

This was published 4 years ago

Alice McCall: 'One minute I’m rubbing shoulders with Beyoncé ... then I’m counting money to catch the Tube'

By Benjamin Law

Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given. This week he talks to Alice McCall. The UK-born Australian fashion designer, 45, launched her eponymous label in 2004 and is now stocked in 36 countries. Fans of her outfits include Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Jennifer Lopez and Kylie Minogue.

Alice McCall: "One of my core values manifests in creating garments that are not disposable, and therefore not fast fashion."

Alice McCall: "One of my core values manifests in creating garments that are not disposable, and therefore not fast fashion."Credit: James Brickwood


What do you love most about your job, and what do you hate about it? I genuinely love designing clothes. Nothing makes me happier than when I’ve created a garment and a customer has worn it and shares her experience with me. She might have got married in it, or her bridesmaids are wearing the dresses, or a girl has worn it to her 18th. There’s this really genuine emotional connection. I also love being a leader and being responsible for creating this business that gives people jobs. Responsibility can also be stressful.

Does it ever get to you? It can. Let’s be honest: it’s tough out there. It’s stressful. Communication is key; making quick, right decisions is key. Then looking after myself in these times of stress, because it takes a toll on my body.

You moved to London when you were 19 and worked there as a stylist for a decade before returning to Australia and founding your label in 2004. What were the London years like financially? Up and down. When you’re a freelance anything, you don’t necessarily know when your next job’s coming in. One minute I’m rubbing shoulders with Beyoncé, styling Destiny’s Child for their record launch, then two weeks later I’m counting money to catch the Tube and only being able to eat baked potatoes. It’s character-building. You need to relinquish ego. But I always loved living in London. It felt raw. I felt that creativity from the street, and that has always stayed with me.


What were the biggest mistakes you made in the business early on? Cash flow is imperative. I had a financial hurdle in year three, but I managed to get a loan and pay it back.

What’s your definition of success outside of money? Happiness, and understanding that happiness is a forever-changing emotion.

If you had a million dollars to blow in one day, what would you spend it on? Wow. Maybe 70 per cent on a children’s charity, 30 per cent on home stuff for my two daughters and … I’d want a handbag and a few designer shoes, too, but not many!



Fashion is political. How do you maintain values and ethics in your work? One of my core values manifests in creating garments that are not disposable, and therefore not fast fashion. There’s sustainability in durability. I hear frequently, when someone has invested in one of my garments, “I’ve kept it”; “I’ve kept it for a decade”; “I’ve handed it down to my sister or my daughter.” It doesn’t become landfill. When I’m using “poly” fabrics, they’re recycled. And we’ve now gone to biodegradable packaging. With regard to the factories in China we use, it’s visiting
them and having that transparency.

You’re across the workings of all of your factories in China? On every level of my business. At one of my factories, the manager grows organic vegetables on the roof and uses the produce to feed the workers breakfast and lunch.

The models in your runway shows are culturally diverse. Is that something you specifically advocate? Absolutely. My customer base is very diverse, and diversity is something I’ve always embraced and encouraged. For me it’s a way of life.

What about other aspects of diversity, such as age and body shape? Our range is from size 4 to 14. We have a very big Asian demographic, who are somewhat more petite, so it’s about demand and supply. It’s governed by the consumer.

I’m about to ask you three of the most politically divisive questions, according to the ABC, in Australia now. First, are there more than two genders? Yes!

Should we move the date of Australia Day? Ab-so-bloody-lutely.

Is smacking a child ever appropriate? F…king hell, these questions, oh my goodness! [Thinks] I’d ideally try to abstain from smacking a child. Better to talk through something. An explanation is always going to take you to a better outcome than a slap.


Fashion is by definition about what comes and goes. How do you avoid death in this industry? The key thing is to be innovative and not be a sheep. Know the true DNA of your brand and disregard trends. Get busy knowing what makes you stand apart.

How do you feel about ageing and dying? One of the things people say they fear the most is death, because it’s the unknown. But I’m an extremely spiritual person, and I sit comfortably with the unknown, I really do. I don’t know if I can say this or not, but I once had an extremely powerful experience with ayahuasca [a plant-based psychedelic that originated in South America] – it’s legal in certain countries.


My journey using it involved relinquishing ego and throwing away what we regard as this existence; it allowed me to be even more comfortable with death. I’m aware of ageing, and those interesting hormonal changes. It’s all about the awareness of the moment, and what’s important to you – in my case, my family and my children.

You’re a fashion designer. Is there an outfit you’d like to be buried in? [Laughs] It would have to be white. I love wearing whites and creams. Actually, what I’m wearing as I’m talking to you is not too bad. A beautiful Victorian silk negligée and some jeans. Not that I want to die right now; I’ve got a lot more to do!

To read more from Good Weekend magazine, visit our page at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Brisbane Times.

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