

This was published 3 years ago


Club members send wrong message not only to our daughters, but also our sons

I need to start by saying I love my grandfather very much, but he is of a different generation.

Before I went into teaching, I worked in the city at an advertising agency. He would call me from his chambers and ask over the phone if I was wearing a skirt, which, I agree, is a bit weird, but he knew it would be either a skirt, or jeans. Denim is not permitted at the Australian Club.

I would say no and suggest somewhere else for lunch, but a man in his late 80s is very set in his ways, and he’s allowed to be – he flew planes in the invasion of Normandy, a hero can go wherever he wants for his afternoon meal.

As a 20-something woman, I couldn’t bring myself to dine in a place that wouldn’t have me as a member. Oh, places can not have me as a member because I’m annoying, sure, but they can’t not have me as a member for being a woman, that’s not ok. We would end the call, I’d get up from my desk, fix my skirt – and get lunch on my own.

Only 37 per cent voted in favour of letting women become members at the Australian Club.

Only 37 per cent voted in favour of letting women become members at the Australian Club. Credit: Kate Geraghty

Some male-only institutions, or some progressive and numerate members of these institutions, are realising that their prospects improve when they can swiftly double their client base. I’m sure this is the kind of mathematical revelation Ancient Greeks would have needed many baths to figure out.


The failed vote to make the Australian Club accept female members last week was a ploy to shut down what appears would have been a slower and more considered debate on the matter, the how to do it and why to do it rather than a “so are we gunna or what?” approach that the club ended up taking.

While it may appear ridiculous that some institutions need to start committees to examine whether or not to add women to their cohorts, actually some thought does need to go into changing a culture. The alternative is to add women to the organisation and throw all the cultural problems at them until something sticks, like testing how well spaghetti is cooked by throwing it at the wall.

We know the addition of women to organisations makes them stronger. A Harvard Business Review article suggested that having women on a board meant that male CEOs were a bit less overconfident, which improved decision making in the company – and there wasn’t even the threat of throw pillows to contend with.


There will be grandstanding from some of the 37 per cent who voted for women to join the Australian Club, threatening to cancel their membership. The businessman Geoff Cousins has already quit. I don’t think that’s the answer; I think institutions get better when the good guys (and girls) stay.

However, it would be very hard to justify joining an organisation that does not admit women when you are the father of one, and it is pathetic that we scrape the bottom of the barrel of reasons to accept women by remembering some men only think about women as human when they have daughters. But that evidence is there: in Dr Rebecca Huntley’s book How to Talk About Climate Change In A Way That Makes A Difference she writes that teenage girls are the single most influential group in Australia.

It has been a year of shocking revelations about what it means to be girl or young woman in Australia today: from Brittany Higgins’ alleged rape in Parliament and Chanel Contos’ online petition into teen sexual assault bringing consent education to the fore, and an underlying disrespect to women simmering through domestic violence statistics and Jess Hill’s See What You Made Me Do series and book.

I would hate to be a man justifying to his daughter, daughter-in-law, partner or colleague that he supports feminism, but also wants to join the Australian Club. In the words of Australian of the Year, Grace Tame we “transform as individuals. And we do transform as a community”.

It seems we need more individuals to transform, and the Australian Club was founded for “individuals”, according to its own history.


I didn’t really care about all the hubbub about the Australian Club, because I’m not a member, and only members could vote. I can only hope they have an about turn in the next few months or fade into obscurity and irrelevance. Let the current members fight this out behind their closed doors, and the rest of us can roll our eyes at their inability to see the writing on the wall.

And either way, I can’t imagine a huge clamouring for the daughters of current members to join an organisation their fathers didn’t think they should be able to.

We often do things to honour our previous generations. For many, joining the Australian Club has been that, to satisfy the social expectations of their fathers and fathers-in-law, but I wonder what membership is saying to future generations, to their partners, daughters, and daughters-in-law, not to mention their sons.

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