

This was published 3 years ago

‘It doesn’t become about you any more’: Lara Worthington’s next act

By Genevieve Quigley

Lara wears Esse Studios coat, Seafolly “Seadive” swimsuit. All jewellery by Tiffany & Co (worn throughout).

Lara wears Esse Studios coat, Seafolly “Seadive” swimsuit. All jewellery by Tiffany & Co (worn throughout).Credit: Jake Terrey

Lara Worthington isn’t expecting me to see her face. Like many interviews in the past year, ours is taking place via video call but it starts with her appearing as just a set of initials on a black screen. When I point this out, she seems genuinely surprised we are going to be chatting using audio and video. Through my laptop, I hear her thinking out loud,
“I haven’t got any make-up on.”

This doesn’t stop her clicking to video mode, and soon her make-up-free yet flawless face appears with the familiar frown of someone trying to find the correct button to press. “I can see you,” I reassure her and she breaks into her signature smile. It really is no wonder she was cast in that famous Tourism Australia commercial back in 2006. Her face is the beach personified – beautiful, sunny, welcoming.

Since asking “So where the bloody hell are you?”, the country has followed Lara’s journey through relationships, scandals and a rather forgettable 2012 reality series, Being Lara Bingle.

In recent years, Lara, 33, has morphed into a businesswoman, style icon, wife to actor Sam Worthington, 44, a mother and far more private person. The couple have three children, Rocket, 6, Racer, 4, and a one-year-old boy reportedly named River (his arrival wasn’t formally announced). They work hard to keep their children out of the media, though in a surprising move Lara recently shared a photo on Instagram showing the back of her youngest son reaching for the kitchen bench, and the mum-of-three jokingly asking for a coffee.

As we begin our interview, a small child appears behind Lara in a manner reminiscent of the viral video of the “BBC dad” whose interview was interrupted by his four-year-old happily strutting into his office. Aware of how protective Lara is of her family’s privacy, I expect her to shoo him out of view, but instead she brings him in for a cuddle as he asks for a treat.

“Sorry, this is my son,” she says, introducing Racer. “He’s home from school today sick. Sorry, I told him I was doing this. ‘Racer, go into the playroom.’ He knows this is the time when he can get the gummies off me!”


But she has no need to apologise. Seeing Lara the mother in action is
not only heartwarming, but a rare insight into the woman she has become – relaxed, happy, content. With Racer now happily back in the playroom, we begin our chat …

Esse Studios coat, $1500. Seafolly maillot, $130.

Esse Studios coat, $1500. Seafolly maillot, $130. Credit: Jake Terrey

What are you working on right now?

I’m really proud to be the face of Seafolly at the moment. I saw the side of a bus the other day and my kids were like, “Mum, what are you doing on there?” That’s very nice.

I actually did a campaign with them when I was super young, I’d say like 16 – before my tourism commercial. When I started doing fittings at Seafolly recently, I realised the woman who is the head designer has been there the whole time. It’s been the nicest thing to start working back in Australia and be able to do it with such an iconic brand.

How does it feel to be back in Sydney?

In some ways it’s like I never left, but of course it’s different having my family here now. This is the first time we’ve been here all together, so it’s been nice to be able to see it through their eyes.


Do your boys love it here?

They’re loving it! They’re all in school, and we have a little routine going on with Sam and I both being able to work. The juggle is a lot, but it’s good.

How has your family been impacted by the pandemic?

If I can take anything positive from it, it’s that it’s been nice to slow down and reassess our lives. We were in LA from March last year to January this year, and there were times when we didn’t leave the house for over a month. I’d just had my newborn so it was such a weird time – but I also feel like I wouldn’t have done much anyway.

Esse Studios trench coat, 
$1450. Seafolly maillot, $130.

Esse Studios trench coat, $1450. Seafolly maillot, $130. Credit: Jake Terrey

How do you and Sam juggle it all? You make it look easy!

Does it look like that?! Every day is different but we are very much a routine family. I’ve been that routine mum since they were born and I think they thrive on it. I feel like it would be chaos if we weren’t in sync. I guess it also comes down to Sam and me. If we are in sync together, then it works.


Do you have days where the routine goes out the window?

Yes, like when they’re sick and you have to adapt, which is totally fine and that’s part of life. Those days make it more interesting. I’m pretty level-headed, so nothing really rattles me. I get enjoyment out of organising, and making things a bit simpler for them. But when it comes to me personally, that’s not the case. My wardrobe is chaos; my make-up bag is a mess.

How do you feel motherhood has changed you?

Having children is one of the most selfless things you can do. It doesn’t become about you any more – I’m probably fourth or fifth in line. It’s less about you and more about the family, as they’re babies and really need you. Sam and I try to get our time together but that’s probably only between 7pm and 10pm.

Do you ever feel outnumbered by all those boys?

Generally, I’d say I’m more of a tomboy than a girly girl, so that’s kind of a blessing. They are always playing soccer or basketball, or for some reason want to wrestle! Then I go to houses of friends who have girls and they’re just sitting there quietly drawing and I’m like, “Oh my gosh, this is amazing!” Sam is very much a kid himself, so I feel like between him and my brother, they all rile each other up. It’s quite chaotic but it’s nice.

Max Mara “Zaira” coat, $7560. Seafolly maillot, $150.

Max Mara “Zaira” coat, $7560. Seafolly maillot, $150. Credit: Jake Terrey


How would you describe your personal style these days?

I would say ’90s all the way. I’m very much out of the sweats and hoodies.
I have made a conscious effort to put that aside and actually get dressed.
I love fashion and clothes and getting dressed up. It makes me feel good, even if it’s just to go down to the shops.

How do you keep fit and healthy?

It’s definitely about the food – it’s 80 per cent of everything. I’ve been vegetarian for about six years now. Actually, the whole family is vegetarian. My children have never eaten meat.

They’ve never had a sausage?

[Laughing] No, never had a sausage!


And what exercise do you do?

I invest in a treadmill in any place I stay and walk every day for about 10 kilometres. I used to do a lot more running and high-intensity training but it just wasn’t working for me. I like being a bit calmer. I do Fluidform Pilates, which I love. I go early, while everyone is still asleep, then come back and do all the school stuff for the boys.

Esse Studios trench coat, 
$1450. Seafolly maillot, $130.

Esse Studios trench coat, $1450. Seafolly maillot, $130. Credit: Jake Terrey

Has your relationship with your body changed with age and motherhood?

I just don’t worry as much any more. I’m way less self-conscious, unless it’s for a specific job, like the Seafolly campaign – I trained really hard for that. I will be really honest and tell you that when I gave birth, I was into the gym in my house in LA a week later because I knew this campaign was coming up. I thought, “Oh my god, what am I doing? I’m 33, I’ve had three kids and I’m doing a swimwear campaign!” But it gave me that challenge, which I loved.


What does the ideal Sunday look like in the Worthington house?

I always say “Sunday is the day of rest” and I often don’t go anywhere. I like to stay at home because I feel like the week has been so much. We’re all working and going to school. My star sign is Cancer, so I’m very much a homebody and Sam is probably more of a homebody than me. So Sunday is “OK, you don’t leave the house.”

Photographer Jake Terrey. Fashion editor Penny McCarthy. Hair Joel Forman. Make-up Stoj using Charlotte Tilbury. Fashion assistant Emmerson Conrad.

This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale May 30. To read more from Sunday Life, visit The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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