoy sex. "Good" women do not tempt men to do bad things, so they are very unlikely to be raped. If they are raped, however, the only possible perpetrator is an irredeemably evil monster, who is instantly recognisable as being different from all other men.

A truly "good" woman will never put herself in the path of such a man, but he may occasionally intrude upon her, even when she is being properly "good". It is only then that she is a "real" rape victim and can receive the sympathy a "real' victim deserves.

"Bad" women can’t be raped, and if they are, the supposed rape would not have happened if they had been behaving like "good" women, therefore they must bear at least some of the blame. The only exception to the "good" vs "bad" woman is the invisible woman, which is essentially anyone who is over forty, larger than average, has a disability, is not demonstrably cisgender and heterosexual, isn’t white (except when they are fetishised and then they are most definitely "bad") or is deemed to be too far from conventional beauty to count. In the view of the male-dominated media, these people are niche markets and incidents in their lives are not relevant to mainstream news unless they can be sensationalised.

The good/bad/invisible trinity forms the basis of all the other violence myths about rape. One of the most prevalent is the myth of "real rape", which scholars and activists have been debunking for decades. This myth says rape is only real when a "good" woman is physically attacked by a man she doesn’t know. "Real rape" victims must be able to show injuries and prove they fought back. They will always cry afterwards and will clearly remember every minute detail of the rape in the exact time sequence in which it occurred.

They will not have had even a sniff of alcohol before the rape and they will have no history of trauma, mental illness or addiction. They will not have been out in public unescorted after sunset or alone in a house with a man not their family or husband at the time of the rape. They will never have displayed any sexual agency or confidence in photos or videos on social media.

They will not have a sexual history that in any way deviates from the boy-meets-girl-and-falls-in-love trope. They will not have tattoos, piercings, unconventional hair or be wearing revealing clothing. There will always be objective bystanders who can substantiate the victim’s account of the rape because even "good" women are not reliable witnesses to their own experiences. These are the conditions of "real rape" and anything that does not meet all these standards is probably not rape. Not really.

If any of this sounds over the top or even just slightly exaggerated, think back to the reactions in public discourse after the murders of Jill Meagher and Eurydice Dixon. In each instance, a man they had never met grabbed them as they were walking home, then raped and murdered them. And still, sententious voices were saying, "Well she shouldn’t have been out on the street by herself" and police publicly called upon women to "maintain situational awareness" as if this (or the lack of it) was the thing that caused the rapes and murders rather than the choices of men who committed rape and murder.

Do such people think these murders would not have happened if Jill and Eurydice had stayed home? Do they think the men who chose to rape and murder a woman they’d never met would not simply have found another woman to attack? I cannot believe people who ask why Jill or Eurydice were out by themselves would seriously advocate banning women from working or socialising on their own, or that they would suggest all women must be accompanied by a man every time they leave the house.


What about women who cannot afford a taxi or an Uber home? Should they not participate in public life? Taxi and Uber drivers are also potential rapists, so that’s no guarantee of getting home safely anyway. And the most likely location for rape to occur is in someone’s home, so women who stay home all the time are even less safe than women who go out at night on their own. The fact is that there is nothing women can do to keep themselves safe from violence for the simple reason that the violence is never their choice: it is the choice of the person who enacts violence against them, and there is ultimately nothing we can do to protect ourselves from other people’s choices.

Another of the prevalent rape myths is that women often lie about being raped, either to punish a man who didn’t follow through on a romantic relationship, or to protect their reputation after consensual sex. VicHealth’s National Community Attitudes Towards Violence Against Women survey found only 59 per cent of people agree that "women rarely make false allegations of rape’, leaving around 4 in every 10 people who think women do lie about rape. Again, the beliefs don’t match the facts.


Because false accusations of rape are rare, it’s difficult to establish exactly how many there are given that so few rapes are actually reported. The best guess puts it somewhere between 2 and 8 per cent of all reports. It’s also worth noting that the very few cases where false allegations are made almost never have serious consequences for the man who was falsely accused (less than one percent of these reports resulted in charges being laid before the claims were found to be false). On the other hand, data from the Personal Safety Survey suggests over 85 percent of sexual assaults are not reported to police.

Edited extract from Fixed It: Violence and the Representation of Women in the Media by Jane Gilmore, published by Penguin Random House on 3 September, RRP $34.99

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